Dragon Tamer

Chapter 266: Funeral


The previous ruined mansion has been destroyed by the group of people from Longmaying.

It just so happened that Yang Beicheng was already vacant. The environment here is much better than the previous broken lanes. Just a little bit of finishing and decoration will make it very comfortable.

First, a Runyu Building was set up to discuss the future development of this sloppy city, and then an elegant, comfortable and peaceful poplar mansion was chosen to settle down the family.

"In this way, in a month, we can take the seal of the city lord." Zhu Minglang said.

"It's a good place to stay. I like the climate here." Nan Yusuo was holding some sliced ​​cucumbers and feeding them to the fairy rabbit and dragon Xiao Chang'e piece by piece.

Little Chang'e chewed it so crumbly, the two plump cheeks were so cute that they wanted to pinch.

"Let's take a look at Mubang and see if there are any good rewards?" Zhu Minglang has nothing to do, and plans to find some work.

Zhu Minglang is not a person who is good at managing the city, let alone there are so many subordinates at the moment, do they have to run errands for the city lord if they are not busy for this city?

Similarly, Lai Yunzi has no interest in the management of the city.

She is only responsible for taking down the city and formulating the strategic direction, and the rest is the affairs of the officials of the city.

The Hu family brothers and sisters are naturally better at rebuilding this Runyu City than them, and they are in high spirits, as if they have been reborn, and have not slept for several consecutive nights.

"Okay, the smell of blood is everywhere in this city. Whether you go out to get some air, I'll call my sister." Nan Yusuo has been panicking for a while.

She didn't participate in the fighting in the city.

At the beginning of the Zulongcheng Gang, Nan Lingsha and Nan Yusuo, as the leaders of the Nan clan, basically lived in the Dragon Trainer Academy. They were more concerned about the affairs of the academy. The affairs of the entire Nan clan, they I don't even bother to take a look.

The wooden list of Runyu City is actually quite special.

What it posts is not just the rewards of Runyu City, but the appointments and rewards of all countries in the entire Tawny Land. Many of them are worth hundreds of thousands or even more than one million.

On the one hand, Zhu Minglang needs to take Fang Niannian to purchase dragon grains in other countries, and on the other hand, the savings are being consumed quickly. Considering that there are only four dragon pets in his own right now, he should reserve more milk powder money!


In the extremely chaotic stage of Runyu City, there are still many people in the city, relying on different abilities to make a living, now they have a clear affiliation, and with the order, you can see that the number of people walking in the city has increased significantly.

At this moment, the Bronze Sword Army has been scattered throughout the city, temporarily serving as the city's stability maintenance officers and soldiers. Once there are bad behaviors such as killing, grabbing, and fighting, they will appear and deal with it in time.

After all, it is a city that is about to degenerate into a city of sin, and it is impossible to restore people's livelihood without violence.

"City Lord, Female Monarch."

"City Lord, Female Monarch."

Members of the Bronze Sword Army recognized Zhu Minglang and his party, and the patrolling Bronze Sword Army members would salute them respectfully.

When we arrived at Mubang, it was still overcrowded.

Among them, there were several acquaintances who were exactly the dragon herder hunters who had been cleaned up by Zhu Minglang.

This time, they dared not clamor for Zhu Minglang to take down and share the three million bounty.

Seeing Zhu Minglang coming, everyone consciously gave way. After these days of baptism, everyone now knows who is in charge of this city. To make a living under other people’s territory, no matter how safe it is Be polite.

"What are you discussing, is there a higher price than me?" Zhu Minglang asked.

Among the crowd, a person with a blue nose and a swollen face stood up and said pitifully, "I wish the city lord, there have been a large number of sang dragons in Lihuagou. The entire tribe of Lihuagou is trapped and may become food for the sanglong at any time. Rescue appointments are being issued to various countries, but the dragons are fierce, and they are still social creatures. Not everyone dares to go."

"Oh, this land used to be the lair of the Sanglong. It was finally cleared and wiped out. I didn't expect it to be revived now."

"Sanglong is too cruel, and it is very hostile to us humans. You must bite when you see it alive. Recently, the sanglong has begun to wander the brown land, and we hunters dare not walk around casually."

Lost the dragon.

After Zhu Minglang entered Runyu City, he had heard of this dragon species more than once.

These people sighed when they heard the dragon, and some of them looked flustered, as if they had had a terrible experience.

What kind of dragons is the dragon? This made Zhu Minglang interested. Even some hunters who specialize in hunting monsters and dragons and beasts talked about the discoloration of tigers. How terrible is the dragon?

"When I went out just now, I heard the Hu family quarreling about this matter." Fang Niannian said.

"What are you arguing about?"

"It seems that Hu Bailing said that he wanted to take the people under his hands to kill the Sanglong, but his brother Hu Chongming said that he should stabilize Runyu City before he can take care of the other things, probably these," Fang Niannian said.

"Hu Bailing should be very familiar with Sanglong. This rescue offers a reward without a price. However, since no one dares to accept it, it should be in line with our status and level." Zhu Minglang said.

Today, Zhu Minglang is a man offering a reward of three million gold.

There are not so many rewards, Zhu Minglang will have to hum gently!


Runyu City now needs manpower~www.wuxiaspot.com~ It is reasonable for Hu Chongming not to let his sister take people out.

It just so happens that Zhu Minglang is idle, not to mention that, as a dragon shepherd, dealing with evil dragons is simply a bounden duty. Zhu Minglang also wants to see the sage dragon who has made countless forces fearful of the brown earth!

"Lihuagou is not far from us. It is rich in aquatic gems and inhabits a relatively ancient and semi-hidden tribe. The Lihuagou has a complex mountain shape, surrounded by ditch streams, countless underground rivers and caves, and there are many weird and vicious monsters, except for their own tribe. Few people are willing to go there. Probably when they swept the tea-colored earth, a group of mourning dragons hid in their Lihuagou. After years of recuperation, they have grown stronger, so the people of the Lihuagou tribe suffered. Seedlings." Hu Bailing knows the situation of Lihuagou very well, and he seems to have been there.

"How many people are in the Lihuagou tribe?" Zhu Minglang asked.

"Twenty to thirty thousand people, they have seven big cottages, and each big cottage has dozens of villages. Although the overall strength is not weak, after all, ordinary villagers have no ability to protect themselves. They are afraid that they have been eaten by the dragon. There are thousands of people." Hu Bailing said.

"Then let's set off as soon as possible. At any rate, we are our neighbors," Zhu Minglang said.

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