Dragon Tamer

Chapter 274: Yin Ling Master

  Fire Kirin Dragon...

   Isn’t this the powerful dragon beast Nan Lingsha often draws?

   Zhu Minglang thought it was just a creature drawn by Nan Lingsha, but he didn't expect it to be one of Nan Yusuo's animal husbandry!

   There is a fire unicorn dragon opening the way, Zhu Minglang is also a lot easier, after all, the huge dragon vortex circling in the sky has enveloped them, if they can't kill them back, they will all be left in the stone village.

   No wonder there was no dragon attacking their team along the way.

   They are walking towards the lair of the dragon, why are they interrupted?

   "Hu Bailing, you protect them and give us the rest." Zhu Minglang saw Hu Bailing who was at a loss and hurriedly confessed.

Hu Bailing’s cultivation level is not as high as Zhu Minglang and Nan Yusuo. As a dragon herder who only possesses a quasi-position king-level dragon beast, he is obviously very weak in front of such hordes of mourning dragons. Shadowsang dragons are very difficult to deal with, and those dragons can always find the weakness of no dragon beast, and then chase and bite.

   Hu Bailing’s giant elephant dragon was injured in the previous raid in Runyu City, and injured his right hind leg...

These ghost dragons seem to be able to smell the wounds of the giant elephant dragons that are different from other intact skin. Several ghost dragons attack the injured places of the giant elephant dragons at all costs, causing the wounds to deteriorate rapidly and have great combat capabilities. Decline!

  So, the giant elephant dragon can't charge into the battle. Hu Bailing can only look at the fire unicorn dragon. He is also a little surprised. The seemingly weak and beautiful woman in the veil has such a powerful strength!

   "Bailing, Niannian is still behind." Li Xinghua said to Hu Bailing who was panicked.

   Hu Bailing turned his head, only to find that Fang Niannian was untying the water bag on the back of the beast.

   "Niannian, come up soon!" Hu Bailing shouted.

Fang Niannian was very persistent, and asked Songluo to help her together, and finally removed the water bag that was tied together with a rope. Fang Niannian ran to the giant elephant dragon and tied the water bag to the giant elephant dragon with great difficulty. Body.

   Hu Bailing hurriedly came down to help. After getting these things done, she ordered the giant elephant dragon to follow Nan Yusuo who was fighting in front.

   "There is a wave of mourning dragons behind us!" Song Luo had seen so many mourning dragons, and his whole body was already shaking.

   "Don't worry, if there is Xiaobai, they will not be able to rush over for a while and leave here first." Fang Niannian said.

"Is that the white dragon?" Hu Bailing only noticed that in the depths of the village road, that is, on the long **** leading to the empty flat of the village gate, a white dragon glowing with sacred brilliance was approaching. Hundreds of mourning dragons fight together.

The giant elephant dragon couldn’t handle even seven or eight lost dragons, but the white dragon slaughtered among the lost dragons. If it weren’t for the endless gathering of the lost dragons, the white dragon might be able to collect all the lost dragons in the barn and the stockade. All killed...

   What a powerful white dragon!

   If it hadn't stopped them, they would be swallowed up by the Dragon Wave in an instant! !

   "After it is broken for us, it will be dangerous by itself, are we here to pick it up?" Song Luo said.

   "Let's ensure our safety first." Fang Niannian naturally knew Bai Qi's strength.

   Hu Bailing didn't worry anymore.

   Those who can stop the dragon tragedy on their own do not need people like them to worry about it.

   Even if they are here, it is a burden to Bingchen Bailong. It needs to be distracted to take care of them...

   protection is several times more difficult than killing, especially in such a dragon lair.


   There are not a few villagers controlled by Sanglong, and they have set up numerous obstacles near the gate.

   Not only that, they also occupied the surrounding cliffs and hills, holding bows and spears, trying to stop them.

   It is also strange to say that the bows and arrows are so dense, those iron spears are more penetrating, and they can cut a hole in the stone wall, but these arrows and spears always only fall near the Shenmu Qingshenglong.

   Shenmu Qingshenglong followed closely behind the Fire Qilin Dragon. It hardly needs to evade, even if it is not small in size, those bows and spears are somewhat deviated...


   A fish that slipped through the net swooped down from the cliff and attacked Li Xinghua and the stockade girl from the blind spot observed by Shenmu Qingshenglong.

   This lost dragon seems to be able to smell the breath of the weak. In its eyes, these two women are the least resistant.

   Li Xinghua raised his eyes and stared at this extremely cunning Sanglong. There was no trace of fear on her delicate face.


   At this moment, a skewed iron spear flew up and stabbed the throat of the attacking dragon, nailing the dragon to the big stone gate...

The iron spear was poisonous, and the blood of the dragon was dripping from the stone gate, and a ghost dragon who had been hiding and disguised under the stone gate, was poured with the blood of his companion, and immediately showed his figure. , The toxicity spreads on its skin, making it painfully scurrying.

The Shenmu Qingshenglong hadn’t discovered the existence of this ghost shadow dragon. Seeing it jumped out on its own, he decisively slapped it with a paw, and shot the sacred dragon, which had exposed its position, flying out and hitting the stone hills. on.

   The stone hill was broken, and there was a person standing on it. It was the bewitched villager who threw the spear.

   He fell to the ground, and landed on the claws of the dragon whose bones had been smashed.

   The girl with light purple eyes saw all this series of events in her eyes.

   She looked at this beautiful elder sister in astonishment. For some reason, the girl felt that everything that seemed like a coincidence was controlled by the beautiful sister in front of her.

   However, the girl also saw how unbearable the sister's eyes showed.

   "Sister, don't be sad, they were dead when they were controlled, and I can't see their souls." The girl said.

   "Can you see the soul?" Li Xinghua asked a little surprised.

   "Well, even for people who have just died, their souls will stay for a while. And their souls are long gone." The girl's light purple eyes ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ seemed to reflect another world.

   "Insider?" Li Xinghua said.

   "What is the Yin Lingshi?" the girl asked in confusion. She seemed to have never heard this word before.

  People in the stockade don't like talking to her so much.

   She knows that there is still a big world outside, but she has never left Lihuagou.

   "I told my uncles and aunts that the people who went out on patrol all came back and lost their souls. They all scolded me."

   "I was afraid that they would scold me. Later, more and more people have no souls, but I dare not say."

   "Sister, I shouldn't be so cowardly, I should tell everyone so that the stockade won't be like this, right?"

   The girl sometimes talks to herself, sometimes blames herself, and sometimes communicates with Li Xinghua.

   On the seemingly peaceful little cheeks, there is a dullness of self-anaesthesia.

   "Don't blame you." Li Xinghua brought the girl closer, and hugged her gently, giving her a soft embrace to rely on.

   Leaning on this gentle big sister's body, feeling her temperature, the girl seemed to think of the cold corpses at the bottom of the well, tears bursting out of the embankment...

   She pressed her small mouth tightly, she didn't dare to cry, but the tears kept flowing and her face was full.


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