Dragon Tamer

Chapter 278: I believe in your metaphysics

   "Last night, I looked at the stars, and the area reflected on the earth is the depths of this valley." Li Xinghua said.

   "Okay, let's go take a look." Zhu Minglang nodded.

   A clean water source cannot save everyone in this Lihuagou.

   Now Sanglong is using that filthy night Sanglong to poison the entire Lihuagou water source, forcing the villagers of Lihuagou to go out to find water.

   But once you lose the protection of the wall, if you can’t unite, the village will be broken by the Dragon.

  Walking along the empty valley, Zhu Minglang gradually felt an unusual wind, presenting a temperature different from this cold valley, and it seemed even more bitter when hit on the body!

"The ancient ruins are in a state of spatial disorder. There are some unusual energies in them, which will break the restriction, and there will be some spatial cracks. Such cracks are the secret passages we can break into. It should be in this position." Li Xinghua explained to Zhu Minglang.

   "Is the ancient ruins an independent space?" Zhu Minglang asked.

"No, there is only a kind of isolation prohibition in the ancient ruins. This kind of prohibition isolates everything, and even the passage of time. The outside world has passed thousands of years, and everything in the ancient ruins seems to have stayed at the time. The period of creation." Li Xinghua said.

   "That is to say, the world in the ancient ruins may be a scene from a thousand years ago, ten thousand years ago, or even hundreds of thousands of years ago?" Zhu Minglang said in surprise.

   "Well, but the conditions for the formation of such a region are very harsh. Often a huge floating continent collides with the ancient stellar body, and the impact of too vastness makes time lose order." Li Xinghua continued.

   I wish Minglang sound dizzy.

   Continents collide with stars? ?

   The destructive power generated by this is enough to destroy all living beings!

   Wouldn't such a horrible scene really appear? Zhu Minglang's knowledge of this world is actually limited to the Polar Continent.

   According to Li Xing's painting, the Polar Continent is definitely not the only continent in the world!

"It is precisely because the rules of time are messed up in the ruins that some spiritual objects may grow against time. For example, an ice and snow lotus that can be seen everywhere in our world, in the ancient ruins is the ten thousand year snow lotus. Some creatures that require tens of thousands of years of cultivation to become holy may only take a few years in the ancient ruins.” Li Xinghua said.

   Zhu Minglang is now gradually discovering that the most powerful source of power in this world is time.

   A hundred years is a demon, a thousand years is a demon, and ten thousand years is a holy.

   And those spiritual resources that can promote cultivation in nature are often inseparable from the birth of time, the grass of a century, the fruit of a thousand years, the flower of ten thousand years...

   Time is often the most difficult to control. Thirty years of hard practice, a lifetime of seeking the Tao, there are so many practitioners in the world, and the truly powerful spiritual resources born in nature need time to ferment.

   There is very little Holy Spirit.

  Similarly, Wannian Lingzhi is also very rare.

  The dragon animal husbandry's spiritual realm can increase the speed of the dragon pet's cultivation. It is already a very rare ability. This also makes the dragon animal husband the most prominent and noble practitioner on this continent.

   But the special existence of ancient relics has made it easy for people to craved for ten thousand years and practice for ten thousand years. The plants and trees there may be valuable treasures!

  Of course, and because of this law, the creatures in the ancient ruins are afraid that they are extremely terrifying existences, the Holy Spirit for thousands of years, and even the creatures of 100,000 years! !

Zhu Minglang listened to Li Xing’s painting telling himself about the "infinite possibilities" in the ancient ruins, and he was excited and looked forward to it, but also had some palpitations. According to my sister-in-law, the probability of a dragon king in the ancient ruins is very high. Will you be slapped to death by the Dragon King?

   "Ahem, Xinghua, you should give us this trip first." Zhu Minglang said.

   Li Xinghua looked at Zhu Minglang, couldn't help smiling, and said, "The son is also afraid?"

   "I don't care about it myself, mainly because I worry that no one will take care of you in the future..." Zhu Minglang said.

   "Since the dragon is not extinct inside, it means that this ancient ruin is not a place of great evil." Li Xinghua replied. As for the playfulness in Zhu Minglang's words, she didn't even hear it.

   "You are a prophet, how do you rely on logic to infer? Or is it a divination, I believe in your metaphysics." Zhu Minglang insisted.

   "..." Li Xinghua has never seen such a stable person!

It’s not that Li Xinghua’s unwillingness to make predictions, but that he spent a lot of energy in the stockade and stargazing at night. Coupled with the prohibition of time barriers and disorder in the ancient ruins, he predicted that he was disturbed. Not as accurate as usual.

   After thinking about it, Li Xinghua simply took a small silver coin, gently tossed it in the air, and then pressed it on the back of his white hand.

   "What is this?" Zhu Minglang asked in confusion.


   "Is it so unprofessional? I feel like those girls holding a flower, using the method of breaking petals to divination whether they like themselves is a nature." Zhu Minglang raised his eyebrows and said.

   "Which side do you want?" After Li Xing finished painting, his lips pursed, with a slight stubbornness.

   "There are flowers."

   "Here, there are flowers." Li Xinghua slowly removed the white and tender palm of his hand, revealing the silver coin with the ginkgo flower pattern.

   "Do you mean ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ We will have good luck on this trip?" Zhu Minglang looked at this lovely sister-in-law and said with a smile.

   "Well, it can only be considered so much." Li Xinghua nodded.

   Everyone said so, can Zhu Minglang not go?

It is rare that Li Xing’s paintings show such interest in something. It is probably that this ancient ruin really fits her identity as a prophet. She can find the secrets of this world from the ruins thousands of years ago. .

   "Would you like to throw it again?" As he walked, Zhu Minglang suddenly turned his head to ask.

   "It won't work the second time." Li Xinghua said.

   "By the way, does it really work to take the petals to determine whether the other person likes him or not?" Zhu Minglang joked as he walked.

   "Useful." Li Xing drew.

   I wish Minglang immediately make a look of listening.

Li Xinghua said lightly: "If the person you like really has love for you, you will get the answer in every word and deed of the other stupid one. Not sure about the other party's affection, that is, the other party doesn't care about you. Pick it up. Petals, at the moment of doubt and anxiety in my heart, the result is already negative."

   Zhu Minglang opened his mouth and looked at Li Xinghua with some surprise.

   It turned out that the sister-in-law of the prophetist is still a calm emotional master.

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