Dragon Tamer

Chapter 293: Yamano Shiki

  The old patriarch Matsu Xunshan's eyes showed a bit of cold killing intent, he slowly raised his hand, and he could see a bright red ghost pattern appearing on his palm.

   He slapped his palm to the ground, and the bright red palm prints spread out among the mountains and forests.

   The land began to boil inexplicably, and it began to crack inexplicably, and then one after another uplifted earthen graves appeared in the surrounding mountains.

   The grave was completely open, and the dead bodies crawled out of the grave by themselves, making an unpleasant sound similar to chewing food!

   Zhu Minglang looked around and found that there were a lot of tombs hidden in the forest.

   No wonder the other party did not leave them in the stockade, but chose to do it here.

  This barren mountain is a cemetery, where they can summon enough dead bodies!

Compared with the living corpses seen in the stockades, these dead corpses crawling out of the graves are much more terrifying. Most of them are rotten bodies, most of which are only a dead bone, but their pupils are still exuding. With a green glow, ferocious and vicious, I can't wait to kill all living things!

  The technique of controlling the corpse!

   This old patriarch is determined to bury a few of them here, and perhaps after their sudden death, the bones of their group of people will also become their puppets!

   Behind is a dead body crawling out of the grave.

   And Song Luo in front was also calling for something, and he could see that his eyes had turned into a dark red like a bat.

   There was a long roar, and then a black tide appeared in the mountains and forests, they were swallowing everything in the mountains and forests, and they were swept over terribly!

   is a dragon! !

   An army of funeral dragons is coming from the forest ahead!

   Zhu Minglang had speculated before that the dragon might be led by someone. Originally, he suspected that the target was the girl teacher Meirou, but now he has come to realize.

   is indeed controlled by someone, this person is Songluo in their team, not the nephew girl!

  The group of dead corpses and the group of zombie dragons, the leader of this barren mountain became fierce, Zhu Minglang didn't dare to hesitate, when those dead corpses and zombie dragons assembled, he called out his four dragons!

   "Qingzhuo, come and eat a demon fruit." Zhu Minglang handed Shenmu Qingshenglong the fruit of Judemo.

As soon as the fruit entered, the Shenmu Qingshenglong body surged with majestic devilish energy, which made its blue sacred wings appear as if a shadow of a devilish dragon appeared, and the strong devilish energy was more condensed in its skin and muscles. Outside, like a magic helmet.

   "You go to deal with those lost dragons." Zhu Minglang said.

   Shenmu Qingshenglong's holy light and magical shadow coexist. It **** wings of different colors and flies over the mountains and forests. The vegetation growing in the soil is expanding at a speed visible to the naked eye.

   Trees rise from the ground, vines cover the sky, and the magic vine and the holy wood are intertwined to form a huge jungle fortress, blocking the direction of the dragons.

The funeral dragons are flexible and cunning. They try to pass through some of the gaps in the jungle fortress, but the magic vines in the jungle fortress are like living creatures. They will strike out quickly and twist the intruded funeral dragons. Live, and then these are Sanglong like being swallowed by some devil, there is no bones left.

   Devil Forest!

  The jungle fortress created by Shenmu Qingshenglong is clearly the Devil Forest. Even a clandestine creature like the Sanglong, it is difficult to get out of this jungle alive.



   The dead body that could not crawl out of the grave made a terrible cry.

You must know that you will face these dead objects from the grave. Zhu Minglang would rather just tear your skin directly with them in the stockade. Anyway, don't see the ugly, rotten, and disgusting appearance of these dead bodies. But it is very well maintained. At first glance, it is no different from a living person, and it can't help but praise the village girls for their white skin and beauty...

   Of course, when you think about it, those are just the paleness of the dead!

   "Freeze them." Zhu Minglang didn't want these disgusting things to come near.

   Fang Niannian was so scared that she fainted. She felt that there were no ghosts in this world, but the ghouls all over the mountains came into view, making it difficult for her to sleep in the future.

   Hu Bailing hugged her, and her giant elephant dragon was roaring again and again.

   Zhu Minglang didn't intend to let Hu Bailing participate in the war. He needed someone to protect Fang Niannian and Li Xinghua who had no combat ability.

   To deal with these low-level ghouls, I wish Minglang alone is enough.

   Bingchen Bailong also has its own special domain, which is the frost of the ice sky.

   The breath of frost and cold is rapidly spreading, and under the moonlight, a large area of ​​silvery white can be seen, which is shrouded around this grave mountain.

   As soon as those ghouls approach, they will stick to the frost of the ice sky, and these frost will take away the vitality of any creature...

   Does the corpse have vitality?

   Obviously there is, this vitality is actually the dead spirit river flowing like blood in their bodies.

  Through this special necromantic river water, these necromantic bodies can be preserved for a long time, and they will also gain powerful brute force, making them look like powerful beasts, posing a great threat to any living thing.

Bingchen Bailong’s frost in the sky is drying up these dead rivers~www.wuxiaspot.com~ You can see the ghouls that are originally like tigers and leopards in speed and power. They are slowly stiffening. Withered little by little!

Of course, there are also some unaffected ghouls. They rushed up, reinforced iron bones and skin muscles as hard as rocks. They roared and crashed into the Bingchen White Dragon. Bingchen White Dragon pierced their hearts with their tails. , As a result, this powerful ghoul was unharmed!


   The Bingchen White Dragon flapped its wings and flew. It swirled in the air, and while sprinkling its icy white feathers toward the sky, it spit out the dragon's breath on the earth! !

It looks like a large piece of soft moonlight hits the vast wilderness, but the dragon’s breath has terrible freezing power. You can see the flowers, plants and trees turning into ice in an instant, and you can see the mountains and rocks turning into thick. The ice layer, the corpses that rushed up in groups, turned into ice sculptures one by one, unable to move!

  The moonlight is cold, the mountains and forests have turned into a cold and dead place, Bingchen Bailong's breath of dragon is extremely overbearing, whether it is the carrion or the fierce corpse, none of them have survived!


   With a light flap of wings, Bingchen Bailong blew a cold wind.

   The cold wind passed by those flowers, trees, and ice sculptures of ghouls, and soon all the objects flew up and turned into white sand crystals in the air, all drifting farther away.

   For a time, this mountain forest became cleaner than ever!

   The old patriarch Song Xunshan's face was green and iron, although he already knew the opponent's general strength from Song Luo.

   But he did not expect his ghoul to be as funny as a sand soldier in front of Bingchen Bailong!


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