Dragon Tamer

Chapter 279: Ancient Muscarus

   At the end of the valley, there is a continuous rock wall.

   There are many cracks on this stone wall, as if it was crushed by some heavy object.

   And those unusual chills before, came from these cracks.

   This place should be a cliff, and there should be a thick rock formation behind it. It stands to reason that there should not be such a convective atmosphere.

   "It seems to be here." Zhu Minglang pointed to the stone wall at the end of the valley and said.

   However, the crack is actually not big, and it is impossible for people to pass. Zhu Minglang looked at the painting of Li Xing next to him.

   Li Xinghua walked towards this huge and long rock wall, but stretched out his palm, and gently pressed the palm of his hand to the rock wall.

   At the same time, a faint light slowly radiated from the cracks, as if a secluded pool was hidden in this stone wall, and the radiance blooming inside was luminous.

   Soon fine and dense textures appeared on this continuous rock wall. Following these long traces of gloomy light, Zhu Minglang saw a dark crack, like a dense valley in a valley, hidden under the solid rock!

   There are really ancient ruins! !

   Looking at the dark crack, Zhu Minglang couldn't help but walk there curiously.

Li Xinghua’s eyes also lit up, beautiful and confident. She followed Zhu Minglang and stepped into the space rift hidden at the end of the valley, although she doesn’t know what the world abandoned by the years is like in the rift. But the desire to explore still dominates everything.

   "There is usually more than one entrance to the ancient ruins, and those mourning dragons have not found a crack in this place." Li Xinghua said to Zhu Minglang.

   "This crack, shouldn't it be one-way, can't get out after going in?" Zhu Minglang said.

   "No, it's just that some cracks will change, they may disappear, or new cracks may appear, but those changes will only occur in decades or hundreds of years." Li Xinghua said.

   entered into the cracks, it was pitch black, and the surroundings seemed a bit crowded, as if walking in the cracks of a huge rock formation. The cold wind before, made people even more uncomfortable.

   I wish Minglang walked ahead, and after about ten minutes of walking, there was another glorious lake in front!

   Through the light pattern of the secluded pond, another valley appeared in front of him.

For a moment, Zhu Minglang felt that he and Li Xing's painting had just passed through the stone wall and reached the other end of the valley. But when he stepped into the valley and found that everything here was too huge, Zhu Minglang realized that When they arrive, theirs has stepped into the ancient ruins!

  The so-called huge, refers to everything Zhu Minglang can see.

   The trees here, in a true sense, obscure the sky and the sun, making the remains of the entire valley look a bit dim.

There is a thick grass in front of it, but when people walk in this grass, they will be completely submerged. When it is even more exaggerated, a few hares that were originally unusual are actually like an adult ox. They are obviously cute little creatures. , But it is a little scary here.

   "There should be a stream in front." Li Xinghua said.

   After passing through this grassy forest, a long valley and stream appeared in front of them.

Said to be a stream, in fact it is no different from a river. Everything in this ruin seems to have been enlarged several times by the Creator. Even the pebbles in the stream are the size of a human fist, not to mention the creatures in the stream. !

   Zhu Minglang saw a long-necked ancient dragon, its shoulders were fifty meters away, not to mention that when the neck stood up, standing in front of such a creature is really no different from a mosquito.

   The long-necked ancient dragon is drinking water. It is obviously a herbivore and has no interest in small creatures like humans. Even if you pass by it, it will not attack.

   I wish Minglang took out the prepared water bag and took the clean water here.

   There is Xiao Baiqi's universe spell, he can hold the amount of water that everyone and all dragons drink for three days.

   After preparing enough water, Zhu Minglang himself also took a sip of the stream, and tasted the difference between the Wannian stream in this ancient relic. Sure enough, the water is still water!


   There was a burst of noise, and just in the grassy forest where Zhu Minglang and Li Xinghua had walked, a group of poisonous flies with black stripes and red heads flew out, and they attacked the gentle long-necked ancient dragon!

   The poisonous flies are so big that they can catch up with the eagles outside. Such poisonous flies are in groups, and the poisonous flies can't even bear the dragon beast.

   Sure enough, it didn't take long for the long-necked ancient dragon to be captured, and the poison spread throughout its body, making it even unable to escape.

   "Look at the stream." Li Xinghua hurriedly pointed out.

   Some of the poisonous fly's venom was sprayed into the stream, and the stream soon showed signs of pollution...

   However, I don't know if it is because the stream in the ancient relics has the ability to purify itself, or because the nature circulates very fast here. It can be seen that the polluted stream quickly recovered, and no pollution spread to the entire stream.


   A very noisy noise came, and a terrifying dragon flew out of the lush bushes, it was a poisonous fly dragon!

   This venomous fly dragon drove away the poisonous flies, and enjoyed the long-necked ancient dragon by himself. Its tail and abdomen had a translucent poison sac, which was very similar to that dirty night sanglong!

  Sure enough, this terrifying and powerful dragon in Lihuagou originated from this ancient relic.

   Some of the weird and powerful ancient creatures in the ancient ruins~www.wuxiaspot.com~ have evolved the dragons that should have been extinct, giving them very terrifying abilities.

  Because these abilities come from ancient times, it is difficult for people to find a way to deal with it, and it is even harder to find a detoxifying thing in nature that is restrained.

   Now that I have seen the fly dragon, it is not difficult to find the antidote. After all, most of the highly toxic creatures will have antidote where they live.

This is a common sense in nature. It is not all that highly toxic creatures are afraid of poisoning themselves, so they will arrange antidote near themselves, but highly toxic creatures carry terrible toxicity, which will definitely have a bad impact on the surrounding environment. Since certain vegetations and creatures are in peace, it itself proves that they are immune to this toxicity.

   Following the satiated Muscarus, Zhu Minglang and Li Xinghua found their nest on a strange tree full of tumors.

   This magic tree is surprisingly big, with dozens of main trunks and hundreds of branches, but the size of the branches is equivalent to some ancient pine trunks!

   "These resins can detoxify." Li Xinghua said very positively.

   I wish Ming Lang did not think too much, and immediately asked Xiao Bai to use the thick bark to grind his claws, and he used an empty water bag to pick up enough resin.

  With these resins, the water in Lihuagou can be purified!

   at least alleviated a big crisis!

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