Dragon Tamer

Chapter 275: Batwing


   On the cliff rock, Zhu Minglang is surrounded by white storm phantom feathers with an icy air and withering breath, and his clothes show a state of ghost phantom.

   The cliff is very long, and the others are below, escaping from the rocky village along the slope, and Zhu Minglang can’t let the bat-winged funeral dragons in mid-air dive down...

  There are only sword spirit dragons beside him, and there are a lot of lucky wing and funeral dragons!

  The cultivation base of these bat-winged mourning dragons is not high, only the dragon general goes up and down, but they are quite cunning, and relying on the teamwork, they can avoid the attack of the sword spirit dragon.

The sword spirit dragon is a monarch-level cultivation base. With a single sword, it can easily kill hundreds of bat-winged sang dragons, whether it is speed or power, but these bat-winged sang dragons are like shadows. At the time, they were always spread out very precisely, and they were flying densely, but they gave up a space where the sword spirit passed!

   This weird phenomenon reminds Zhu Minglang of the situation of catching the blue-spotted fish monster in the lake of How to Train the Dragon Academy.

   The blue-spotted fish monster has a beard that can transmit danger signals to the surrounding companions, so other blue-spotted fish monsters can smoothly avoid some fierce murderous intent, and the schools of fish spread out like ripples.

But these bat-winged mourning dragons, they obviously did not pass the crisis through the long beards around their mouths. Zhu Minglang also tried to disperse some of the bat-winged mourning dragons hovering in the air, but a single bat winged mourning dragon can actually be used. Avoid the sword spirit dragon offensive!

   General-level creatures, can they have more than a blade at the downstream of Jun-level sword spirits? ?

   Although in nature, the level and cultivation level are not in a ladder system, the difference in strength between the king and general is still huge. In the usual, the sword spirit dragon can even kill a creature of the quasi-monarch level with a single sword.

   There must be something weird.

   These lost dragons are by no means as simple as they seem.

   I wish Minglang a calm heart, he knew that the more anxious, the more difficult it would be to deal with this evil killing creature.

Using his spiritual sense, he carefully observed these dazzling bat-winged funeral dragons. Faced with the threat of sword spirit dragons, these bat-winged funeral dragons did not dare to fly low easily. They were just like a group that could never be driven away. Like mosquitoes and flies, they entangled in the sky.

   "Is it evasive creatures that are beyond ordinary creatures, or are they predictable, or they have some kind of group airflow?" Zhu Minglang kept thinking calmly.

  A bat-winged funeral dragon cannot kill.

   A large group of generals lost their dragons, but Zhu Minglang was helpless with them.

   If you don’t find the secrets of these bat-winged funeral dragons in a short time, I’m afraid I won’t be able to leave here!

Zhu Minglang tried again to produce the sword. From the firefly sword technique to the sword spirit dragon releasing its own sword shadow attack, you can see that in the night sky, the figure of the sword spirit dragon has changed from slender to huge, and from huge to countless swords. Light sweep...

   The blade is sharp, Jianhong is domineering, and the sword spirit is raging.

   In the end, even one of the scaly horns of these bat-winged samurais could not be injured. Their wings flapped and made a manic noise. The claws rubbed against each other during the flight, just like a human being sharpening a knife and fork at a dining table.

   Zhu Minglang felt a little irritable in his heart, he still tried to stay calm, and with the power of the sword spirit dragon just now, watching the trajectory of the group of lost dragons calmly.

When the geese are migrating, they will move in groups. That is because when the geese flap their wings, they will produce a warm and upward airflow, ensuring that every geese in the team can carry this migratory bird airflow. Flying saves a lot of energy while maintaining the correct flight direction. Once a wild goose is left behind, it is probably impossible to reach the destination.

   Zhu Minglang noticed that around these bat-winged funeral dragons, there was also a circling airflow similar to that of migratory birds.

   The circling airflow is still in the air at this time, and there is no descending cliff, so it can also explain why they dare not fly low and why they dare not attack other people on the ground.

   The flying speed of bat-winged mourning dragons far exceeds their level, which is probably caused by this circling airflow.

   But there is one more thing, Zhu Minglang is still confused.

   The circling airflow did make these bat-winged funeral dragons move uniformly, like a group of vultures in the desert, maintaining a keen sense of death, but how did they avoid their flying swords?

   It is reasonable to say that the speed of the sword spirit dragon out of its sheath is faster than these bat-wing mourning dragons carrying the circling airflow.

   "Squeaky squeaky!!!!"

   The bat-winged mourning dragon began to press downwards, and they were pressed together in black. It was just a thick rotating cloud, and the circling airflow was also spreading to the ground, which meant that the bat-winged mourning dragon would have a wider range of activities.

   They planned to attack other people on the ground, but Zhu Minglang, who was standing on the cliff, was directly ignored by them.

Those weird calls seemed to ridicule Zhu Minglang, a monarch-level dragon shepherd. They seemed to know that this was a powerful human being, and all the power of the bat-winged dragon might not be able to kill him. .

   But they can directly pass this strong man and attack those weaker and smaller targets.

   "Wish Ming Lang!" Nan Yu, who opened the way in front, called out.

  Once the bat-winged funeral dragon flies down, they cannot move forward at all, and others will be injured. The Shenmu Qingshenglong, the giant elephant dragon, and the black tyrannosaurus may not be able to withstand the attacks of so many bat-winged funeral dragons.

   "Give me some more time." Zhu Minglang replied.

The bat-winged mourning dragon has covered the cliff, and their fangs and poisonous claws seem to be scratching people’s necks. Song Luo, Fang Niannian, Li Xinghua, Zhaizi Girl, and Hu Bailing all showed panic. , After all, the bat-winged mourning dragon is so ugly and ferocious.

Zhu Minglang is taking a deep breath. Since a long time ago, many elders have told him that facing any creature in this world ~ www.wuxiaspot.com~ even the most inconspicuous mosquitoes and flies in the swamp, you can’t take it carelessly. Toxic will make people with extremely high cultivation levels in a state of high fever and weakness...

Zhu Minglang knows very well that these bat-winged mourning dragons are not strong in cultivation and strength. Just looking for their secrets can wipe out hundreds of them with a single sword, and it does not take long to destroy this huge number. All the batwing sang dragons were wiped out.

   There must be something other than the circling airflow.

   Zhu Minglang's black eyes, staring at these ugly bat-wing funeral dragons, the more urgent the situation, the more you need to be calm and calm!

  "Qunxiang, airflow..."

   "Their flight is uniform."

   "It seems too neat."

   "No, it's not neat, it's exactly the same!"

   Completely consistent movements, especially the few times Zhu Minglang used the sword.

   Thinking of this level, Zhu Minglang immediately let the sword spirit dragon attack the bat-wing funeral dragon group again, and got a more accurate answer.

  The huge group of bat-winged funeral dragons, each bat-winged funeral dragon dodges the attack of the sword spirit dragon, its action posture is exactly the same!

   This means that no matter how many batwing funeral dragons there are, there is a leader in this group of batwing funeral dragons! !

   All other bat-wing funeral dragons are led by this leader! ! !

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