Dragon Tamer

Chapter 270: Call for help in the night fog

   The water source of the second village of Lihuagou was completely polluted a week ago. The whole village of four to five thousand people is maintained only by some old wells.

   They send people out every day to find a clean water source, but it is these people who are most likely to be lost to the dragon’s food.

   At the first village, a group of people were selected to go to the second village to transport a few buckets of clean water, but they were intercepted by the Sanglong at the moment, which caused the people in the village to panic even more.

"Our village is still in good condition. There is water and food. As long as we don’t go out at will, those lost dragons will not dare to show up easily. After all, their cultivation base is not too high, but other villages are not optimistic. I'm afraid I won't live a few if I go down." The patriarch is worried, that is, he is worried about their current situation, and he has to find a way for other villages.

   "If you are willing to help, you should go to the second village. The most important thing is to send the drinking water. Otherwise, even if the dragon is eliminated, many people will die from dehydration."

   "Then you prepare some convenient water bags, we rush over overnight." Hu Bailing said.

   "By the way, you can take these gems too, just as a little thank you from the Lihuagou clan for coming here at the risk of death." said the patriarch.

He beckoned and called several women. They took some embroidered bags that they had woven, and then poured out the emerald green, light blue, crystal yellow, and pink white transparent gemstones one by one, and then tied them in A larger jewelry bag, and then handed it to Zhu Minglang.

   Zhu Minglang was still stunned for a while, and subconsciously took over the heavy bag full of jewelry.

"This is what we have obtained from Taoxi in the past few months, and it has been given to you. In this situation, these things are of no use to us. I just hope that a few can help us to help Lihuagou tide over this crisis. If you have any needs in the future, you can come to our Lihuagou and talk to me." Uncle Fuzi said generously.

   This big bag of gems is very valuable, and they are all of very high quality.

   Zhu Minglang did not expect that the reward for this rescue appointment was so high, and he had just stepped into the first village and only killed three dragons.

"They are rich in gems here. The Di Family Group has always wanted to do long-term business with them. They are reluctant. I wish the city lord, this time we will go all out. If Runyu City can buy and sell gems here, it will give us The city adds a large amount of income every year." Hu Bailing whispered to Zhu Minglang.

   "It was the original intention of an honest person like me to save the hardship. The gems are not gems, but they are not so important." Zhu Minglang said these words, but he put away a whole bag of gems very neatly.


   I wish Ming Lang didn't count it in person.

   In short, if the bag of gems can be sold at a good price, it can be two or three hundred thousand gold.

   This is equivalent to the first commission paid by the village chief...

   I can save my neighbors and harvest gems. This is the best of both worlds. Zhu Minglang is still very motivated.

   At the back of the village, the people in the first village have prepared enough sleeping bags to hang them on the bodies of a few cows and beasts.

These beasts are sturdy and very docile, and they are very suitable for carrying wild goods, but without some strong protection, such beasts can easily become the food of those monsters and demons, not to mention the cunning and sinister dragons. Up.

   "I'll show you the way." said the young man wearing a fur cap.

   "Yes, other people don't need to follow, take good care of the village." Zhu Minglang nodded.

   It's already night, the mountains and forests are pitch black, and the lives of people are close to the sky. Right now they are not too easy to delay, and continue to the second stockade in Lihuagou.

There are still a few villages along the way. There were originally some villagers living in these villages, but the people in these villages have migrated to the villages with wooden walls. Of course, some of them did not have time to evacuate. You can see blood around the villages. Scattered, no one dared to bury some bones.

   Niu Beast did not go very fast, after all, he was still carrying a heavy water bag.

   Zhu Minglang sat on the back of one of the bulls and beasts, and glanced back at her slightly pale face.

   Star Painting Girl is obviously not suitable for such a long-distance run. Worried that she would catch the cold, Zhu Minglang took a blanket and wrapped her delicate body.

   "Are you tired? Why don't you and Yu Suo wait for me in the first stockade first. I'll just send water." Zhu Minglang said.

   Li Xinghua shook his head, revealing a beautiful and gentle smile and said: "I will be more at ease with you."

   "Did you use prophecy?" Zhu Minglang looked at her eyes, her eyes were a little special, as bright and charming as the stars.

   "Many people will die." Li Xinghua whispered.

   "We will do our best, and you should not think too much." Zhu Minglang said with relief.

The night was exceptionally quiet, with no calls of insects and birds, not to mention the roar of beasts, this area became a mountain of dead silence, as if all the creatures were holding their breath and in a state of self-preservation. .



   A low cry for help came from under the cliff, with a bit of numbness and despair, but screamed uninterruptedly, as if expecting someone to hear it.

   Is someone in danger in the wild?

   Could it be those people who gave water before?

Zhu Minglang looked in that direction and found that it was enveloped in a dark night fog~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The vicinity was full of extremely lush plants, vines, dead wood, and old trees like gloomy claws, swaying in the cold night With.

   "I heard someone calling for help, I'll go take a look." Zhu Minglang said.

   At this time, Li Xinghua grabbed Zhu Minglang's hand and squeezed it tighter.

   I wish Minglang can feel the coldness of her palms, and at the same time feel her a little nervousness.

   "Don't go." Li Xinghua shook her head, her exquisite face was a bit serious and serious.

   Zhu Minglang is a little bit puzzled. Doesn’t the sister-in-law of the prophetist have a bodhisattva heart? How can such a person who can be easily pulled, but not saved?

   Zhu Minglang glanced at the reactions of others.

   is also weird, it seems that except for himself, no one else has heard the low and weak call for help.

   is probably because of stronger spiritual perception.

   "In danger?" Zhu Minglang asked.

   Li Xinghua nodded.

   In fact, Li Xinghua didn't know what happened there, and she could not hear the so-called call for help.

   She only knows that Zhu Minglang can't go to the black night fog alone at this moment, there will be danger!

   Although she can't bear it, she doesn't want to have anything to do with Zhu Minglang.


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