Dragon Tamer

Chapter 308: Beat more


   Liang Sifan left, Zhu Minglang became a guardian.

   These ice sculptures are lifelike... Oh, they weren't dead.

   Arriving in the wooden house, Zhu Minglang saw many high-quality fruits shipped from Nihai in the ice storage of the wooden house.

   Sure enough, there is the Nihai Coral Grape that Zhu Minglang likes to eat. The most memorable thing about Nihai is not only its beautiful scenery, but also the pleasant climate there, which is full of juice...

   After dawn, everything here belongs to me, so these fruits are my own.

   peeled off the thin skin, Zhu Minglang himself ate one first, and then found Xiao Qingzhuo next to him, his big cyan eyes glowing with irresistible sheen.

   "You can't peel it, then eat it with the skin." Zhu Minglang said.

   Xiao Qingzhuo shook his head.

   This baby is going to be eaten peeled!

   I wish Minglang helpless, so I had to peel one and feed it, and peel another to myself.

   Xiaobai Qi is not very interested in grapes. He purchased a batch of Yuehua crystal fragments a long time ago, and now it is Xiaobai Qi's love.

It’s different from the **** tooth, eating several tons of meat in one breath, and then not eating for a few days. Xiao Baiqi’s way of eating is to bite a moonflower crystal fragment, like those on high trees. A little squirrel eating pine cones leisurely.

   Xiaoqingzhuo drinks juice and dew, and also likes fruit, but grapes are basically not nutritious for their level, just greedy.

Of course, Zhu Minglang also noticed that the several dragons around him seemed to have reached a bottleneck. When he asked Mr. Koi, Mr. Koi also said that there is no other way. Dragons have their own growth limits. Zhu Minglang has taken them Raised very well, surpassing the level that their blood can reach.

   "It seems that only the ancient ruins were found and I went to see them." Zhu Minglang muttered to himself.


   Before noon, the people from Shenfan Academy came.

   wears a feather crown on his head and a peacock suit. It is the head of the hospital Lian Feiling who came here to redeem people.

  Lian Feiling glanced at the frozen academy members and the rune masters of the correctional institution, his brows furrowed, and his expression was cold and faintly angry!

"I wish the City Lord, I have explained to the college about Runyu City. The college will issue an announcement to severely punish all those who dare to do evil to the residents of Runyu City within these three days." Liang Sifan hurried to Zhu Minglang. Said.

"One yard is one yard, I wish Minglang you provoke the majesty of our Shenfan Academy, even if you are the lord, you are not qualified to lynch people from our Shenfan Academy!" Lian Feiling's face was so stinky, he pointed with his finger Zhu Minglang, still looks like a superior.

"Whether you are qualified or not, isn’t it the fist that counts? In this brown earth, your Shenfan Academy has not always followed this rule. Why should there be any moral law? As long as your Shenfan Academy is doing things that are justified and defiant, then It will be eradicated by you by all means. You must be living comfortably, this kind of life?" Zhu Minglang said.

   "This is the joint decision of our Divinity Academy and Order, what qualifications do you have as a small city lord to judge!" Lian Feiling said.

"Qualification, qualification, two sentences do not deviate from the word qualification, when did the orderer become the emperor, what kind of thing are you even Feiling? In terms of status and status, you are just a running dog of the orderer; on cultivation attainments, You are just the smelly silt under this mountain stream; in terms of character and appearance, you are infinitely closer to a maggot." Zhu Minglang's face was full of disdain.

   is just a fake tiger, relying on the reputation of Shenfan Academy to do some disgusting things. Although Zhu Minglang is not a serious knight, people and things that make him feel disgusting will never be tolerated!

   "You...you...you would rather be stubborn, what is the difference from a barbarian!" Lian Feiling furiously said.

   "I don't want to bother with you and hand over the seal of the city lord. I allow you to bring these people who broke into my spiritual vein." Zhu Minglang said.

   "Don't think about it!"

   "Then I will smash all your bones and joints first, and then I will ask you again." Zhu Minglang has no patience anymore.

   "Didn't you smash all the teeth?" Liang Sifan looked surprised.

   What this person says is not counted!


   The static sword was suspended slightly, nine inches from the ground, and the dust was slowly spreading around.

   Suddenly, Zhu Minglang's eyes flashed sharply, and the red sword beside him was more like the evil moon in the long night, bursting out of the dense clouds with an unsightly brilliance!

   After the sword, the earth split apart. It was a few miles long and close to a river in width, and this split air sword continued. Even if Feiling glide backwards like a bird for several miles, this terrible sword splitting power is still chasing!

   "Sword Master?"

   Even Feiling was shocked. His previous attention was on Zhu Minglang's Bailong and Qinglong. How would he know Zhu Minglang's sudden attack with flying sword.

   He continued to retreat, and found that after the Sky Splitting Sword was chasing him, he had to wave his sleeves and transformed into a peacock!

   The robe was radiant, and at the same time, there was light and air in front of Feiling, intertwined in the shape of a peacock, blocking the split sword.

   The sword spirit dragon was bounced off, spinning in the air, but quickly adjusted its posture again, and slashed frantically toward this continuous flying! !

Sword Qi Qihong slashed away wantonly, and every blow left a shocking sword mark on the ground. The continuous flying leaped like a bird with dexterity, and constantly played powerful and powerful palm techniques to dissolve the sword spirit dragon. Sword Qi Qihong!

   At this time, Lian Feiling saw it slightly.

   That is not a pure flying sword, but a dragon transformed by a sword spirit!

   The opponent is the Dragon Shepherd, but the sword spirit he possesses allows him to possess the abilities of the gods that are as powerful as the flying sword swordsman! !

   "Bird crossing!"

Lian Feiling realized that such a parry ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ would undoubtedly lose, his figure flashed, his colorful robe raised up, and his whole person was like a skylark, flying across the fierce swordsman, like The bird crossed the huge waves and kept flying low while perfectly avoiding the rolling waves.

  Lian Feiling plans to fight close.

   The speed of this guy is amazing, and he approached Zhu Minglang in the sweep of the sword spirit of the sword spirit dragon.

   If Zhu Minglang was a flying sword swordsman, he would be really dangerous, but Zhu Minglang never planned to defeat the affairs of this Shenfan Academy by one means.

  The battle between the Dragon Shepherd and the mortal is always to fight with less!

  Left White Dragon, Right Blue Dragon, don’t you make arrangements for this Lian Feiling clearly? ?


   Zhu Minglang pointed his hand, and the two dragons beside him, one left and the other right, pounced directly at Lian Feiling.

   It was also the first time that Feiling played against Zhu Minglang. How did he know what the cultivation of the two dragons Zhu Minglang was.

   When Bingchen Bailong arrived in front of Lian Feiling in an instant, and directly saw through Lian Feiling's attack methods, Lian Feiling was shocked.

   seemingly unrestrained offensive, but almost retreat crawling.

   Lian Feiling gave Liang Sifan a fierce look, complaining why she didn't tell her opponent's strength in advance!

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