Dragon Tamer

Chapter 299: Deprived of 1 cut

   At the city gate, the monks who watched the excitement thought they had heard it wrong.

   Let Shenfan Academy get out? ?

   Shenfan Academy is the only power in this brown land.

   You must know that country changes are very common in this brown land, and only Shenfan Academy is the real master of the brown land.

   How can anyone dare to defy Shenfan Academy!

   This new city owner is too ignorant of the sky and the earth? ?

"Hahaha, I wish Minglang, I wish Minglang, I have long heard that you are rampant in the imperial capital, and even the people of the imperial family are not even considered. Only with our Shenfan Academy, there will be the Four Kingdoms of the Brown Earth, and with the Four Kingdoms, will there be you who are in charge of Runyu City. Since everything has been said for this purpose, I may as well tell you that as long as our Shenfan Academy is here, this Run Yucheng will never belong to you. Either you kneel down and obey all our arrangements, or you will roll, we will deprive you of everything!" The man in the peacock robe smiled.

   At first, the school affairs of the Academy of Gods and Gods were still restrained, but he seemed to be irritated by Zhu Minglang's arrogant words.

   wish the door?

   This brown earth does not have the slightest power of Zhumen.

What's more, a force that has grown by relying on craftsmanship has its current status only because of the situation in the mainland, which has attracted the hearts of the people and made money. How can it be like the Shenfan Academy who focuses on practitioners and climbs toward the heavens and the gods? Compared with the door shrine?

  This Runyu City...

   Lost the blessing of Shenfan Academy, it is a city of downright evil, and even the decent sects can attack at will!

"Listen well!" At this moment, the woman with constant eyebrows suddenly said to everyone in the city, "From now on, Runyu City is no longer protected by Shenfan Academy, and this city is condemned as a city of sin. , The residents move immediately, otherwise they will be regarded as criminals and the factions will withdraw, otherwise they will be regarded as a dark gang, and your lives will no longer be protected and held accountable."

   Life is no longer protected and held accountable.

   means that the people here, even if they are killed, are similar to killing fugitives or repeat offenders, and will not be held accountable at all!

   Runyu City does have many residents.

   Many dragon shepherds and gods and mortals make a living here, and they basically settle here, and they can be regarded as residents of Runyu City.

Although the situation of Runyu City before the arrival of the new city lord, I am afraid that in the end, it is very likely to become a city of sin, but who can think that it has been under management, and has undergone a rewash to gradually restore order The city of Runyu was directly abandoned by Shenfan Academy and was forcibly recognized as a city of sin!

   How could there be such a dictatorial and overbearing power? Could it be that I don’t understand the current situation of Runyu City at all?

   "So this is the purpose of your coming today?" Zhu Minglang said.

   "This is the paper of the Orderer, read it carefully." The man in the peacock robe threw a volume of papers on the ground.

   Originally, they wanted to find more reasons to make the matter worse, and then they would come up with this orderer’s certificate, but it was no longer necessary.

   "Who is the Orderer?" Zhu Minglang asked.

   "Our Dean Yan Guang!"

   "What is your name?" Zhu Minglang then asked.

   "Shenfan Academy's academic affairs Lian Feiling!"

"Even Feiling, remember what I just said. From now on, I will take back all the spiritual veins in the boundary of Runyu City. If you see people in your Divine Ordinary Academy staying, they will be regarded as robbers and will be removed." Zhu Minglang said.

"you dare!"

   "Do you know why I left the capital?" Zhu Minglang said.

   "Isn't it expelled!" Lian Feiling said disdainfully.

   "I killed a member of the royal family in public." Zhu Minglang continued.

   "You... really are a villain!"

   "Think carefully, I dare not kill your people from the Academy of Divinity, as long as I see you still plundering my personal belongings in my realm!" Zhu Minglang said.

   "You will receive the sanctions you deserve!"

   "Tell you the orderer for me, I wish Minglang is narrow-minded, and if there is grudge, let him wait!" Zhu Minglang said.


   is the person whose land exceeds the rulers and the rulers!

   I wish Minglang, is this even people of this level have to be tough? ?

   A few days ago, many residents and forces in Runyu City could be regarded as seeing the thundering methods of this new city lord, but they never thought that he would even dare to openly challenge the Ling family in the city, the gods and the academy above the state!

   The faculty members of the Shenfan Academy are also pale.

   Usually they move out of the Academy of Gods and Fans, and even the rulers of some countries have to bow their heads, and dare not disobey the slightest.

   Not to mention the order, this kind of transcendent existence that can use the punishment of extermination on any jurisdiction.

   As a result, this Zhu Minglang did not put this in his eyes at all, and said such arrogant words!

   "We leave, there are always many people who don't know good or bad, but few can survive safe and sound. I wish you Minglang, you can do it yourself!" The company commander in peacock robe Ling said coldly.

   The moment he said these words, company Changling's eyes were already filled with deep disgust, even with a bit of anticipation, looking forward to the end of Zhu Minglang!

   What is the proud son of the imperial capital.

   is nothing more than an arrogant mediocrity!

   Opposition to Shenfan Academy?

   Oppose the Orderer?

   Is there anything more stupid than this in the world!


   The wind rose again, and some flying dust gently rolled up.

   The road outside Runyu City was wide and long, and even Feiling and the others from the Academy of Divinity turned and left, as if they had already sentenced Runyu City to death. How arrogant, and no negotiation was allowed.

   Zhu Minglang looked at these people, and he was thinking about a question~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Whether it was the Academy of Divinity or the Order, Zhu Minglang should have never contacted them, let alone any contradiction.

  Why did they directly impose such severe punishment on themselves as soon as they came up?

   just because you don’t want to return the city lord?

   "Shenfan Academy?"

   "There should be many masters."

   "You still speak too softly."

   "And they shouldn't be allowed to leave like this."

   At this time, the woman with Qurou's body leaning on the wall of the city gate said lightly.

   She wears a veil, and in her eyes like a lake of ice and snow, there is a little bit of heat, as if this ordinary life finally has a wave of waves, and she has a little expectation.

   Zhu Minglang scratched his head.

   Is this too mild? ? ?

   Lingsha girl, I haven't seen you some days.

   But your hostility is increasing!


   Oh, Shenfan Academy...

   are all gods.

  The painter girl likes to step on the so-called supreme **** mortal in this world under her exquisite heel!


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