Dragon Tamer

Chapter 281: Cat and mouse game

   Bingchen Bailong was in front, carrying a snow-white icy mist, spreading across this piece of suspended cliff.

   It is also weird to say, if ordinary vegetation encounters such extreme ice, it will immediately freeze into vine frost, but these supporting vines do not seem to be affected, but a little frost is stuck on the green vine bark.

Those mourning dragons, their ability to withstand the cold is not as strong as this tenacious vine. They watched the flying Bingchen White Dragon vigilantly, and when they found that the Bingchen White Dragon was coming towards them, one by one. A sharp cry!

Soon these mourning dragons lay out in battle, they climbed to different heights of the sky vines, and some climbed backwards more quickly into the cliffs, while the mourning dragons with bat wings glide directly out and greet this one. uninvited guest!

   These fruits of enlightenment are obviously regarded as treasures by them, and no creatures are allowed to come to fight for them.


   When flying, the body of the bat-winged mourning dragon is very flat, which makes them look like sharp black blades. When they pass some canopy, the branches and leaves are directly cut off.

   They maintain a long formation, launching an offensive rhythmically.

   But this kind of attacking rhythm, in Zhu Minglang's eyes, is an orderly death.

Bingchen White Dragon has secondary wings, which means that it can not only spread its wings and fly high like an eagle, powerfully soar, but also dance softly and smartly like those dragonflies and butterflies, perfectly avoiding enemy attacks. At the same time, give the opponent a fatal blow.

In the air, those bat-winged sang dragons are not the opponents of Bingchen White Dragon at all. Bingchen’s white dragon doesn’t even need to cast any magic or magic, relying on its own fighting, consumes a little bit of physical strength to give all these bat-winged sang dragons Kill.

   "These cunning things, don't Bai waste time with those bat-winged dragons, they are stealing the fruit of Judema!" Zhu Minglang quickly noticed this.

   It turns out that the bat-winged funeral dragon is purely here to die.

   They smelled the powerful dragon monarch aura of the Bingchen White Dragon, and they also knew that the Batwing Dragon was not an opponent, but in this way they could buy time for the other Dragons to enjoy the fruit of the enlightenment.

   As long as one eats one, the lost dragon will become the magic shadow lost dragon, possessing the main strength.

   With the advantage of quantity, they can also fight Bingchen Bailong.


Bingchen Bailong heard the instruction, its graceful and full of force, its gorgeous dragon wings stretched out, and he saw Bingchen Bailong flying down like a white dome star, slammed into the floating mountain cliff, directly killed Into the Sanglong group.

Those fruits of enlightenment are not just hung on the supporting vines. Around each of the fruits of enlightenment, there is a cage-like sepak takraw. The sepak takraw will protect the fruits of the enlightenment. The dragon must have it. Use their hooks and teeth very patiently to break the cage sepak takraw to enjoy the fruit of enlightenment.

   This way, Zhu Minglang bought time. Without the magic shadow, these dragons are just general-level creatures. Facing the monarch-level power, they have no room to resist.

   But these mourning dragons are also very smart. Their purpose here is to realize the fruit of the magic.

   And they also knew that only after eating the fruit of the enlightenment, they could barely fight against the Bingchen White Dragon, so they quickly dispersed among these sky-supporting vines, like a gopher hiding in their burrow.

   "They are like playing a cat and mouse game with us, but unfortunately they chose the wrong opponent." Zhu Minglang laughed.

If the Bingchen White Dragon is a heavy type like Big Black Fang, it’s really difficult to deal with this kind of coping method in the face of a mourning dragon. It may chase for a long time and only kill a few heads. In the end, I feel that the devil fruit is still cunning. Stolen things.

   Bingchen Bailong is flexible, sharp, and swift. Its dragon pupils can rotate in a wide range. Unlike humans, they can only see in front of and beside themselves, and the blind spots are very large.

Bingchen Bailong’s sense of smell and hearing are also at the level of hunting creatures. The Sanglong buried his body under the vine and remained motionless, but the smell, saliva and dander from their previous activities will remain on the vine. , These things will smell, not to mention certain mourning dragons, but they are actually afraid of higher creatures. Once Bingchen white dragons fly past them, their bodies will also tremble, and the sound they make will be affected by Bingchen. Bailong heard it.

   With light steps like a cat, Bingchen Bailong stepped on the supporting vine, almost making no footsteps, and the vine would not bend because of its weight.

   Walking forward gracefully, in front of Bingchen Bailong, there is a mature fruit of Jude Mo, framed by the cage Sepak Takraw, and on the cage Sepak Takraw, there is still a bite mark of a dragon.

   Bingchen's nose like a white dragon and deer moved, looking for the smell and walking forward.

Behind Bai Qi, there was a row of hanging vines, and a Sanglong concealed behind the vines. When it saw Bingchen Bailong chasing along the direction of its saliva, the cunning Sanglong even grinned open. As if laughing!

   "Huh!!" Suddenly, the Bingchen White Dragon who had already passed by raised his tail and pierced towards Sanglong's head with great precision!

   This slender and soft tail suddenly became hard and sharp for some reason, and it easily pierced the head of the dragon.

   The Sanglong who was hiding behind the weeping vine was still grinning, showing ugly teeth. Its figure slowly appeared, and its disguise was automatically eliminated because of its life passing!


Bingchen Bailong opened his mouth~www.wuxiaspot.com~ some extremely ice particles were ejected from his throat. When these particles touched the air, they immediately turned into powerful crystals and sent the rattan **** around the fruit Wrapped directly.

He patted the sepak takraw again with his claws. Bingchen Bailong intends to use this method to break the protective layer outside the Judemo fruit, and take out the Judemo fruit, but Bai Qi only smashed the spit out. The ice crystal, that tough sepak takraw, didn't even shatter.


   Xiaobai was also surprised by himself, is it possible that this sepak takraw can only be bitten open with his teeth?

   Then, to pluck all the fruits of the enlightenment here, the teeth must be polished to be smooth like pebbles.

   "You~~~" Xiao Bai called out, calling Zhu Minglang over to find a way.

   The things that move your head are still left to the master.

   "Is your ice not crispy with these sepak takraw balls?" Zhu Minglang was also a little bit troubled.

   It's no wonder that those lost dragons stayed here for a long time, and only a few of them really ate the fruits of Jude Mo.


  Does Xiaobai say that he should be responsible for hunting the lost dragon. I feel the fruit of the devil, and I wish Minglang find a way.

   "Okay, you can kill these mourning dragons that have not yet acquired the demon shadow, and I will call Qingzhuo over." Zhu Minglang said.

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