Dragon Tamer

Chapter 284: Hunting the Silly Dragon

   More than a dozen lost dragons, all of them have evil spirits.

   This means that every mourning dragon is actually a main-level creature, at the same level as the Shenmu Qingshenglong.

   The three Demon Shadow Dragons lurking under the cliffs before posed a great threat to Shenmu Qingshenglong.

   At this moment, the number of Demon Shadow Lost Dragons has increased several times, but they are like a big enemy, their eyes are staring at the demon-powered Shenmu Qingshenglong with vigilance.

   "Huh!!! Huh!!! Huh!!!"

Suddenly, those sky-piercing vines turned into sky-piercing spears, and they flew from all directions without warning. Each sky-piercing vine seemed to have locked their target and pierced towards the body of the demon shadow dragon. go with.

  Blood splashed, and four Demon Shadow Sanglong did not react at all, they were directly nailed to death by the vines that were controlled by the Shenmu Qingshenglong.

   After evading the other Demon Shadow Dragons, they pretended to flee, but they used the dense vines to enter the hidden state, and then killed them at the same time, attacking the Shenmu Qingshenglong.

   Shenmu Qingshenglong suddenly soared and rushed into the air in a revolving posture, but the large vine under its feet was stirred in the same way! !

The vine under the cliff instantly turned into a huge vine-killing formation, like an eternal monster opening its swallowing mouth, while hanging all the creatures, it swallowed fiercely, even a piece of bone scum. Will not spit it out.

   None of the other dragons escaped alive this time, and a dozen of them were hanged by the vines miserably! !

   I wish Ming Lang could not help but opened his mouth wide.

   Is this still my own little Qingzhuo? ?

   Why are you so fierce! !

   is just a fruit of enlightenment, just eat it, you can instantly transform the Shenmu Qingshenglong, the true meaning of God and Demon possession!

   All spikes cleanly.

   I feel Bingchen Bailong is very difficult to do.


   Shenmu Qingshenglong's murderous intent was not quenched, it continued to fly, and landed on the cliff, standing in the position where the supporting sky vines fell.

  Its pair of green eyes, looking down at this lush world of vines...

  The holy light and devilish energy are rising at the same time. The Shenmu Qingshenglong is like the king of the sky vine. All sky vines grow wild under the control of its pupil light!

   The sky vine spreads at a speed visible to the naked eye, and like a live python, looking for all the dragons hiding under the cliff.

   There are many mourning dragons. Even if Bingchen Bailong tried very hard to capture, he only killed a half. The remaining mourning dragons were still waiting for the sly voice of the mourning dragon.

   But as the Shenmu Qingshenglong gains its magical shadow and takes control of this vine forest, all the sage dragons have nowhere to hide, and it is even more like a trap!



   Fujibayashi squirmed violently, and the sorrowful cry of the dragon was heard everywhere.

   was strangled, pierced, suffocated in prison, entangled in limbs and torn apart...

   These lost dragons never thought that these seemingly harmless vines would become deadly creatures, and few lost dragons could escape.

   I wish Minglang watched it all.

   his eyes fell involuntarily to the big bag of Jade Demon Fruits carried on the back of the **** teeth, and his heart was suddenly ecstatic!

   Shenmu Qingshenglong is unable to enter the complete stage due to the physique of the remnant dragon, which makes its cultivation base grow very slowly, and the hope of breaking through the monarch level is not great, even if it has perfect spiritual resources.

   Broken Dragon, determined its upper limit.

However, the fruit of the demon seems to have completely broken the shackles, allowing the Shenmu Qingshenglong to gain the power of the ancient demon gods. This shot directly destroyed all the dragons hiding in the vine forest, and felt that the strength was straightforward. Bingchen Bailong and Jianlinglong are coming!

   "How long can this magic fruit last?" Zhu Minglang asked.

   "It can definitely be maintained until the end of the battle." Mr. Koi replied.

   "Are there any side effects? Will it be weakened after taking it multiple times?" Zhu Minglang asked again.

   "No, otherwise, why are these mourning dragons so rampant?" Mr. Koi said with certainty.

   "Xiao Qingzhuo seems to have also found a way to become stronger in this ancient ruins." Li Xinghua smiled and said to Zhu Minglang.

   Although the power of the magic shadow is short-lived, now Zhu Minglang has a big bag of magic fruits.

   Before each battle, eat one!

   This means that Shenmu Qingshenglong is also an invincible dragon in the future! !



   "Ku Woo!!!"

   The creepy Sanglong hides in the shadow of the cliffs and trees. It originally wanted to let all the Sanglong escape here, but when the order was given, the entire vine forest was already like a vine ghost hell, killing all the Sanglong.

   Scream Sanglong stared at Shenmu Qingshenglong with vicious eyes.

   Probably the leader of this mourning dragon would never have thought that there are other dragon species more suitable for taking these fruits of enlightenment.


An elegant dragon chant came, and the sly sound of Sanglong turned his head, and saw a white feathered Bingchen Bailong standing behind him. Its footsteps sounded as light as a cat, but it came out. Breath, but terrifying like a huge iceberg collapse!

   The reason why Bingchen Bailong was far from Zhu Minglang was not because he was led away by a group of self-thinking sage dragons, but because it smelled the "big mouse"!

   finally caught, the sly sound of the dragon, the commander of this large group of dragons, has a very high command, and extremely cunning king-level creature.

   They can imitate many kinds of calls, including the fierce dragon roar from the swollen throat!

   The creepy Sanglong opened his mouth and issued a super strong roar that surpassed its own body. This roar shook the cliff, and you could see the cliff where Bingchen Bailong was directly broken and slipped! !

Bingchen Bailong leaped up sensitively~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Its wings stretched backwards and softly, forming a perfect streamline, which made it run faster and faster without being affected by any resistance.

It dodges the roar of the wicked dragon, and also avoided the cutting of the sound blade spit out by the wicked dragon, its forelimbs violently trampled on the cliff where the wicked dragon was located, and all its wings were like a heavenly lotus. The magnificent blooming, the extreme cold and ice disaster that ravaged the earth at once exploded, and the snow-white annihilation force made the huge cliffs out of the line with many thousand-meter cracks, as if to cut the cliffs!

   That sly Sang Long was nowhere to be avoided under such power. It rolled in a panic under the cliffs and almost fell into the vine **** made by Shenmu Qingshenglong.

   It hooked a claw into the crack of the cliff, and reluctantly climbed back to the lowest edge of the floating cliff.

Before the Silly Sanglong panted, the Shenmu Qingshenglong, which coexisted with Blue Wing and Dark Wing, flew over. With its wings waving, I saw the Blue Wing turned into a long horizontal blade mark, and the Black Wing turned into a vertical blade moon, sharp. The cut towards this sly sound dragon.

   The sly sound sang Long Cang dodge in a panic, but his body was still cut with two deep wounds.

   is besieged by two dragon kings, no matter how scheming this sly dragon is, it can hardly escape being crushed by absolute strength!

   What's more, its strength mainly relies on the control of the Sanglong Dragon Group, and its own combat capabilities are among the weakest types of Dragon King.

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