Dragon Tamer

Chapter 283: Holy and magic


"These sepak takraw **** protect the fruit of enlightenment, and the powerful mystery, combat skills, and magic have no effect on them. Those dragons are also used their claws and teeth to grind away little by little." Zhu Ming Lang pointed at the fruits of enlightenment and said to Li Xinghua with difficulty.

   Li Xinghua told Zhu Minglang with his eyes that the cage Sepak takraw seemed not as complicated as he said.

   Zhu Minglang turned his head and looked around and found that the sepak takraw **** opened slowly by themselves.

On the side, the blue pupils of the Shenmu Qingshenglong are shining, and the ancient blue scales are also shining. The lightly whispering Shenmu Qingshenglong seems to be born with the ability to communicate with these ancient vines, and its dragon's whisper makes Those stubborn sepak takraw offered the fruit of enlightenment inside by themselves.

   Zhu Minglang scratched his head.

   Was it that simple?

  Isn't these fruits of enlightened demon born just for the Shenmu Qingshenglong? Those mourning dragons should have gained the power of enlightened demon by chance, obviously they are not yet welcomed by the sky-holding vine.

He stretched out his hand and took out a bright red fruit of Judemo. Zhu Minglang discovered that the fruit exudes a sweet fragrance. Looking at the full and attractive thin-skinned flesh, he couldn’t help but want to take a bite. My taste buds are filled with this sweet juice.

   "You can't eat, people can't eat, there will be vines growing in your stomach!" At this time, Mr. Koi yelled, awakening some unconscious Zhu Minglang.

   Zhu Minglang immediately recovered, and when his eyes fell on this fruit, he was a little afraid!

   I was bewitched by a fruit!

   It is inducing itself to eat it, as if there is a little devil whispering in its ear, eating this fruit can get everything it wants, money, beauty, power, and supreme cultivation.

"The fruit of enlightenment is not a good thing. They will confuse some creatures that cannot digest it to eat it. Once they get into the stomach of other creatures, they will madly absorb the nutrients of the person's body. They have become their mobile flower pots. When the time is right, they will sprout and burst out of their stomachs!" said Mr. Koi.

Although Mr. Koi’s statement is a bit like a benevolent deception, deceiving children not to pick up things on the ground and put them in their mouths, and insects will grow in their mouths, but this is a relic of ancient times. Every plant and tree is quite weird. Use common sense to explain.

   Zhu Minglang glanced at the Shenmu Qingshenglong next to him, and asked, "Is there anything you eat?"

   Shenmu Qingshenglong shook his head, saying that it would never grow vines even after eating a hundred pieces of this thing.

   "Oh!!" Da Hei Ya volunteered, expressing his willingness to be the first dragon to eat devil fruit!

   Zhu Minglang felt that it was just greedy. Mr. Koi said that Shenmu Qingshenglong could be eaten, but Zhu Minglang was still a little worried.

   "Pick all the fruits of Judemo in the vicinity first," Zhu Minglang said.

With the Shenmu Qingshenglong, there is not much difference between picking these fruits and picking apples from the tree. As long as you see it, let Shenmu Qingshenglong use the ancient forest dragon language, and you can take the fruit of Jude Mo .

   It didn't take long for the fruit of Jude Mo that grew in the sky vine to be packed into a big bag by Zhu Minglang, carried by the **** teeth.

   In order to prevent the **** tooth from stealing food, Zhu Minglang specially sat on its stout tyrannosaurus tyrannosaurus neck. It only needs to look back and think once, and Zhu Minglang knocks on its brain door.


   A group of low roars came from the thick vines. At the same time, Zhu Minglang also smelled a strong suffocation on his left and right sides, and he was quickly approaching him.

   is the Demon Shadow Dragon!

  Isn't these magic shadow dragons hiding? Are you afraid that Xiaobai will destroy them all?


  Oops, how can Xiao Bai be led far away by a group of ghost dragons!

   is also a little self-conscious, just picking these fruits of enlightenment...

   "Oh roar!!!"

Thunder Tyrannosaurus also smelled the scent of these predators, and it roared at three of them. The roaring wave with tearing effect shreds the vines in front of them, so that those heads returned. The shadow of the dragon that was sneaking was completely exposed.

   Zhu Minglang noticed that these Demon Shadow Sanglong were greedily watching the big bag of enlightened magic fruits carried on the back of Tyrannosaurus Black.

   With these fruits of enlightenment, they can quickly create a group of ghost dragons.

   Lei Cang tyrannosaurus slammed into those ghost dragons, these dragons immediately dispersed, maintaining a triangular hunting position!

   Triangle hunting, which means that no matter which direction Thundercang Tyrannosaurus faces, there must be a complete blind spot.

   Demon Shadow Sanglong has a clear division of labor. The two Sanglong attract the attention of Thunder Cang Tyrannosaurus, and feint, always let the Shadow Sanglong in the blind area of ​​vision surprise, every time it can succeed.

Thunder Tyrannosaurus is far more powerful than them, and even if it can slap the demon dragon with one claw, it will definitely kill the demon dragon, but these demon dragon once again showed their terrible hunt Collaboration.

  Leicang Tyrannosaurus can't make it powerfully, very passive.

   Had it not been for the treasure of Fire Dragon Armor, Tyrannosaurus Thunder would have been scarred long ago.

   "Big Hei Fang is not the opponent of these Demon Shadows and Dragons..." Zhu Minglang glanced at the sky high.

At this time, the sword spirit dragon was chasing the ancient fly dragon, and seemed to find that it was impossible to deal with the ancient fly dragon by virtue of its speed. The sword spirit dragon simply used a big killer move directly, bursting with the majestic sword gas, and attacked the ancient fly dragon. Go bombing!

   The ancient fly dragon can't stand it right away~www.wuxiaspot.com~ At this time, calling the sword spirit dragon back is equivalent to putting the ancient fly dragon on the way.

   At the moment, a group of mourning dragons are surrounding, and Tyrannosaurus Lei Cang can't deal with it. Shenmu Qingshenglong also suffered a big loss when fighting them before.


When Zhu Minglang was in trouble, the Shenmu Qingshenglong groaned for a long time. The sacred light and blue aura surrounding it did not know when it became more intense, and it was still between the cyan feathers and the cyan dragon scale scales. An inky black magical energy that Zhu Minglang has never seen before was born!

  The sacred light and the dark light are intertwined together, making the Shenmu Qingshenglong seem to be the descendants of the gods and demons. Its broad wings are half azure, generally evil dark!

The pupils of Shenmu Qingshenglong are still blue, but there are black rippling pupils in the blue pupils. For a while, the tough sky-supporting vines around have come alive, they are actually under the control of Shenmu Qingshenglong. Down fiercely waved towards those cunning Demon Shadow Sanglong! !

   Zhu Minglang is surprised, is Xiao Qingzhuo demonized?

   "It ate a fruit of Jude Mo, I said, this thing has a great effect on Shenmu Qingshenglong!" Mr. Koi said triumphantly.

  Holy Qi and Demon Nature appeared on a dragon at the same time. Zhu Minglang had never seen such a powerful and terrifying Shenmu Qingshenglong. He felt that his strength had increased to more than a small realm, as if he had directly crossed a large level!

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