Dragon Tamer

Chapter 267: Lihuagou


   No matter how many times it is trampled, no matter how much blood is infiltrated, the ground is still covered with lush green and yellow flowers, and occasionally a large area of ​​flowers that can only be seen in spring and summer can be seen.

  The Shenmu Qingshenglong waved its huge wings, and its plumage was bright, like a sacred blue luan, soaring in the long autumn sky, showing a bit of sage and domineering.

   Zhu Minglang looked down on the ground and saw many monsters wandering.

The brown earth has green grass all year round. There are no big rivers, but there are countless streams, ponds, and flocks of wild cattle and sheep everywhere. The monsters relying on these beasts for food are also flooded, especially near Lihua The terrain in this area of ​​the ditch is complex and changeable, and the living creatures that inhabit are even more diverse.

   From small rabbits, squirrels, and mountain deer to large dragons, monster kings, and demon heads, it can be said that they form a fairly complete food chain.

   This also means that ordinary hunters, farmers, woodcutters, dragon shepherds and mortals with special skills can get what they want here.

   Originally, Zhu Minglang planned to find clues to the dragon's cave and wanted to rob some of the dragon's cave to keep his wealth, but it is said that Lihuagou itself is a treasure, and Zhu Minglang's interest in this place is even stronger.

   As long as it is not a long-distance flight, the endurance of the Shenmu Qingshenglong can still be maintained.

   But after arriving at Lihuagou, I can no longer fly easily.

   After all, without knowing this lofty mountain, God knows if there will be a 10,000-year-old monster, a creature of the Holy Spirit level, Zhu Minglang should be a little strenuous to deal with it now.

   Following the winding stream, the group of them began to walk deep into Lihuagou.

   After a short while away, Zhu Minglang finally understands why few people come to this rich and oily Lihuagou, and it is still safe and sound under the Shikoku iron hoof...

This mountain road is too complicated. If you are not careful, you may fall into bottomless caves, poisonous valleys, and undercurrents. It is impossible for the army to enter Lihuagou. Those who are familiar with the path will probably get lost in this hundred revolutions. In the ravine!

   Lihuagou, there is indeed a taste of isolation from the world, how could someone come to the outside world to ask for help, even the road to Lihuagou can't be found!

   Fortunately, Hu Bailing knew it.

   When she was a child, she went to Lihuagou more than once. There was one of her playmates. Although she hadn't seen her for many years, she still had a deep relationship.

She took Zhu Minglang and her team over an unknown number of mountains, through an unknown number of caves and rivers, and some hidden passages were even between the mountains, and even in the dense and invisible vine valley, Zhu Ming Lang is now the most worried about not losing the dragon, but how to get back...

   "Lihuagou, just ahead." Hu Bailing himself walked out of breath.

   "I heard you say this for the fourth time." Zhu Minglang smiled bitterly.

   It's nightfall. Zhu Minglang is a little tired. When he was about to stop and rest, he vaguely saw a light at the end of the valley ahead.

   I wish Minglang hurriedly walked to a place with a wider view, and saw countless cottage lights intertwined into a very splendid star pool, which reflected the stars in the sky, and was very beautiful in this twilight mountain.

   has finally arrived!

   Zhu Minglang and the others also quickened their pace and walked towards the first cottage in Lihuagou.

Before arriving at the gate of the cottage, huge trees as thick as ancient pine were tied tightly together with huge rattan ropes to form a rather strong giant wall gate, which was blocked by this slowly rising long. On the road, but on both sides are cliffs rising from the ground, covered with snow pear trees...

   The scale of this gate, if you say it is a fortress, Zhu Minglang believes it!

   I didn’t see that this group of semi-reclusive tribes even built such a fortified wall. Obviously, they are not defending against the greedy troops of various countries, but the terrible creatures that inhabit this treasure mountain like them!

   "Who is here?" a young man wearing an animal fur hat asked on the towering giant wooden wall.

   "We are from Runyu City. We have received a rescue appointment to help you eliminate the Dragon." Hu Bailing replied loudly.

   "Let's open a crack in the door, you come in quickly, the funeral dragon is nearby, watching us." The young man in the fur cap said.

   The giant door is not opened slowly, but the plants entwined on it are controlled by some kind of manipulation, slowly spreading out the gap that one can pass.

   Zhu Minglang was a little bit confused. He didn’t smell the breath of dragons just now when he walked all the way. Instead, he felt that this mountain was quite quiet, and even some self-righteous demon spirits and demon spirits did not appear...

   It stands to reason that when a group of people like them walks in this kind of mountain, they will still be targeted by some cannibals.


   There are no demons wandering, it is not a good thing!

   That's because the weaker monsters are aware of this more dangerous creature, so they dare not go out hunting!

   A gap appeared in the huge wooden door, and some flames fell out.

   At this moment, under the dim cliff, a pair of greedy and vicious eyes suddenly lit up, like a beast that always hides in one place, waiting for the prey to pass in front of it.

   Its eyes are staring at the crack of the door, as if there is endless food in the crack of the door, and the curled up anger and evil spirit are like a storm blowing over! !

"come on in!!"

  The young man in the fur hat shouted.

Zhu Minglang was at the end, and the others quickly passed through the gap between the vines on the wooden door. When he was about to step in, Zhu Minglang discovered that the vines were growing quickly and entangled together, and they actually closed the door. Close it tightly!

  "There is another person~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Fang Niannian is in it, exclaiming angrily.

   Nan Yu Suo was about to retreat when he found that the wooden door had been completely sealed.

   "I will save him, but the door must not be opened!" At this moment, the young man on the top said.

   "Why can't you drive, that guy is still so far away."

   "The breath of the dragon is toxic and harmless to people, but it is extremely polluting to water sources." Hu Bailing said at this time.

   "Don't worry about me, I will lose the dragon for a while." At this time, Zhu Minglang's voice came from the thick wall.

   "The one from the high place, don't go down, this one outside is our city lord, he is very strong." Hu Bailing said.

   "Strong? It seems that you don't know anything about these lost dragons."

   Outside the wall of the cottage, Zhu Minglang stood under the door. The mourning dragon was not as huge as he had imagined. Its size was only equivalent to the tiger in the ordinary mountain forest.

   But the more such a creature, the greater the threat to people.

   And Zhu Minglang is a little confused.

   This guy is obviously hiding under the cliff. He even passed by not far from where it was hidden just now. Why can it escape its own perception?

   Nan Yu Suo didn't find it either.

   You know, their cultivation is all of the monarch level!

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