Dragon Tamer

Chapter 282: Does the sword have lungs?

   Demon Fruits are more difficult to obtain than imagined. Before these dragons are unwilling to give up these Demon Fruits, these treasures must be swept away as soon as possible.



   A sharp and unpleasant cry came from the top of the cliff.

   Zhu Minglang looked up and saw a mourning dragon with an enlarged neck, which was constantly making such weird calls.

   "It's the kind of mourning dragon that can imitate human voices." Zhu Minglang noticed the difference in this mourning dragon.

   At first, Zhu Minglang thought that this silly funeral dragon was commanding the funeral dragon group, but those funeral dragons just hid in the vines, trying to avoid the powerful ice white dragon.

   Is it calling other companions?

   Zhu Minglang commanded the sword spirit dragon, let the sword dragon dragon go up from the back of the cliff, and cut off the creepy dragon first.

  This kind of mourning dragon can not only imitate the cry of human beings for help, but also the cry of other creatures. And the creepy mourning dragon with this ability has only one purpose, which is to use this tragedy to induce prey companions!

   There are several large stockades in Lihuagou, and there are countless small villages. I am afraid that hundreds of people have died from this cry for help.

  Weird, cruel, cunning and vicious, this kind of creepy sound is the most difficult to keep, and they are often the leader of all dragons!

Sure enough, the sly dragon is far more powerful than other sang dragons, and its alertness is even more terrifying. The sword spirit dragon flew to the back of the cliff without a sound. This stray dragon had noticed it and immediately disappeared in Zhu Minglang’s In sight.

   "Can you find it?" Zhu Minglang communicated with Jian Linglong with his heart.


  The sword spirit dragon is chasing, but on the cliffs, there are rugged rocks, and trees and vines are layered on top of each other. It is not easy to find the sly dragon.

   "Bai Qi, you continue."


   Xiao Bai seems to like this kind of mouse-catching game, not a pure force collision, but an IQ contest.

   Sanglong is very good at disguising. When Zhu Minglang entered the first village of Lihuagou at that time, passing under the cliffs disguised by several Sanglong, they couldn't perceive their existence.

   So for Bingchen Bailong, finding these lost dragons is indeed a challenging thing.

   It likes challenges, so it will be more interesting.


   Zhu Minglang had just left the vine zone, but saw Shenmu Qingshenglong carrying Li Xing paintings, behind him was a blank face with **** teeth.

   Da Hei Ya looked east and west, at the trees, at the flowers on the ground, and then at the mountain vines, and finally Da Hei Ya came to a conclusion.


   Master, it’s not good.

   We are getting smaller!

   Big Black Teeth looked panicked, and two paws slightly shorter than the hind limbs did not know where to put them.

   "Why come here, these funeral dragons are very cunning, it is best not to come close." Zhu Minglang asked.

   "Sanglong is calling that thing." Li Xinghua pointed to the sky behind him.

   Trees cover, Zhu Minglang didn't see anything behind him at first, and after a while, among the lush leaves, he suddenly found a terrifying creature with a green body and a bulging poisonous sac flying towards here!

   is the ancient fly dragon! ! !

   I don’t know how many years this Venus fly dragon has survived, but magic horns have grown on its head!

   "Sword Spirit Dragon, Sword Spirit Dragon, don't chase that sly dragon, first solve this ancient poisonous fly dragon, they are a group!" Zhu Minglang hurriedly shouted.

   Venomous fly dragon obviously discovered Zhu Minglang. It is not big, but as a fly, it now has an elephant-like physique, which in itself means that it has been practicing in this ruin for nearly ten thousand years!

   This guy is quite terrifying, neither Shenmu Qingshenglong nor Thunder Cang Tyrannosaurus could be his opponent.


   The ancient venomous fly dragon venom sac wriggled, and suddenly spewed hot venom towards this towering ancient tree. These venoms instantly melted through the thick and strong trees that were hundreds of meters high, not to mention the leaves, they disappeared instantly!

   Zhu Minglang took Li Xing to draw two dragons and quickly fled to the floating cliff.

   Tenten vines deserve to be Tenten vines, they are tough and antiseptic, and the powerful venom sprayed by the ancient fly dragon can't fester them.

At the high wall of the cliff covered by vines and wood, a flash of red light passed, and the sword spirit dragon swooped down from the cliff, and the sword body pointed directly at the ancient poisonous fly dragon. The ancient fly dragon dared not come closer.

   "Solve it, let's get the fruit of Judemo." Zhu Minglang said to Jian Linglong.

   Sword Spirit Dragon stopped in front of the Ancient Myrtle Dragon, which exuded a chill, while the Ancient Myrtle Dragon stared at this special sword spirit, and the green agate-like eyes on the head stared at the Sword Spirit Dragon.

   The sword spirit dragon shoots out the sword, as fast as lightning, piercing the sky.

However, in the sight of the ancient fly dragon, the action of the sword spirit dragon is quite slow. Its dense eyeballs can perfectly analyze any biological movement, so that all complex, rapid and sudden actions are in the ancient poison The images reflected in the mind of Myrazao will be very slow.

   Sword Spirit Dragon's attack was easily avoided by the ancient fly dragon.

   And the swords are continuously released, the offensive is like a shower, dizzying and fierce, you can see the sword light in the sky, but the ancient fly dragon can find the gap in the sword net intertwined by the sword light.

This makes the sword spirit dragon very surprised and troubled. Its speed should not be surpassed by creatures of the same level. This Venus fly dragon dodges very easily. It seems that even if the sword spirit dragon breaks through another realm, the speed of attack will increase. Double, it is impossible to injure a scale of this ancient fly dragon.

   Without wishing to be clear, the sword spirit dragon can only fight on its own.

   But the sword spirit dragon also has its own intelligence, it even has emotions!

   The sword spirit is very angry!

   Even the ancient fly dragon~www.wuxiaspot.com~ has no reason to avoid its attack effortlessly!

   to be faster!

   has to change without warning!

   Sword Spirit Dragon is sharpening its sword speed, it will not be willing to be played by a fossil creature!

   In fact, while the sword spirit dragon was dissatisfied with its own speed, the ancient fly dragon was more angry and puzzled.

The opponents that the ancient fly dragon encountered before are also very strange. It is better to say that the rock genie born in a pile of rocks, on the surface is a giant flower, will swallow the dragon in one bite, but has not encountered it yet Over this kind of tool!

  Although metal was born in ancient times, this kind of metal weapon that has been transformed by human wisdom is completely impossible to exist, not to mention that this vessel has also cultivated spiritual wisdom and turned into a dragon!

   Its poison has no effect on the sword spirit dragon.

   It exhales breath that can spoil the lungs of the living dragon, not to mention.

   Does the sword have lungs?

   Need to breathe?

   The ancient fly dragon is actually more mad and manic than the sword spirit dragon!

  Why is the world so unfair, so that such a flawless spiritual creature was born?

   and they look so handsome and beautiful!


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