Dragon Tamer

Chapter 263: Armistice

Hu Bailing and Hu Chongming looked at Li Yunzi in surprise.

Zhu Weicai, the leader of the bronze sword army who had just joined in, also opened his eyes wide, looking at Li Yunzi.

"Leaving Sichuan, isn't it the new land that was merged into the Ji Ting Continent not long ago?" said Junshi Yao.

"Are you the female national teacher who broke through the capital of Ruiguo?"

In the ruler level, the legendary battle of Lichuan Dadi has been spread for a long time, even in the western border of the dynasty, people in the ruler field of them have heard of it.

"I really didn't expect it to be a long time!" Zhu Wei of the Bronze Sword Army quickly handed over.

With a backward civilization and a small number of troops, we defeated the Rui Guo backed by the dynasty, and allowed Lichuan to become an independent state, and be blessed by the powers and the dynasty. This is not something everyone can do!

After Hu's brothers and sisters knew the identity of Li Yunzi, their eyes shone even more.

With such a legendary ruler, this Runyu City can definitely be revived!

But after thinking about it carefully, I felt something was wrong.

There are only a few of them in this group.

Even a reputable ruler without a military guard under his hands can hardly win the battle!

"However, your army is tens of thousands of miles away. If we declare our ownership right now, it would be equivalent to giving the Brown Spears a chance to declare war on us. After all, this is a national war zone, and any national forces can interact with each other. Fighting is not subject to imperial laws." Hu Bailing said.

"From Sichuan to here, even if the army is dispatched, it will take half a year, let alone say, we can summon some warlord, war front, war heroes from the surrounding areas, but we don't know how many people have enough money. The fee charged for the title of Warlord Dragon Shepherd is very high." Zhu Weicai said.

"What do these titles mean?" Zhu Minglang asked.

"You are also a Dragon Shepherd, don't you know?" Zhu Wei was puzzled.

"I belong to a force, and I don't know much about what the ruling class calls Dragon Shepherd." Zhu Minglang said.

In any war, there will be dragon shepherds.

The dragon shepherd can play the greatest value in the war, after all, every carefully cultivated dragon can play an unparalleled role in the war.

"Generally, the city-state level and the state-state level conferred the honorary titles of the dragon shepherd who wandered in the battlefield during the war. They are the shadow of war, the front of war, the hero of war, and the most famous hunter of the country. This brown land is the country. In the war zone, the most indispensable is the dragon shepherd who has experienced many battles, but these dragon shepherds only work for gold." Zhu Weicai said.

Zhu Weicai has been in this brown land for many years, and he has encountered many strong people.

Some dragon shepherd teams, although only a dozen or twenty people, are worthy of their three thousand elite bronze sword army, and can even wipe out their bronze sword army without any effort.

Therefore, Zhu Weicai was quite in awe of those dragon shepherds, especially those with the title of war, who in the true sense resisted the army!

"In my team, several people also have titles. The highest is me, but I haven't won the title of war hero either." Hu Chongming pointed to himself with a wry smile.

"How much is the commission for a Dragon Shepherd named Zhanxiong?" Zhu Minglang asked casually.

"It's about the same as our 3,000 Bronze Swordsmen, but they only fought one battle, unlike our life around the clock." Zhu Weicai also said helplessly.

Although they make the same amount of money, their Bronze Swordsmen are hired for a long time.

The Dragon Shepherd can vote for one vote, and the Dragon Shepherd team can only have one or two hundred people at most. Their bronze sword army has 3,000 people, and everyone won't have too many hands.

In the end, it's hard work!

"We cannot declare belonging. Once we declare our belonging, we are equivalent to the fifth state in Tawny Land. Tawny Land is a national war zone. If we become the fifth state, we will be forced to join the national war. The other four A country doesn’t need any reason to attack us. This brings us to an unmanageable level.” Hu Bailing suddenly shook his head, feeling that this method would do more harm than good.

"Belonging to Tu Guo will also be invaded by other countries. Once Tu Guo loses in the next national war, our Runyu City will have a change of ownership, and another army will be stationed in the city." Yao Junshi said.

"In fact, the biggest problem with Runyu City is not the bully forces in the city. It is mainly the national war. Once the national war starts, the newly established order of Runyu City will be trampled by the new ruler." Zhu Wei of the army sighed.

Civil war……

The culprit who trampled on Runyu City was the war of the country.

The four countries have been changing hands because of the war to and fro. Even if Zhu Minglang and others have a foothold here, it’s hard to say what the future rulers’ temperament will be. They are likely to rejuvenate them through hard work. Runyu City was destroyed.

"By the way, I remember that the dynasty has a law. Lichuan has been in the armistice before the New Year’s Day. If any country initiates a war on the land of the Lichuan State before the New Year’s Day, it will be subject to the Supreme Court. The sanctions, Yun Zi, do you want to take advantage of this one?" Zhu Minglang suddenly remembered this and said to Li Yunzi.

"Well, Runyu City is going to develop, and it will be affected by the national war in a short time." Li Yunzi nodded.

This dynasty law is authoritative.

As long as it exists, then the power in this brown land, Shenfan Academy, will become the regulator and will not allow any state or city to launch a war against Runyu City.

In this way, as long as they expel other malignant tumors in the city, Runyu City will have a season of calm development.

National war exemption for three months!

Not to mention being able to dispatch the female monarch military and guards, at least you can have time to recruit troops and hire masters to prepare for the stability of Runyu City!

Moreover, the fifty thousand Brown Spear Army is a slaughter team, they must unconditionally withdraw from Runyu City, otherwise it will be regarded as an invasion.

The dynasty is beyond its reach, but Shenfan Academy is standing on this brown earth, and they will not sit idly by!

"Using the current armistice protection law of Lichuan State, let Shenfan Academy become our umbrella~www.wuxiaspot.com~ This method is wonderful, wonderful!!!" Junshi Yao patted his thigh and exclaimed.

Stopped the national war.

Also drove away the largest cancer stationed in Runyu City-Tu Guo's 50,000 army!

The first expulsion decree rectifies Runyu City.

Article 2 declares ownership and sends away the massacre army effortlessly.

Independence from the four countries, but also blessed by the armistice.

The mess of Runyu City is like a piece of dry and cracked dead soil, nourished by a trace of rain, which makes people see that it is glowing with vitality!

Suddenly, the Hu family's elder brothers and sisters became emotional, and even Zhu Weicai, the leader of the bronze sword army who had just joined, felt something surging in his chest. When they looked at the national teacher Li Yunzi, they couldn't help but reveal how Admire it!

They exhausted everything they could not solve a huge obstacle.

People can solve it in a simple sentence!

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