Dragon Tamer

Chapter 303: How about betting?

   There is a large pasture at the bottom of Zhubi Mountain, which is evergreen throughout the year and rich in pastures. Wild cattle, sheep and deer flock in groups. At the same time, there are also many monsters that feed on these cattle, sheep and deer.

   Bei’s Mountain Villa is located here, where a small town of Bei’s is formed. While a large number of animal herds are sold, various animal training transactions are also conducted.

Trainer is an industry derived from dragon herders. They use the dragon herder’s method of training dragons to domesticate some monsters into horses and cattle, which can be used by war cavalry and can also be used by some wealthy people. Riding tools.

   Domesticated beasts are not real dragons. They are generally pseudo-dragons or hybrid dragons. Even gods and ordinary people like this kind of domesticated beasts.

In the small town of the North, there are people coming and going, and you can see many docile monsters being locked in cages, waiting to be sold, and the owner of the small town of the North, in front of the North Villa, has many visitors. If you want to buy a large number of beasts and form a complete team, basically you can only buy them from the people in the North Villa.

Brown horse dragon, camel ox beast, eagle claw pseudo-dragon, these three kinds of beasts are the signature of Beishi Mountain Villa. By domesticating these three kinds of monster beasts, Beishi Mountain Villa can be described as a rich and powerful city, and its strength is also strong in this brown land. That's it!


   The sky is not yet sinking, Zhu Minglang has already arrived at this northern town. After asking for directions, someone pointed out the location of the North Village.

   Zhu Minglang alone, he walked to the gate.

   "The guests are also here to pick the beasts. Our young master and Master Wu are introducing the eagle-claw pseudo-dragon to the distinguished guests in Hongmei Village. If the guests are interested, they can take a look together?" said the butler of the North clan.

   Seeing that Zhu Minglang came with a flying sword, the steward naturally thought that he was a distinguished guest, so he led the way for Zhu Minglang.

   Passed through the Bei's Mountain Villa and walked towards the vast long **** of beast taming behind the Villa. Zhu Minglang saw that the beast-taming industry of the Bei's Mountain Villa was indeed somewhat scaled.

  Generally, some family of dragon herders also have pastures to provide fresh meat to some carnivorous dragons, but few pastures can be as orderly as the Beishi Mountain Villa.

When he walked to the place where he was feeding the eagle-clawed pseudo-dragon, Zhu Minglang saw a group of eagle-clawed pseudo-dragon cubs being kept in captivity on a grass, and their wings and feathers had not yet grown, and they were catching them on the grass like ordinary chickens. The silkworm sprinkled in by the servant.

"Our eagle-claw pseudo-dragons here are all pure bloodlines. You can also understand the process of breeding and domestication at a glance. Even some real dragons at the level of dragons may not be comparable to our eagle-claw pseudo-dragons." A hip flask, the trainer Wu was introducing to several women wearing masks.

   The mask is a fox face, colorful, delicate and beautiful. It covers only the sides of the eye sockets, forehead and bridge of the nose. The other parts are hollowed out, which reveals the delicate and white cheeks and parts of the facial features of these women.

Beiyan Shang was in front of one of the tall and noble fox women, showing off the wealth of the Bei’s Villa. Behind him was a group of uniformly dressed trainers. They had serious expressions and sharp eyes. The master of business in the villa.

   "Young Master, this is Lord Zhu, from the imperial capital, and wants to do a big business with you." The butler walked over and said to Beiyan Shang.

   Beiyan Shang frowned, and without even looking at Zhu Minglang, he said impatiently: "Did you see me receiving more honorable guests?"

   "Beijing Business, the business I'm talking about with you is much larger than theirs." Zhu Minglang didn't care about etiquette, and walked up to the white-faced man.

   "That's right." Beiyan Shang laughed.

   "This Bei's Villa will be yours in the future. Isn't your life priceless? Isn't this considered a big business?" Zhu Minglang got closer, his smile seemed mild, but there was no warmth!

   Beiyan Shang's face immediately sank, and his smile stopped.

   "What do you want to say?" Beiyan Shang snorted coldly, with a bit of disdain.

"Just have some fun. Let me take a sword. If you live, I will give you this gold. If you die, I will give you this gold. Buy you a decent coffin!" Zhu Minglang raised his hand, and a red sword was already floating beside him.

The blade was down, but the tip of the sword was off the ground, and a chill spread immediately. The untamed eagle-claw pseudo-dragons that were tied by the chains seemed to feel the terrible killing intent, and they pulled the chains, trying to break free. Escape from here!

Beiyan Shang's eyes also turned cold, but then he laughed, with a smile of disdain and contempt for Zhu Minglang: "I didn't expect that there would be people in this brown land serving as justice knights, but just a few untouchables, butler Prepare some gold and silver for this guy, and treat it as medical expenses. Today, the young master is in a good mood and doesn't care about it."

"Young Master Bei, get ready, I can take out the sword." Zhu Minglang is pulling the sword spirit dragon with his fingers, and the sword spirit dragon is spinning gently at this moment, the murderous aura is still spreading wanton, this time even those of Beiyan Shang The villa masters also noticed something was wrong.

   "Who are you, don't you know where this is!" Beiyan Shang said angrily.

"I am the city lord of Runyu City, I wish you Minglang. Either you follow me back to Runyu City, and I will deal with you with the local punishment, or we will take a bet to see if it is your fate or my sword. Daughter!" Zhu Minglang said flatly.

   "A madman, get rid of him for me." Beiyan Shang said with sharp eyes.

   Just after the words fell, a red sword light swept across the sky like a star of evil, stunning and terrifying!

   The tip of the sword pointed directly at the heart of the young master of the Bei's Villa. Beiyan Shang was not a straw bag, and he immediately hid behind the masters of his own Villa!

Those masters dressed in uniform have blocked their swords, but this careless sword hides a huge power~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and you can see that the bodies of these masters in the villa are pierced one by one, falling down one by one. Painful convulsion in a pool of blood!


There was a piercing sound. The Master Wu, who was carrying a hip flask, seemed to have noticed Zhu Minglang's extraordinary skills and called out a golden eagle dragon in advance. This golden eagle dragon is made of gold with feathers and a majestic body. Blocked in front of Beiyan Shang...


   The blood blossoms were still splashing, even the Golden Eagle Dragon was stabbed away. The Golden Eagle Dragon screamed, and fell to the ground like the masters of those villas before!

   The sword power was finally resolved.

   Beiyan Shang’s pale and yin-skinned face showed a look of fear, and his eyes were even more staring!

   almost died!

   The opponent's sword is so shocking!

   "This lord, our young lord will repent. This sword is also blocked, so please sir..." Master Wu hurriedly put down his previous arrogant attitude and said in shock.

   "Oh, one thousand gold goes to you." Zhu Minglang casually threw a bag of gold to the young master of the north and called the sword back, but put another sword out pose, smiling brightly.

   "I lose this round, but the next one is hard to say."

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