Dragon Tamer

Chapter 268: Multiple ambushes


   Sanglong made a cry like a furnace agitation, and it could be seen that its chest cavity was squirming rapidly, and it seemed that something was spreading from its chest and lungs to its limbs!

   Its limbs are as strong as a leopard. When the weird power is transmitted here, its whole body exudes a terrifying and cold breath, and even those eyes are blooming with magic light.

   Shenmu Qingshenglong stood in front of Zhu Minglang. Around it, countless blue vines were slowly growing, and the power of prosperity was covering the earth it touched.


   Sanglong was dispatched, and its whole body was enveloped by a black shadow. The shadow made it attack very strangely, like an evil bat, rushing towards its prey in the night!

   Shenmu Qingshenglong erected a wall of vines. The wall of vines was actually a little slower, causing the mourning dragon to pass over.

   Shenmu Qingshenglong hurriedly waved its wings and prepared to take off. At this time, Zhu Minglang said, "I can't escape."

If the Shenmu Qingshenglong is now in the air, it will be directly bitten by the neck by the Sanglong, and this creature has amazing bite force at first glance. Once a creature bitten by its fangs, they will never loosen unless they die. .

   Shenmu Qingshenglong no longer soars, but fiercely flapped its wings, opened the rocks and soil on the ground, and hit this fierce mourning dragon.

The Sanglong moved strangely and could run on a vertical cliff. It avoided the gravel that had swept over it, and then jumped directly from one side of the cliff to the other side. During the extreme time, it changed its angle and suddenly ejected and dived. Sharp claws cut the throat!

The Shenmu Qingshenglong simply did not retreat, and rushed directly. With the blood of the forest dragon, it was not afraid of such close combat. Many parts of its body were woody and extremely hard, but its claws held the dragon. The sharpness and flexibility of predators.

It first used its body to bear the claws of the Sanglong, and then immediately used its claws to tear the Sanglong’s back. The Sanglong was quite flexible and slippery like a loach. It flipped and twisted on the Shenmu Qingshenglong. The incredible crawling way rushed to Shenmu Qingshenglong's head, and his claws pierced Shenmu Qingshenglong's eyes.

The vines that grew out of Shenmu Qingshenglong's body can't bind the dragon, but the dragon seems to know Jiu-Jitsu, knowing how to use the advantages of body shape to continuously entangle the larger dragon, and then viciously attack the eyes, The fragile parts of the throat and under the wings.

   Cunning, treacherous, fierce!

This is Zhu Minglang’s evaluation of the Sanglong. Obviously, the cultivation base is not as good as the Shenmu Qingshenglong, but this Sanglong still brings great troubles to the Shenmu Qingshenglong. If it weren’t for the overall head of the Shenmu Qingshenglong, it also showed wood attributes. Its eyelids are tougher than ordinary dragon beasts, and Shenmu Qingshenglong has become a cyclops.

   "This thing is weird." Zhu Minglang has been observing, trying to find out some of the weaknesses of this dragon, otherwise the Shenmu Qingshenglong will suffer a big loss before the realm of Shenmu Qingshenglong has completely spread.

   At this moment, Zhu Minglang suddenly felt a cold on the back of his neck, and an extremely bad premonition surged to the point that he had goose bumps all over his body.

   Behind Zhu Minglang, at the blind corner between the tall wooden wall door and the cliff, a bat ghost is slowly emerging, and a pair of cold and vicious eyes is staring at Zhu Minglang unsuspectingly.

   There is also a lost dragon!

   is hiding next to him!

  The mourning dragon that fought with the Shenmu Qingshenglong was just attracting his attention and making sure he had no other defenses!

   Zhu Minglang couldn't help but feel flustered. He didn't even consider that since a lost dragon can escape his own perception, there might be a second and third one!

   Another pair of eyes, like a poisonous snake hidden under the vines of the cliff, appeared on the other side of Zhu Minglang.

   I wish you a bright and terrifying surprise!

   I only had time to summon a dragon pet in the spiritual realm...

   And even the sword spirit dragon, I am afraid that it can only block the attack of one of the dragons at this moment, and the positions of the two disguised and hidden dragons ambush are very sinister!

  The Dragon Shepherd cannot summon two dragons at the same time.

  A spirit appointment corresponds to a mark, Zhu Minglang can only summon the sword spirit dragon at this moment, not the thundercang tyrannosaurus...


   At this moment, Bingchen Bailong, who was in the bloodline reshaping, opened his eyes fiercely, as if he had sensed Zhu Minglang's crisis.

Zhu Minglang hurriedly replaced the Lingyue, and slapped the Bingchen map on the palm of his hand to the ground. An frost storm swept across the map beneath his feet, and the freezing cold instantly turned everything in a radius of 100 meters into ice. body!

   The powerful ice breath couldn't stop the attack of the two dragons. They attacked from two completely different directions and angles, so Zhu Minglang had to turn sideways and stare back and forth at their actions.

   Bingchen white dragon descended from the frost map, and its countless feathers fell down like a fairy bird.

  Cold eyes staring at the second mourning dragon on the left and back of Zhu Minglang. This mourning dragon has a significantly higher cultivation base, and the terrifying bat ghost image on his body gives people a shuddering sense of fear!

   his eyes condensed, but it was like a sudden cold disaster in the polar region, instantly sealing the mountains and the earth in thick ice crystals.

   The dragon flew into the air, but his body turned into an ice sculpture in mid-air, and then it smashed heavily at the feet of Bingchen Bailong.

  At the same time, another mourning dragon is already very close~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Its target is not the Bingchen White Dragon, but the wishing bright.

   There is a large white feather in front of Zhu Minglang. It is the storm phantom feather. It is the feather that is constantly strengthened as Xiaobaiqi grows, and its power is not small.

   However, these sharp feathers almost cut off half of the dragon's body, and the dragon's fangs still gnawed towards Zhu Minglang!

   Zhu Minglang only then noticed that the weird shadow seems to have given the zombie dragon the power like a zombie dead man, even if they cut their body without a piece of flesh left, their bones will bite at the living!


   A slender tail, turned into a white shadow, stung as fierce as a scorpion, and stabbed the half-length head of the dragon with great precision!

   The head of the mourning dragon was directly penetrated, and the toxins of death and decay and icy air spread in an instant, causing the ghost image attached to this mourning dragon to disappear instantly, and the fangs and fierce skull quickly turned into a skeleton!

   A few bones flew over, and Zhu Minglang had cold sweat on his neck.

   In such a short time, the two mourning dragons that were close at hand were killed in seconds. I am afraid that only Xiao Bai could do it. Fortunately, the sword spirit dragon was not summoned.

Because even if the sword spirit dragon kills them, the two mourning dragons will bite themselves with their lives in a different place. Most creatures will explode horrible treacherousness before they die, not to mention this weirdness. Lost the dragon!

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