Dragon Tamer

Chapter 305: Recover the spirit vein


   In the middle of the night, a lone city standing on a hillside, several people wearing guard clothes were **** by five flowers and hung above the gate of the lone city.

   Their wrists were cut open, and the blood was constantly flowing, but no one dared to untie them, nor dared to give them medicine.

   Time passed quietly, until the treetops on the moon, Zhu Minglang jumped onto the back of the Bingchen White Dragon and left on the sacred and clean white dragon with wings.

   The hanged guards were finally rescued. They were about to lose blood and die with fear...

"You should be grateful that you still had room at the beginning, otherwise he will wait until your blood dries out before leaving. He is alive, why bother to do evil for a little bit of selfish desire?" An old man wearing the same guard clothes came and helped him. Several guards of bad character.

   "That is Sin City, and the people in it are all scumbags..."

   "You know whether Runyu City is a sin city or not, let alone what you did to those vendors is called a scum!" said the old guard.


   The moon hung the ink dome obliquely, and the Shenghui Bailong kept flying at a low altitude, lightly tapping on some ancient laurel trees from time to time, and then glide thousands of meters...

The tranquil lake was separated by the paws of the Bingchen Bailong's two delicate ripples, and the black reflection of the night was divided into two, a little bit of frost was sprinkled like clean white salt, as the Bingchen Bailong once again In the air, the lake has turned into a white ice lake.

   The lake is close to the hills and is a medicinal hill. It is uniquely endowed with the aura of heaven and earth. Some ordinary plants and trees that grow here have special medicinal value.

   This place has always been supervised by people from the Academy of Divinity. Just like the Academy of Dragon Trainer, students can receive appointments to take care of Herb Hill in exchange for credits.

Zhu Minglang and Bingchen Bailong landed in the wooden house village on the herb hill, and saw those apprentices serving the Shenfan Academy, and many servants of the Shenfan Academy. They defrosted those precious medicinal materials in the middle of the night... …

   "Who is coming?" At this moment, a woman wrapped in a large robe in the wooden house came out and asked sternly Zhu Minglang who had fallen from the sky.

   Zhu Minglang looked around and found that this woman was the woman with the cross-brows who was with the hospital commander Ling Tong at the time. She was proud and pretentious. Zhu Minglang was still impressed with this guy.

   "Are you parasites?" Zhu Minglang stepped forward and asked.

   "Presumptuous, we are members of the Shenfan Academy, this is our herbal forbidden area, and other people cannot enter!" said Fan Lu, a woman with horizontal eyebrows.

"This is the boundary of Runyu City. When will the private territory I wish Minglang become forbidden for your Shenfan Academy? If you occupy the land of others if you are a big power, you don’t get out of here before dawn, so don’t blame me for being polite. !" Zhu Minglang said unceremoniously.

   "It's you!" Only then did Fan Lu recognize the person. It was the extremely arrogant city lord Zhu Minglang.

   "Since I know it is me, don't hurry up, haven't I warned you four days ago that all the spiritual veins of the Divine and Fan Academy and Runyu City boundary will be recovered!" Zhu Minglang said.

When    was speaking, other people from the Shenfan Academy came out of the wooden house one after another.

   Those medicine servants who were defrosting also stretched their heads one by one, wanting to see who would dare to make trouble at the site of Shenfan Academy.

   "What to look at, do your job, you can't let this batch of herbs mature within seven days, I will chop all of you as fertilizer!" Fan Lu turned his head and scolded the medicine servants!

   "Master Fan Lu, what's going on?" A woman in delicate mink clothes came up and asked cautiously.

   "A villain in Runyu City!" Fan Lu said.

"Listen well, everyone, I will take back this medicine mound before dawn and give you time to pack up and leave. If I find you are still staying on my site, I will treat you as bandits!" Zhu Minglanggao Sheng said to the students of Shenfan Academy who took care of the medicine garden.

   "Shut up, you are the robber. This medicine mound has belonged to our Shenfan Academy for decades!" Fan Lu said angrily.

   "You have occupied it for decades. You are worthy of the Academy of Divinity in a robber cloak. Then I want to take it back now and you can leave." Zhu Minglang said.

"Don't think about it, this is the property of our Shenfan Academy. Your Runyu City has been judged to be a city of sin. All the spiritual veins in the city of Sin are owned by the forces in the town. You shouldn't tell the truth here!" Fan Lu was angry. His face flushed.

   "Master Fan, aren't there three days left?" At this moment the female student in exquisite mink clothing said.

   "Is there any difference!"

   "But these three days belong to Runyu City..." the female student whispered.

   Fan Lu turned his head and glared at the naive female student.

   Zhu Minglang laughed.

   It seems that not everyone in the Shenfan Academy agrees with the behavior of their dean, Lian Feiling.

   "This batch of herbs is very important. We have been guarding it for nearly a year..." At this time, another student said.

   Zhu Minglang glanced at the herbs planted on the medicine mound. The herbs are shaped like lanterns and glow with a special glow. The medicine servants are watching very carefully, not daring to let the leaves on them condense a little bit of frost.

   It turns out that the precious medicinal materials are about to mature. It's no wonder that the hospital administrator personally came to supervise ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ That's right!

   found a clean place to sit down, and I wish Minglang will be here quietly waiting for dawn.

   He wanted to see if the people from the Academy of Gods and Ordinary Schools left.

  Fan Lu, with her eyebrows crossed, flushed with anger, but she still looked at Bingchen Bailong beside Zhu Minglang from time to time.

   "Master Fan, this white dragon has a very high level of cultivation. Let's not be an enemy of this person." A student leaned close to her and said.

   "Should he just trample on our medicine mound?" Fan Lu said.

   "Why don't we do this now, some of us ask for assistance, Master Fan will hold this person first?"

   "Master Fan, let's do things according to the rules. After all, we abandoned Runyu City first. These spiritual veins should be returned to Runyu City." said the delicate mink-clothed woman.

   "What do you know!" Fan Lu scolded.

The mink-clothed woman was stunned. Although she was a little bit afraid, she still courageously said: "If our Shenfan Academy can't set an example, how can we deter those demons and crooks, Master Fan, I think this city lord There is nothing wrong with it, it is us who should leave."

   "Don't pay attention to her, go and ask the people from the penal institution to come over, and be sure to arrive before dawn." Fan Lu couldn't listen at all and said to the male student.

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