Dragon Tamer

Chapter 291: Leave in a hurry

I wish Minglang let Xiaobai explore the black lake under the crack.

The Black Lake is very large, and it stores enough water to irrigate all the vegetation of the entire Lihua Valley. At the same time, there are many precious stones deposited on the bottom of the lake.

Xiao Bai made a round tour, and indeed did not see any mourning dragon, not even the mourning dragon's saliva, hair, or footprints.

This kind of place is clean like a secret realm, and no creatures have ever set foot.

He swept away all the gems at the bottom of the lake and put them into Bingchen Bailong's universe spell, Xiao Bai Qi returned to the ground and told Zhu Minglang the details of the black lake in the cave.

"Since purifying the water source is considered a great achievement, let's go back to the first cottage." Zhu Minglang said.

"What about those lost dragons in Shitou Village?" Hu Bailing asked.

"If they want to hide, they will destroy all the caves in Lihuagou, and it may not be possible to find their hiding place. We can only do this." Zhu Minglang said.

"Yes." Hu Bailing nodded.

Sanglong is a group of extremely tenacious creatures. There is no real extinction from the beginning to the end. Just like weeds, after the rain in the next spring, they will soon be everywhere!

It is already very good to be able to help Lihuagou to resolve the crisis of water resources. As for where the Dragon Clan in Shitou Village escaped, I am afraid that there will be no results.


Leaving the ridge, before it was dark, the group returned to the first stockade of Lihuagou.

After solving the problem of water source, Lihuagou should also be able to restore its original vitality. As for the lost dragons who suddenly disappeared, they may have found a new cave and began to recuperate.

The scary thing about the dragons is that they have high enough wisdom to hide after knowing that they have lost the hunting opportunity and their own ethnic group is threatened. They will be silent for a period of time, waiting for the opportunity to come back.

However, losing the fruit of Judemo will reduce the threat of losing dragons to Lihuagou a lot.

On the way back, Zhu Minglang remained somewhat silent.

The same Li Xing painting is also in deep thought.

The Yin Ling girl also said nothing.


Near night, they returned to the first village of Lihuagou.

The pleated old patriarch smiled, he personally greeted the return of several brave warriors, and presented a lot of food and wine.

Zhu Minglang has no appetite, especially when he thinks of the secrets hidden in this Lihuagou, I feel that this village is full of weirdness.

He just wants to leave here now.

Hu Bailing didn't know all of this. She accepted the warm hospitality of the villagers, and mentioned her childhood friend to the old patriarch, wanting to know her current situation.

"She, she had a serious illness two years ago and was sent outside for treatment, but she never came back again. We don't know if she is cured and does not plan to return to Lihuagou, or she died of illness outside." The clan sighed long.

Hu Bailing was full of consternation. She didn't know that such a thing had happened. Although she herself had not stepped into the Lihua Valley for many years, and had no contact with that childhood friend, she heard the unfortunate news about her. It will be sad after all.

"Natural disasters, birth, old age, sickness and death are all normal," said Song Xunshan, the head of the fold.

"It is indeed normal, but you Lihuagou have the secret of longevity to save the tribesmen from this, don't you?" Zhu Minglang smiled and said to the old patriarch with folds.

The old patriarch was holding the wine bowl, his hands hanging in the air, his deep eyes watching Zhu Minglang.

"You have stipulated that the people of the tribe cannot leave Lihuagou. In fact, you have no disputes with the world and want to live quietly in a place where there is no strife, war and intrigue. Isn't this your way to avoid man-made disasters?" Zhu Minglang went on to say nothing Spit it out.

Patriarch Song Xunshan listened, and drank all the wine in front of him again, and laughed.

"We have other things to deal with, so we won't spend the night in the stockade. We will leave Lihuagou in a while. The next fight with the Sanglong will depend on you." Zhu Minglang said.

"Although we still hope that you can wipe out more mourning dragons for us, we also know that mourning dragons are cunning. Once they hide, it is a waste of time to keep you here. Thank you again for what Runyu City has done for us. , We also prepared some gems, please take them away together." Song Xunshan said.

Zhu Minglang did not refuse. Although he has already obtained a large car of gems, who would have too many gems?


The night was getting thick, and Zhu Minglang and his party left Lihuagou.

The mountain road is complicated, and it takes some time to get out of this special flower ditch.

There are still no insects and birds in this mountain forest, let alone some wandering beasts, and the night-shrouded ravine is too silent.

About ten or twenty miles out, Nan Yusuo, who felt the strange atmosphere finally spoke up, asked Zhu Minglang, "Why did you leave like this because it hasn't been solved completely? Don't you worry about the return of the tragedy?"

Similarly, Nan Yusuo didn’t understand why her sister would let those lost dragons continue to hide in Lihuagou. You must know that those lost dragons slaughtered an entire stockade. Such a shocking thing would happen again in other stockades. , Li Xing painting as a prophet, are you not afraid of nightmares?

"This ghost place, I don't want to stay for a moment." Zhu Minglang snorted coldly, recalling some details of entering Lihuagou, it is even more creepy.

"What happened?" Hu Bailing asked puzzled.

"Actually, I always wanted to say ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ but it’s not easy to mention, don’t you think the people in the stockade are weird? There are only a few people who talk to us from the beginning to the end, and they don’t at all. Take us to visit other places in the stockade, and then we said we were leaving, wishing we could leave quickly..." Fang Niannian said quietly.

"Niannian, what do you think?" Zhu Minglang asked.

"It's hard to say, but the entire stockade is very weird... Although every house is lit, it lacks a kind of popularity. How to say it, I just didn't see the children playing near the house, and I couldn't see anyone shouting for business, let alone seeing The women chatted while doing housework, let alone the croaking of chickens and dogs." Fang Niannian was quite intuitive.

She herself lives in the market.

She is very familiar with the atmosphere of the market.

Even if it is an isolated stockade, as long as there are people living, they can't live without cooking smoke, crying, and noisy.

When they arrived at the first village last time, they barely stayed and left in a hurry.

This time I returned to the first village and ate a meal in a hurry, but the old patriarch only took them to a limited number of houses from beginning to end.

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