Dragon Tamer

Chapter 304: Injustice and debt

   Beiyan Shang and Wu Tiaoshi were about to collapse when they heard these words!

   The sword that the opponent had just now was actually quite horrible. If there were not so many people to block it, and without the Golden Eagle Dragon, Beiyan Shang would definitely be penetrated.

   At this point, the people in the North Villa also realized that the person who came to look for things this time was definitely not a warrior, but a demon with superior strength!

   "Housekeeper, housekeeper, give all the money in the villa to this adult." Beiyan Shang hurriedly said.

"Young Master Bei, what is this? I'm not a robber. I'm just the city lord of Runyu City. I will enforce the law impartially." Zhu Minglang kept smiling, and took out a bag of money with his other hand and threw it in the full It's blood on the ground.

   is another thousand gold.

  This daughter is almost like being paid to the young master of the villa in advance. What he wants is the life of Beiyan Shang!

   "Can you take the liberty to ask, what crime did the young master of Beishan Villa commit?" At this time, the tall woman in the fox mask spoke with a soft and beautiful voice, but her tone was a bit high and cold.

"Where is the crime and crime? Those hunters in Runyu City do not have long eyes and have a cheap life. They were thrown from the eagle-claw pseudo-dragon by the young master of North, and they dare to live. Did the young master Shang lose money? The young master of North Rende left them a few breaths and let one of them send them back to Runyu City alive. They even complained to the lord of the city, and they don’t know how to thank Ende!" Zhu Minglang Said with an expression of indignation.

   The woman from Hongmeizhuang took a deep look at Beiyan Shang. She asked, "Young Master Bei, do you really take Orion’s life for fun?"

   "Runyu City has been judged to be a city of sin. Who knows if they are hunters or not, in my opinion, they are more like a group of gangsters seeking money and killing!" Beiyan Shang tremblingly said.

"I heard that the living Orion told me that Young Master Bei didn’t have a lot of fun. Look at me, the city lord, didn’t come to apologize personally, and play a more exciting game with Young Master Bei. If you say you’re someone who is blocking the sword for the young master. Stand up quickly and rest assured, I will never bypass you and stab your Young Master directly. I am the person who speaks the rules of the game the most!" Zhu Minglang said.

   When they said this, they just wanted to delay time so that all the other masters in the villa could gather.

   Zhu Minglang doesn't mind very much. Although I have been busy with official duties recently, I can take this kind of interesting things slowly, otherwise my reputation as the Lord of Runyu City in the last three days will not spread far.

   "Red Eyebrow Vendor, save me, save me!" Beiyan Shang was already so scared by Zhu Minglang that his soul was about to fly away, and the next sword came immediately!

The owner of the Red Eyebrow Village glanced at Zhu Minglang and said, “Master Zhu, can you spare him once? The North Mountain Villa is also considered to have some reputation on this land. It may be that the elders neglected to discipline and let the young and energetic young master do it. Sorry, please look at our Hongmei Village..."

"Girl, you either stand in front of him and help him with the sword, or you close your mouth and choose the animal tamer you want. You are not those hunters. You haven't seen their bones shattered and their bodies broken, but they are still alive. If you don’t understand the facts, don’t be merciful here!" Zhu Minglang sarcastically said unceremoniously.

   These few words made the owner of Hongmeizhuang blush, and there was no irritation in those eyes!

   "Villa Red Eyebrow, you are strong and strong, you can definitely block this man's sword, please save me, our villa can provide you with a batch of domesticated golden eagle pseudo-dragons!!" Beiyan businessmen pleaded.

   The sword has been suspended again, and the aura from the red sword body is like the evil spirit in the Asura field, I don't know how many people have been killed, it is more like the condensation of tens of thousands of dead souls!

   The owner of Hongmeizhuang hesitated for a while.

   In the end, she still did not stand up to stand up for Beiyan Shang.

   To put it bluntly, this matter has nothing to do with her, she has no need to offend such a terrible person because of Beiyan Shang!

   "Why no one is blocking the sword for you, Young Master North, it seems that you have a problem with being a human being. At any rate, it's the master of this villa, don't you have a few loyal servants?" Zhu Minglang said.

   One sword pierced so many people, life and death are unknown, they already have a recognition of how strong this person is.

   Even if all the masters in the villa are mobilized, can he really stop him?

   "You guys!! You dogs, I provide you with good clothes and jade food, you don't even dare to stand up for this young master with swords, a group of dogs, a group of dog things!!" Beiyan Shang roared frantically.

   "I'm out of the sword, Young Master Bei, I wonder if you feel the pain of those Orion users at that time?" Zhu Minglang asked.

"I don't dare anymore, my lord is forgiving, my lord is forgiving!!" Beiyan Shang was already crying, and he was really scared. The feeling of passing by with death before made him shudder. Now those dogs The minions retreated to the distance one by one, and only Master Wu stood in front of him.

   Is the opponent's sword really that terrible? A group of dog minions who are greedy for life and fear of death.

   "Receive the sword!" Zhu Minglang spit out these two words.

   At the same time, Master Wu with trembling legs moved aside, and at the moment Zhu Minglang officially made the move, he also lost the courage to block the sword.

   Trainer Wu knows very well that if he blocks, Beiyan Shang may be able to live, but he will undoubtedly die!

The sword flew so fast that it was impossible to see clearly. You could even see the overlapping sword shadows, stabbing Beiyan Shang from different angles. Beiyan Shang also wanted to escape on a golden eagle dragon, but the sword shadow followed , Howl fiercely! !


   With a scream, the golden eagle dragon was pierced by its golden wings and fell from the high sky.

   Beiyan business also fell.

I don’t know if it’s a coincidence~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The Golden Eagle Dragon landed on his back, Beiyan Shang was entangled by a saddle rope, and he couldn’t escape even if he wanted to escape in mid-air, so after falling to the ground, he was severely crushed by the body of the Golden Eagle Dragon. broken! !

   "Ah!!! Ah!!!!!!!!! Ah!!!!!!!!!"

   The screams reverberated in the entire Beast Taming Villa, and even the people in the small town could hear it.

The trainers and thugs in the villa, they didn't even dare to save their young master, because a white dragon dragon was standing on the roof, coldly looking down at everyone in the villa, including the bei's villa that came late. The owner.

   The owner of the village is an old lady with black and white hair, and there are several monarch-level dragon shepherds by her side, but the appearance of the white dragon seems to shock these people.

   The screams still didn't stop, and the old lady from the North Villa could not bear to look.

   "My lord, please be happy, at least don't make him suffer like this." The old lady finally said.

   "Old Man Huang also said that to me." Zhu Minglang said lightly.

"It's our Bei family's lax discipline that caused such a fault. Please let the adults open the door to our Bei family villa." The old lady said this, and then glanced at the white dragon standing on the roof. .

   This white dragon is not much gentler than that flying sword.

   "There is a debtor who has been wronged, and your young master has already paid it." Zhu Minglang said.

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