Dragon Tamer

Chapter 290: Sanglong Lair?


At the crack in the ridge, other people have already slid down the vine rope one after another, and outside the crack, only Li Xing painting and Yin Ling master girl Shi Mei Rou are left.

The girl's light purple eyes were looking at Li Xing's painting, with a somewhat curious look.

"Sister, are the women outside as beautiful as your sister?" Inquired Meirou, a girl from the Yin Lingshi.

"Have you never walked out of Lihuagou?" Li Xinghua asked.

The ridge is desolate, and there are not even too many trees to cover it, so if there are any dangerous creatures close, you can see it for the first time.

The Yin Lingshi girl shook her head and said: "Grandma never let me leave, and she will be reprimanded even when she walks out of the stockade."

"Is she very strict with you?" Li Xinghua calmly talked to the Yin Lingist girl.

"Well, it's very special. She doesn't allow me to tell others that I can see the ghosts, let alone communicate with those wandering ghosts. She instills me again and again, and I see All the Yinlings are the idea of ​​illusion." The Yinlingist girl nodded.

"You don't really like grandma, do you?" Li Xinghua said.

The Yin Lingshi girl did not answer.

"Since she has passed away, why don't you leave Lihuagou?" Li Xinghua asked by asking.

"I asked my grandma, can I leave Lihuagou? Grandma told me that unless the entire group of people in Lihuagou are dead, I don't want to take a step out of Lihuagou." The Yin Lingshi girl replied.

"Is this a curse?" Li Xinghua said.

"Well, I never dared to disobey her."

"So you plan to kill everyone in the stockade?" When Li Xinghua spoke these words, his tone did not change, as if he had already known all this from the moment of conversation.

The light purple pupils were dilated, and the girl of the Yin Lingshi stared at Li Xing's painting, and the little goose egg cheek showed a panic.


Not far away, a shallow phantom clings to the flat part of the ridge inexplicably, and there are obviously no trees or rocks blocking the sun.

This phantom was Zhu Minglang. He had already arrived. When he saw everyone except Quli Xing's paintings being tricked into the ridge cracks, Zhu Minglang planned to take action against this Yin Lingshi girl.

However, Li Xing drew a hand behind his back, but shook Zhu Minglang and signaled him not to show up at this time.

Li Xinghua wants to test the girl of the Yin Lingshi.

Could it be that this Yin Lingshi girl is still hiding something?


"I...I...I don't..." The Yin Lingist girl replied nervously.

"Those who died, are you in control?" Li Xinghua still waved his hand to Zhu Minglang, who was not far away, and motioned him to wait.

The Yin Lingshi girl was silent, her eyes didn't even dare to look at this sister who seemed to be able to see through people's hearts.

"Yes...Yes." After a long time, the Yin Lingshi girl finally admitted.

"Aren't they your people? Why kill them?" Li Xing asked.

"They weren't killed by me, I control them, just want to drive you away, but your strength is too strong." The Yin Lingshi girl said.

"Sanglong killed them?"

The Yin Lingshi girl shook her head again.

Not far away, Zhu Minglang frowned.

Things seem to be more complicated than imagined.

However, it is a fact that this Yin Lingshi girl manipulated those who died, and it is very likely to be the leader of the Dragon Lost. It is hard to say what is going on under the crack. No matter what, take her down first and ask again.

Zhu Minglang walked over.

Bingchen Bailong was on Zhu Minglang's left side. It was striding, a pair of Lengyue Eyes staring at this Yin Spiritist girl with strong hostility.

And the sword spirit dragon, in fact, had long hidden under the sun, as Zhu Minglang approached, the sword of the sword spirit dragon pointed directly at this Yin Lingshi girl.

As long as she wants to murder Li Xinghua, she will be immediately beheaded by the sword spirit dragon.

The Yin Lingshi girl was cold all over, looking at Zhu Minglang, her cheeks were pale.

"No matter how great the enmity is, it will not kill the entire village, you are more vicious than those who lost the dragon." Zhu Minglang said to the girl coldly.

"I...I didn't kill them." The female spiritist girl's voice trembled slightly.

"I've seen the grave you mentioned. It's not a drowned ghost, so I deliberately led my companions to this so-called Black Lake of the Crypt. Black Lake is probably the lair of the Dragon. You'd better let those The sanglong who are about to move are honest, otherwise you will die more ugly!" Zhu Minglang said.

The Yin Lingshi girl looked at Zhu Minglang in horror. From her expression, she couldn't see her heart at all, as if Zhu Minglang had wronged her.

"What makes it uglier to die?" Suddenly, a familiar voice came from under the dark cracks.

Nan Yusuo climbed up along the hanging rope.

Then Hu Bailing, Fang Niannian, and Song Luo also had cracks. They obviously didn't know what was going on here.

Zhu Minglang was very surprised.

Why did they come up safe and sound? ? =

Isn't it the lair of the dragon?

Then why is this Yin Lingshi girl taking so much trouble to draw everyone here?

"Didn't you encounter anything?" Zhu Minglang asked puzzledly.

"A lot of gems, if you have enough time, you can salvage them all. Of course, the detoxification resin has all fallen down. It shouldn't be long before every village in Lihuagou will get clean water." Hu Bailing said with a smile.

It's going well. The cave below is indeed a black lake, and Hu Bailing intuitively told Hu Bailing that this is indeed the source of the Lihuagou mountain stream. As for the densely packed gemstones like river sand at the bottom of the lake, Hu Bailing was really moved. But she also knew who these should belong to.

"Are there no dragons?" Zhu Minglang looked at Nan Yusuo.

"Diye Sanglong didn't find here, and there is no trace of Sanglong in the Black Lake." Nan Yusuo said.

Zhu Minglang and Li Xinghua looked at each other.

Then their eyes fell unanimously on the cheeks of the insidious girl~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Could it be that they guessed wrong? ?

But just now she clearly admitted that she manipulated those who died.

"What about your situation, why did you come here so soon?" Hu Bailing asked.

"The Sanglong army in Shitou Village has retreated, and only a small part of the periphery is lurking." Zhu Minglang said.

"Sanglong is very vigilant and careful. They should also be worried that we will gather everyone's strength to destroy them, so they immediately abandoned the stone stockade and hid elsewhere." Song Luo said.

"What were you discussing so seriously just now?" Hu Bailing asked.

"It's nothing, I asked her if she saw any special dragons in the Shitouzhai. I guess the dragon army should have a leader who is not inferior to humans in wisdom. If we can know its characteristics and abilities, deal with it. It will be much easier to deal with Sanglong." Zhu Minglang smiled and covered up the question just now.

The Yin Lingshi girl lowered her head and was silent, with one hand grabbing a corner of her clothes, as if she was relieved, and she was afraid of something.

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