Dragon Tamer

Chapter 300: Order of the Dragon


   Runyu City, as expected, is not something ordinary people can take over.

   Fortunately, I wish Minglang never felt like an ordinary person.

   The command of the Sin City was issued, which meant that the efforts of the people in Runyu City for more than a month were in vain.

   Not to mention the restoration of people’s livelihood, now it is very difficult to prevent Runyu City from being directly leveled by some deliberate people.

   "Is it really hopeless to be recognized as a city of sin by the people of order?" Hu Bailing asked.

"That's just to say. Runyu City is already very rich. There are many gem mountains around, and it is the only way to the Nihai Commercial Road. There are also many spiritual veins. At the moment, the Shenfan Academy has announced its abandonment, and the Order has positioned the city again. Sin City, many factions that are unwilling to pillage Runyu City due to their reputation can take action without scruple, and Runyu City will soon be divided up and nothing is left!" Hu Chongming said with indignation.

   Many times, some robbers wandering outside are not terrible. The terrible thing is that all the people become robbers. This is an unstoppable force.

  The Academy of Shenfan doesn’t need to do it himself, as long as this order is issued to judge Runyu City as the city of sin, then the greediness of the whole brown earth will make Runyu City end in disaster!

   So this is equivalent to the death penalty!

   "Isn't that orderer abusing his power?" Hu Bailing said.

"He is using his power, but he is not abusing his power. Before we took over, Runyu City was indeed at risk of being sentenced to the City of Sin. It was just that the orderer turned a blind eye to our black and evil raids this month." Yao The military division said.

   "A piece of land, there are at least two orderers, and I don't know who the other orderer is. If he can get his approval, then Runyu City will be saved." Hu Chongming said.

   "The premise is that the relationship between the two orderers is disagreeable and their opinions disagree."

   "Or, let's pay two million yuan a month according to the school affairs of the Academy of Divinity?" Yao Junshi whispered.

   "Impossible, we only have a monthly income, and we also need to invest in the construction, management, and policy implementation of the city, not to mention the money spent on recruiting troops..." Hu Chongming and Hu Bailing both opposed.

A rich city-state may not be able to generate 2 million gold in taxes every month, not to mention the messy city of Runyu City, the money to invest, tens of millions of gold is not enough, and it has to pay protection to the other Shenfan Academy fee? ?

   They didn't do anything at the Shenfan Academy!

  Even Hu Chongming suspected that the Academy of Divinity deliberately used the fact that Runyu City was about to be judged as a sinful city to blackmail them who planned to rebuild Runyu City.

   Otherwise, why didn't you not announce it a month ago? You just jumped out when Runyu City got better.

   Moreover, the forces in charge can be changed.

   But it must be a real deterrent on the brown earth.

   If you change to Zhumen and sit in town, Zhumen will not have any branch in the brown land, and there will be no deacon.

   was replaced by Zhumen sitting in town, and the appearance was empty, without any protection or deterrence.

  The reason why Lichuan Dadi was able to be protected and blessed at the time was that on the one hand, the Sword Sect of Mount Yao had already intervened, and on the other hand, the orderer Zhu Xuehen would supervise it.

   Not to mention the indulgence and making things difficult for the orderly people, the forces in charge directly blackmail and deprive them, and the situation is completely stagnant!

   "I thought we could spend the spring quietly, but I didn't know that it was a desperate winter." Commander Yao sighed.

   There is no good solution for Yao Junshi on the issue of power.

   After all, those big powers all regard themselves as cultivators, future immortals, masters of the world, and they don’t care about all living beings at all!

   "Let's find another orderer first." Zhu Minglang said.

   If Runyu City is really doomed to perish, there is no alternative.

   Anyway, what Zhu Minglang wanted at the beginning was only the seal of the city lord. When that time comes, go to the Academy of God to steal it, and then repair the Lian Feiling and the Orderer.

   Of course, there is still room, and Zhu Minglang will not give up easily. Anyway, everyone has worked so hard for more than a month, and my lady has also invested a million gold, so I can't let such a high-level person trample!

"But we don’t know who the other Orderer is. Speaking of which, the brown earth is quite strange. Everyone knows that there is an Orderer who belongs to the Academy of Gods, but the identity of the other Orderer is almost never A few people know." Yao Junshi said bitterly.

   "Do you guys from the Hu family also know?" Zhu Minglang puzzled.

   Hu's brother and sister shook their heads, they really haven't heard the news of another orderer.

   "So mysterious?"

   "I suspect that even Yan Guang, the man of order, doesn't know." Yao Junshi said.

   "Working together without knowing their identity, how is this possible?"

   Everyone discussed and discussed, and suddenly fell into a dead end.

   The identity of the other Orderer is unknown, so the verdict on Sin City cannot be overturned.

   "I might... I might know..." At this moment, the nephew girl Zhirou, who had been listening to everyone, spoke, her voice as soft as a mosquito.

   Zhu Minglang turned his head and looked at the girl of the Yin Lingshi.

No way.

   Another orderer died? ?

   Otherwise, why would this girl who can see the ghost know him? ?

   "My grandma, once told me about the Order." The girl Zhirou couldn't help looking at Li Xinghua, as if she was asking for her opinion before daring to say it.

Li Xinghua also guessed that this might be related to some things in the Yinlingshi’s village. Since she has promised this girl, she will not mention anything in the Yinlingshi’s village. Li Xinghua also understands that she has something to say and cannot confide in public. .

   So, Li Xinghua took her aside and slowly asked about the other Orderer.


"Grandma once came back from the outside and was very upset~www.wuxiaspot.com~ tried to prevent some people in our village from raising sanglong. She told several patriarchs that the Order had already noticed the secret of our Lihuagou. If we continue like this , It is very likely to be annihilated by the Order." Zhi Rou recalled some words of her grandma Shi Hua.

   "Do you know who the orderer is?"

   "Grandma said that it was in Qingniu Mountain. She said that although she did not see the deity of the Order, she had witnessed the dragon of the Order, a silver-tailed purple dragon!" Insidious Zhi Rou said seriously.

   Li Xinghua nodded...

   has obvious characteristics, it is much easier to find this orderer.

   At the moment, I still find this orderer as soon as possible, Qingniu Mountain, in a spiritual mountain in Tuguo, the journey is not particularly far away.

"The silver-tailed purple dragon, yes, yes, I wish you Minglang, the new dragon favorite I have listed for you, the silver-tailed purple dragon is the first choice, hurry up to catch it and tame it!" Mr. Koi did not know when he appeared, right Shouted Zhu Minglang.

   "That's the dragon of others!" Zhu Minglang's face turned black.

   There are two orderers on the brown earth, can't both be offended!

   Purple dragon, Mr. Koi said many times, expressing that he must tame a purple dragon.

   Now Mr. Koi will chatter as soon as he hears Zilong!

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