Dragon Tamer

Chapter 292: Yinlingzhai

"Niannian, you make me a little creepy." Hu Bailing suddenly put his arms around his shoulders.

"There is a reason why Lihuagou is isolated from the world." Li Xinghua said only then.

"Didn't Zhu Minglang say that before? They are to avoid war and don't want to get into any disputes." Fang Niannian said.

"Although I can't be 100% sure, but I think this Lihuagou may be a village of Yin Lingshi." Zhu Minglang looked back at the village in the deep mountains that was lit with lights.

The night is clear and the lights are bright, everything looks so peaceful, as if it is really a paradise, and in spring and summer, when the pear blossoms are in bloom, it will even be covered with pear blossoms all over the mountains and plains. By then, it must be as beautiful as a fairyland.

But is it really so wonderful?

"Yin Lingshi Village???" Nan Yusuo opened her mouth in surprise.

"Well, most of the people here are already dead. I am afraid that Lihuagou has always been a ditch for the dead. Rumor has it that there are 20 to 30 thousand people living here, but in fact, the people who are really alive may be what we have seen. So few of them. They are Yin Ling masters." Li Xinghua said.

"The dead people we met at Shitouzhaizhai before were not deceived by the dragon, but in fact the Yinling Master Mei Rou, she was driving the dead people." Zhu Minglang said.

Nan Yusuo, Hu Bailing, and Fang Niannian's eyes widened.

"Sure enough, this little girl has a problem, huh!" Nan Yusuo said.

Ever since she joined the team, Nan Yusuo felt that this girl was hiding something.

"Then she was in the same group as Sanglong, she slaughtered the entire village?" Hu Bailing said in disbelief.

"No, I'm afraid there are not many living people in Shitou Village," Zhu Minglang said.

"Huh?" Fang Niannian felt that her head was not enough.

Isn't the stockade slaughtered?

Obviously, the dragons are hiding in those houses!

"In the first stockade, most of the people we saw were dead people who were manipulated." Zhu Minglang continued.

"Both... are all ghosts???" Fang Niannian heard it, and the whole body shrank directly into Nan Yusuo's arms.

"I underestimated the abilities of the Yin Ling masters, or in other words, the Yin Ling masters are also strong and weak. The weak Yin Ling masters can only see the Yin Ling, the stronger Yin Ling masters can communicate with the Yin Ling, and more Powerful Yin Ling masters, they can even manipulate people who have died, making them look like they are alive," Li Xinghua said.

"So the first village does not seem to be angry at all. It is because this entire Lihuagou is a tribe of Yin Ling masters. They maintain all the villages by manipulating the dead, making the outside world think that this place is an isolated place. ???" Hu Bailing's eyes were full of fear.

The playmate who didn't have a relationship with him at the beginning.

Is she a Yin Ling master or a dead person? ?

"Then...what's going on with that lost dragon?" Nan Yusu asked.

"It's also our control. Sanglong is our patron!" At this moment, a man's voice came from the front of the mountain. He was standing under the cold moonlight, wearing an animal fur hat, and Animal hair clothes, but the whole person exudes a sly! !

It's Songluo!

Compared with the honest and honest appearance before, he is even more elusive and evil at this moment!

"Insider? Actually we don't like to call ourselves like that. We call ourselves Death!" The pleated patriarch Song Xunshan walked out of the forest behind him and twisted the insidious with one hand. Mai Rou, a girl teacher.

"According to the Holy See, Sanglong is a creature that serves the death god..." Hu Bailing suddenly recalled this sentence, and the whole person was like a thunderbolt. The more she thought about it, the more angry she became, pointing her finger at the patriarch of the stockade, and said, "No wonder that the mourning dragon will not be extinct, because there are you ghost masters living in this pear flower ditch!"

"It's really unexpected for you to send you to Sanglong Village, and you can still come out alive. However, since you already know the secret of our Lihuagou, you can't let you leave alive." said the patriarch Song Xunshan. .

In fact, Song Xunshan has never been certain whether these people have known the secrets of Lihuagou.

But when they left without incident, Matsuhirosan thought more and more something was wrong. He felt that it was safe to deal with them. After all, they had contact with Shi Meirou, and Shi Meirou also told these people that they could see Yin. Spiritual things!

"I... I didn't say anything." Shi Meirou said.

"But they still guessed it, didn't they?" Patriarch Song Xunshan said.

"I thought that the patriarch gave us so many gems as a hush fee. In fact, we don't care about who you are, whether it is the Necromancer or the Dragon Death God. What we only care about is whether many people die here. Facts When I knew that you were the village of Yin Lingshi, I was still relieved. This means that there are not thousands of people in Lihuagou who have died tragically under the claws of the dragon. I am more bodhisattva-hearted." Zhu Minglang said Said.

Not slaughtered.

The people of Lihuagou did not live under the fear of losing the dragon.

This is why Zhu Minglang left.

The Yinling Master’s village, they like to use the dead as the villagers. Obviously there are only a few real living people in the whole Lihuagou, but they show the illusion of prosperity and prosperity in the seven villages...

They like this way of playing the house of the Yin Ling master.

Then let them ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ as long as they don't use real living people as their puppets.

As long as their so-called mourning dragon servants did not run down the mountain, killing innocent people indiscriminately.

How they survived, and how they continued, that is their business, Zhu Minglang can't control it.

This is why Zhu Minglang left in a hurry after knowing the truth.

"For me, it's enough for no one to die miserably. You Yinlingists like to play by yourself, then play slowly. I still prefer cities with real vitality." Zhu Minglang said.

"You won't be tight-lipped about things here!" Song Luo's eyes stared at Zhu Minglang.

"Actually, everyone tacitly knew that this matter passed like this. From now on, everyone will be good neighbors. As long as you don’t seek money or kill you, I won’t have any prejudice against you. I seem to be really stupid. I was commissioned to rescue. Now that you are all safe and sound, I can leave. But if you do this, you are forcing me to be the one who destroyed your Lihuagou Yinling Village. Gems, I will feel guilty." Zhu Minglang said.

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