Dragon Tamer

Chapter 269: Killing instinct

   I wish Ming Lang a lingering heart.

   In fact, all of this happened in just a few seconds. Zhu Minglang would never have thought that such a monarch-level dragon shepherd would almost have an accident under the trap of a few dragons!

   Sure enough, in this nature, no matter what level of creatures they are in, they should maintain a heart of awe. They are weak but overflowing. Why are they powerful, and why all the monsters around here dare not come and go, there are reasons!

   The giant wooden door reopened a gap, and Zhu Minglang walked into it slowly.

  He was still immersed in the terrible three dragons, and the guards of Lihuagou near the Muzhai gate looked at Zhu Minglang like monsters!

   There are also many strong men in Lihuagou, including the mortal and the dragon shepherd, but even if they form a team and plan carefully, it is extremely difficult to kill a dragon.

   This visitor killed three ambushing dragons without everyone reacting to it!

   What a powerful guest! !

   should be warmly received! !

   "He killed three mourning dragons, he killed three mourning dragons!"

   I don't know who in the stockade first shouted out such a loud voice, and then people around the stockade gathered around, as if they were treating a hero!

   I wish Minglang people are also dizzy.

   Looking at the incredible reaction of these people, it is not that I almost overturned the ship in the gutter, but that these dragons are indeed extremely difficult to deal with, and it is extremely difficult to kill them!

   "This is the new city owner of Runyu City. I came to help you after seeing your Lihuagou rescue book." Hu Bailing also hurriedly introduced to the people in the first village of Lihuagou.

"I wish you warriors, thank you so much. If it weren't for your coming, we wouldn't even know that there were three Demon Shadow Dragons ambushing in front of our door. You saved our patrol team the next day!" , An uncle with a pleated face came, holding Zhu Minglang's hand, and kept expressing gratitude.

   Zhu Ming Lang glanced at the side and found a group of patrol members composed of 20 young men and women, as well as the young man in the fur hat who was interrogating at the gate.

   "These lost dragons are really scary," Zhu Minglang said.

   Obviously, these people in Lihuagou No.1 Village didn't know that the Sanglong was in front of them.

   And every day when dawn breaks, they will send a team of people to patrol the cliffs near the stockade. Sanglong seems to have mastered the patrol rules of their stockade and intends to ambush this group.

  Unfortunately, I wish Minglang and his party will visit when night falls...

   It is extremely frightening to think about it. These mourning dragons did not attack when a group of people passed by. They obviously realized that there were many high-cultivation people in this group, and they might be all counter-killed if they attacked rashly.

   The moment they choose to open the wooden door, they appear when only one or two people are left outside. The goal is very clear, that is, to kill the last one in the team!

   Such meticulous thoughts and such skillful hunting cooperation are more terrifying than some well-trained killers!

   Even some simple-minded and inexperienced humans seem a little stupid in front of their wisdom.

"Sang dragons are natural hunters. They are born to kill. According to the saying from the Holy See, the dragons used to serve the death gods. They have the blood of slaughter flowing in their bones. Most other creatures are born in the world to survive. , For the sake of evolution, for reproduction, and mourning for the purpose of killing, any living creatures are prey in their eyes, even if they die together, they will not hesitate to rush on." said the middle-aged uncle with a pleated face. .

   Including human beings, the first instinct is survival.

  The first instinct of the dragon is to kill.

   How could this kind of dragon not let all souls in this world be frightened? It's no wonder the people in Runyu City sighed when they heard the dragon, showing deep fear.

   I wish Minglang had experienced it firsthand.

   They do nothing to kill themselves.

   Even in the face of the Shenmu Qingshenglong and Bingchen Bailong whose cultivation base is high from them, he will not hesitate.

   This kind of killing instinct is already against the survival laws of nature, but the wisdom of the dragon is still very high, it is a social creature.

   In Zhu Minglang's view, if the Lihuagou is weaker and less aware of prevention, it won't be long before tens of thousands of people in the entire Lihuagou will become bones!

   "The former Sanglong didn't seem to be so scary." Hu Bailing frowned and said.

   "This generation of dragons is stronger than in the past. They seem to have evolved even more bizarre hunting skills. Have you seen the magic shadow? It's something you didn't have before." said the uncle.

"In addition, there are other sang dragons with other abilities, such as the filthy night sang dragon. Their breath will spread in the water source, turning all drinkable water into a kind of venom. Once someone drinks this water, Not only can he not maintain his life, but he will also become delirious and do something to help the dragon kill people." said the young man in the animal fur cap.

   "Polluting water sources, confusing people?" Nan Yusuo asked in surprise.

   These two abilities seldom appear in monsters and demons. What kind of blood are these dragons and why they inherit such terrible power?

   Pollution of water sources.

   This ability is simply vicious to the extreme.

  Any creature cannot do without water, no matter how powerful a creature is, it must take in enough water within three days, otherwise it will be difficult to display its powers.

  In other words, as long as this stockade accidentally breaks into a dirty night funeral dragon~www.wuxiaspot.com~ the whole stockade will be in desperation.

  So, Zhu Minglang also understood the behavior of the young man in the fur hat closing the door. Indeed, he couldn't risk the life of the entire village.

"This is just the dragon slain ability we have learned, and there are other horrible slaying talents. It is said that not only appeared in our Lihuagou, but some towns and villages in the brown land have suffered." A tall young man on the patrol said. .

   "Do you know the approximate number?" Zhu Minglang asked.

   Uncle Fuzi, the young man in the fur cap, and others all shook their heads.

They can’t say exactly how many lost dragons there are. Their first village in Lihuagou has been the best guard, and they have also lost more than 1,000 people. The other large villages are even more serious. Even if they are still alive, they are all alive. unconfirmed.

   "Our situation here is better, at least we have kept the water source, and there is enough food. Other villages...we can't help them either." Uncle Fuzi said.

   "Patriarch, patriarch!" At this moment, a man in a leather jacket hurried over.

   Uncle Fuzi turned around and looked at the man's pale face, while subconsciously showing a solemn expression, it seems that there is bad news again!

   "Brothers who transported water to the second village, I am afraid that something has happened, Geng Fengnong's Xinying flew back, covered in blood." The man said.


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