Dragon Tamer

Chapter 302: Good people are not right

One week!

   This is the time limit given to Runyu City by the Order.

   It is clear that there are still a few days before the Runyu City will be officially defined as the city of sin. In other words, the people here are obviously still citizens of the Ji Ting mainland dynasty, but they have been treated like livestock!

   This kind of thing happened on a large scale.

   Army Master Yao is recording one by one, writing down their encounters in detail, but the more you write, the more Yao Army's hands tremble.

   Hundreds of such encounters, and they are happening more frequently as the deadline approaches!

The problem is that there are still some residents in Runyu City. They live by Runyu City. They cannot survive this troubled world after they leave Runyu City. Even if they choose to leave because of Runyu City’s final decision, the ending is not much better. .

   There was a team of escorts at the market. They left Runyu City on the day the paper was posted.

   On the third day, they were forcibly expelled from other cities.

   Other cities do not accept migrants from Runyu City at all!

   Sin City, once the verdict is judged, the people living in this city will be dead!

   Either give up everything and go wandering, live in no fixed place, or even have a reasonable identity, or rot in this sin city!

   Indeed, Runyu City has very few residents from the beginning.

   But very few, does not mean there is no!

   When he saw the **** cart carrying Old Man Huang in front of him, Zhu Minglang was like a piece of ice. It was not that he was indifferent and numb, but that his coldness was the ultimate expression of his anger! !

   "Junior Yao, record it." Zhu Minglang took a deep breath and said to Junshi Yao.

"My lord, the eagle-claw pseudo-dragon should be the beast taming of the North Mountain Villa. They specialize in taming some beast-riding pseudo-dragons and supplying the elite armies of the major countries. They are more famous as the beast trainer, called the North Shao. The young master of the villa is Beiyan Shang.” Master Yao Jun carefully recorded it, and explained in detail the identities of those who persecuted Old Man Huang and other hunters.

   At this time, Yu Gaojie, the leader of the Canglangqi, came up, glanced at the terrifying scene, and sighed.

"I wish the city master, some words were only said at this time, maybe Zhuge Liang afterwards. When I was cleaning the door, my black-hearted men told me before they died that most of the black money for the umbrella was given to the Shenfan Academy. Runyu city water is very good. Deep, not only the fish and meat of all countries, but also the cash cow of the Academy of Gods, the biggest dark force shrouded in Runyu City, I wish the city lord should have seen it now, it is really not our wolf rider, our wolf rider is also an insignificant role "The wolf riding leader Gaojie said.

   Zhu Minglang glanced at Yu Gaojie.

   is not dissatisfied that he deliberately concealed it.

   Gaojie and his gray wolf ride, but also survived in the cracks between the major forces and the major warlords.

   As he said, the biggest dark force that controls Runyu City is definitely not the local snakes, but the Academy of Gods!

   drove away the Tu country army.

   wiped out the dark power of Runyu City and stabilized the ambitious family.

   As a result, the true dark boss emerged.

   Shenfan Academy!

  They are the culprits who keep Runyu City in this half-ruined state forever!

   Runyu City...

   is just a city, Zhu Minglang never cared about it from the moment he got the title deed to this city.

   But Shenfan Academy used such a despicable method to **** Runyu City from its own hands, and instigated people around it to brutalize the old residents of the city. How could Zhu Minglang not be angry!

   "Big brother, big brother, our brothers who escorted the caravan, all have been arrested!" At this moment, a little wolf-riding leader rushed over and said with a panic expression on his face.

   Gaojie frowned.

   Did you even suffer the same place as the snake?

   "Are they still alive?" Gaojie asked.

   "Alive, they want us to pay the ransom, four thousand gold per person." The little wolf rider said with a black face.

"give them."


   "Life is more important or money is more important, go and raise money!" Gaojie said without hesitation.

   "Master Yao, record it." Zhu Minglang pointed to the little leader of the gray wolf rider, said.

   "I wish City Lord, you have enough things to deal with, we can ride the wolf on our own..." Gaojie gave a salute.

   "Since I am the lord of the city and you are being persecuted, I should also seek justice for you. Give them the money first to save the lives of your men. I will ask them to come back later." Zhu Minglang said.

"I wish the city lord, you have taken care of it. We have never expected justice. What's more, in the eyes of the world, those of us who are living on Runyu City, who are about to become sinners, have been killed. Jing is fair." Yu Gaojie clasped his fists, turned and left here.

"I wish the city lord, forget it, you should leave here as soon as possible. This city has always been like this. The army comes, tramples it again, the new ruler comes, and destroys it again. Now it has become a city of sin, and we people are greedy. The house here is greedy for the fields, cattle and sheep and reluctant to leave. That is also the blame..." an old man said.

"Yes, although there are still three days before the matter of Runyu City as the City of Sins will take effect, those outside also know the news. Even if they do any excessive behavior now, no one will hold them accountable. Three days later, No right to pursue it." Chao Ruijin of the Bronze Blade Army said ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ How can no one hold it? "Zhu Minglang sneered.

   Not to mention that there are only three days left, even if there is only one hour left, Zhu Minglang will never let the people recorded by Army Master Yao!

   "Little Master, I will deal with this matter. I will definitely bring you this prisoner before nightfall!" Hao Ye pointed at the drug picker who had been dragged.

   The herb gatherer was tied behind the horse and dragged on the ground for several miles.

   Hao Ye hates this kind of bullying most.

   "Okay." Zhu Minglang nodded, and handed Yao Junshi's record of the lawsuit to Haoye.

   "Master Yao, do you know how to get to the North Mountain Villa? Let's start with the worst case..." Zhu Minglang asked.

   dragged the person into the air, and then threw it down.

   Just for the sake of gambling, he took the lives of a few innocent Orions for fun.

  I have seen a lot of cruel people, but I rarely encounter such a cruel and inhumane thing. The young master of the North Village, Zhu Minglang, must personally drag him back!

   A good person is improper and must be a beast.

   I don’t have to bear any consequences as soon as I heard that I can’t even do it one by one?

   That Zhu Minglang had no choice but to treat them the same way he treated animals!

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