Dragon Tamer

Chapter 285: No way forward

Chapter 285 of the text of the Dragon Herd Chapter 285 No way to go to lose the dragon is terrible, natural predators, hunters, always use the weaknesses of creatures, exert fear, make them panic, always bewitched and induced, leaving them isolated and helpless .

But similarly, Sanglong also has its own weaknesses.

They are not perfect creatures. The monarch-level strength of the Silent Sanglong is reflected in its commanding ability, so more often, it hides in the Sanglong group and does not directly participate in battle.

Not to mention that Bingchen Bailong's strength has reached the upper monarch level, and the Shenmu Qingshenglong who has taken the fruit of Judemo can also suppress it!

The Shenmu Qingshenglong flew towards the Guiyin Sanglong, and the Guiyin Sanglong jumped quickly on the cliffs like an antelope. The Shenmu Qingshenglong with its wings spread glide past, and the dragon claws attacked the Shouyin Sanglong.

I saw the cliffs shattered instantly, and the power of the Shenmu Qingshenglong was equally terrifying, and it could completely disintegrate this extremely hard rock mass.

The sly tone sang the dragon and evaded in panic, the sacred wood blue sacred dragon hovered like an eagle, allowing itself to gain a stronger speed. The blue sacred dragon wings and the black dragon wings vibrated vigorously, and the dragon could be seen Under the blessing of the two powers, the claws have become extremely huge, big enough to cage a frontal cliff into it!


This time the subduction claw attack is even more exaggerated. The cliff rock is torn apart, and the sly dragon can’t escape. Under the claws of the subduction broken mountain, he was severely wounded and fell into the sky vine and ancient Between the trees.

Bingchen Bailong saw that the Weird Sanglong had lost his balance in the air, so he suddenly groaned.

An iceberg suddenly stood up between the vine forest and the ancient woods. The iceberg is not composed of thick ice, but densely covered with huge thorns!

The whispered dragon fell and was stabbed with blood by these iceberg thorns. It endured the pain and broke free from the iceberg thorns, trying to escape into the ancient jungle.

But the ancient forest in front of it suddenly came back to life, turning into one ancient tree demon one after another, and will begin to slaughter the sly dragon!

The screams came from the ancient forest demon guards. The struggles of this creepy dragon are all in vain. Without the powerful army of dark shadows, the creepy dragon is also the weak among the mighty spirits of nature.


After solving the sly sound of the Sanglong, Zhu Minglang took advantage of the situation and picked its soul beads.

The soul orb of the king class is not low in value, and Zhu Minglang is now a person who can live.

As for those lost dragons, there is no need to collect souls and make pearls one by one. They are powerful because of the demon fruit, and because of the commander of the silly dragon, they become extremely scary. I wish Minglang have tried to condense a few. The quality of Sanglong's soul orbs was quite poor, and it was a waste of his own spiritual power.

Of course, in addition to the creepy dragon, there is also a dragon ball that is very precious, and that is the ancient fly dragon.

The ancient fly dragon was dying, Zhu Minglang waited for a while, and he was satisfied with the ancient fly dragon soul orb!

The quality of the soul orbs of the Silly Sanglong and the Ancient Fly Dragon are very high, and if they are put in the hands of some bidding merchants, they will have one or two hundred thousand gold.

The king-level soul orb has always been at this price!

While it was still early, Zhu Minglang and Li Xinghua planned to go deep into the ancient ruins. There must be better treasures besides the fruit of Jude Mo.

After crossing the floating cliff, Zhu Minglang discovered that a bigger and higher cliff appeared in front of him!

It’s not so much a cliff, it’s better to describe it as a mountain range, but this mountain range is not as long, folds, and overlapping as the mountains in the earth, but a lonely tower, and it is a little dizzy to look at all sides. The dazzling steep wall!

It is still the sky vine, which lifted the giant floating cliff to the sky, but this giant cliff mountain, like a fortress full of ancient vines and trees, completely blocked the path of the valley ruins.

To go deeper into the ruins, you must cross this huge cliff mountain, but this is not an easy task, because a huge number of stings inhabit the sky vines below this huge cliff mountain!

Below the Juya Mountain, there is a cold nest of insects. The Shenmu Qingshenglong cannot manipulate the sky-holding vines here, and they cannot deal with this ancient insect nest.

"It seems that there is no other way." Li Xinghua said disappointedly.

This is the ancient ruins, but it is only a closed valley in the ruins. Obviously, the other end of the giant cliff mountain is the entire ruins.

But the space rift leads to only this relic valley.

"Let's go back the same way. This ruin should be huge. There must be an entrance elsewhere. We can ask the old man in Lihuagou, or the explorer of this brown land, maybe they know other clues to the ruin." Zhu Minglang said.

There is more than one entrance to the ancient ruins. This crack must have been formed by accident. It was discovered by the Sanglong living in Lihuagou, and then it became the secret nest for the Sanglong to multiply and grow.

The creature like the Sanglong comes from ancient times. I heard from the Hu family brothers and sisters that the Tawny Land was formerly the territory of Sanglong.

"Well, that's the only way." Li Xinghua nodded.

"The people of the Hu family should know something. After all, their parents and grandparents fought with the dragon. In fact, I was thinking that the brown land was once the territory of the dragon, but their origins have always been mystery. Say no The good mourning dragons actually came from the ancient ruins. They discovered the cracks in the ruins, drilled out of the ruins, and then harmed the land~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Zhu Minglang said.

Li Xinghua thought for a while and felt that Zhu Minglang's counter-inference was actually quite reasonable.

The abilities carried by the Sanglong are quite weird in themselves, full of ancient killing evil, as if they evolved in the most primitive, chaotic, and ancient nature competition.

"Without the fruit of Judemo, the army of Sanglong will be able to deal with it. The major villages in Lihuagou should be able to breathe a sigh of relief." Li Xinghua said.

Zhu Minglang had already taken away all the fruits of Judemo, and they had carefully inspected the ancient ruins before, and only under the supporting vine was the fruit of Judemo, not elsewhere.

"Hmph, rest for a while, I will kill them to their lairs and eradicate them all!" Zhu Minglang said.

Having mastered the information about the lost dragons, Zhu Minglang discovered that these ugly lost dragons were actually not as terrible as they thought!

First of all, the lost dragon is subordinate to the sly voice sang dragon, that is to say, before the fight, you must be able to lock the sly voice sang dragon, and the stray dragon army will become a piece of loose sand.

The same goes for the lucky winged dragons, their powerful, coordinated, and well-trained hunting behavior is inseparable from their dragon leaders!

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