Dragon Tamer

Chapter 307: Lantern Storm

   The gray-white robe man's eyes became sharper, and he quietly gave an offensive gesture to the correctional institution member behind him with one hand.

The disciplinary man immediately dispersed. They stood in the fan-shaped position directly in front of the Bingchen Bailong. Following the order of the man in the gray and white robe, everyone turned their palms for a while, and the palms were glowing green. The magic talisman!

   is a talisman! !

  The people in this penal institution are all Talismans!

   "Prison Dragon Talisman Array!" The gray-white robe man yelled, his hand also pinched a secret talisman filled with seal characters, and threw it towards Bingchen Bailong.

   This dark talisman is very strange, instead of flying directly to the body of Bingchen Bailong, it sticks tightly to the shadow of Bingchen Bailong.

The morning light has passed over the hills and shone in this wooden house village. The shadow of Bingchen Bailong was also elongated and shining very clearly. As the dark talisman fell on the shadow, Bingchen Bailong's whole body suddenly fell. Stiff, one by one dark chains drilled out of its feathers, actually trapping it all over.

At the same time, the dark green charms of other rune masters also flew over. They did not touch the body of the Bingchen White Dragon, but hung on the head, wings, neck, and shoulders of the Bingchen White Dragon like a chain of heavy lead. The arms and hind limbs made Bingchen Bailong even more immobile!

   was proficient in techniques and made quick moves. A dragon of the level like Bingchen Bailong was also instantly trapped by these talisman masters.

   Zhu Minglang showed a little surprise!

   It turns out that the people in the Correctional Institution of Shenfan Academy are still a bit capable!


   Bingchen Bailong was very angry. It had never seen this method before, let alone knowing that the other party could attack its own shadow.

   It tried to use its own power to break free, but the dark talisman stuck on the shadow seemed to be still using the power of darkness to block its various abilities, frost, storm, star and moon mysterious method...

   "Don't panic, try to weaken the magic power of these magic charms with the ice sky." Zhu Minglang said to Bingchen Bailong.

   Bingchen Bailong calmed down, slowly spreading the withering breath of the ice sky to the surroundings, and concentrated on attacking the magic charms that were tightly attached to him!

   There seems to be a kind of energy similar to the vitality of life on the magic talisman. As the particles of the frost of the ice sky fall on it, the shining seal character on the magic talisman begins to dim...

   The gray-white robe man saw that the brilliance of the Dragon Talisman was declining, frowned, and said to his men: "You trap the white dragon, I will get rid of the dragon shepherd."

  Gray-white robe Liang Quan changed his position, his hand grabbed into the air, and soon a few lightly fluttering charms appeared between his fingers.

There are a total of eight charms, each of which has a power. The charm carrying poisonous fire was first thrown out by Liang Quan in the gray robe, and he saw the charms ignite in mid-air and turned into terrible The poisonous dragon breathed out and swept to Zhu Minglang.

   Seven other charms were also thrown afterwards. They were Blood Blade, Gale, Sound Disturbance, Burst, Blindness, and Qi Charge!

Zhu Minglang also encountered a powerful rune master on the Tomb Hill of the Ninth Army before, but she is indeed much younger than this rune master. The gray robe Liang Quan's runes have changed a lot, making it difficult to use ordinary methods. Beware.

   Fortunately, Zhu Minglang had been prepared for a long time. The Shenmu Qingshenglong who had been waiting next to Zhu Minglang stood in front of Zhu Minglang. It hugged the blue sacred feather wings forward, forming a blue feather shield.

   Even if he was hurt a little, Shenmu Qingshenglong didn't care at all.

Its cyan pupils were flowing with magical luster. As it raised its head and cried, suddenly the surface of the herbal mound cracked crazily, and the plant grew wildly, densely wrapped in gray and white robe Liang Quan , And other Talismans.

  The herbs are weird. A flower bud appeared at the end of it. The flower bud is shaped like a lantern, but there is something swelling inside.

   Before these talismans could react, the lantern bud burst open, and a terrifying wave of poison was swept into the air! !

Each lantern bud burst open, and the poisonous waves impacted each other, and instantly turned into a shocking poisonous storm. The talismans were struggling to control the magic talisman to prevent the powerful ice-chen white dragon from breaking free. His energy to resist this lantern poisonous storm!

   The poison storm lifted them up, and the toxin penetrated into their pores, causing them to immediately grow poison spots all over their bodies.

   This poisonous spot is not fatal, but the skin and muscles are like being bitten by vicious evil insects, which is extremely painful.

The screams quickly spread throughout the medicine mound, and these rune masters in the punishment institute fell to the ground, their nails sinking into the skin and muscles, as if they had cut off the poison spot, and soon they made themselves full of blood.

   Not far away, female student Liang Sifan stared at these senior Fu seniors, her cheeks couldn't help showing a bit of fear.

   It feels better to be frozen into an ice sculpture, at least the consciousness will be lost with it, so there is no need to make it extremely miserable like this.

   "You don't think I have only one dragon, do you think the rune masters of Shenfan Academy are capable of this?" Zhu Minglang smiled and said with sarcasm.

   Gray and white robe Liang Quan's eyes were angry. He was the only one who reacted and resisted the violent reading with Fudun.

   But all of his men were hit.

   This is not the worst.

The cage talisman requires the talisman to cast spells continuously to maintain the suppression of the entire talisman. This process cannot be interrupted. If it is interrupted, the cage talisman will also fail~www.wuxiaspot.com~ fixed shadow talisman. It will not last long, that Bingchen Bailong has regained his freedom!

   "Sir, you better freeze them, I...I will go back to the teacher who is clear." Female student Liang Sifan pleaded.

   "Si Fan, what do you ask this demon to do!" Liang Quan in the gray robe exasperated.

   "Second Uncle, you can't beat them again, not to mention that if this City Lord Zhu is a demon, we are already under Huangquan." Liang Sifan said.

   "Nonsense, this guy set up a poisonous storm trap before we came, otherwise, where would this kid be..." Liang Quan, a gray-white robe, was about to scold him, halfway through the conversation, but he felt an extremely cold air coming.

   Liang Quan looked down and found that his feet were covered with ice bodies at some point. These ice bodies were crawling up along his body like poisonous snakes.

   Liang Quan immediately lit a fire talisman, trying to melt the ice, but the flame was bright and the temperature was high, the frozen ice still covered his chest, and was climbing on his neck!

   Liang Quan looked at Zhu Minglang in amazement, and some couldn't believe that his dignified correctional institution would be defeated by such a young dragon shepherd...

   "Girl, I don't expect you to have a few sensible people in the Academy of Gods and Fans. Go and call your dean, Lian Feiling, and I will break all his teeth." Zhu Minglang said.


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