Dragon Tamer

Chapter 313: Fiend Dragon

   Chao Ruijin of the Bronze Sword Army, Yao Junshi, the guardian of the family, and Gao Qiuqi of the Cang Wolf, they looked at Zhu Minglang with the eyes of monsters.

  Lian Feiling is the dean of the Shenfan Academy, with a very high status.

   And Liang Zhong is even more of an authority figure in the Tawny Earth. The two men were brought back by Zhu Minglang to apologize, which is really incredible.

   The people may not know what these two people represent, but they know very well.

   This is equivalent to that the Shenfan Academy bowed its head to the Lord Zhu!

   Although the final decision has not changed, when will the Shenfan Academy bow its head to any force!

   "It's a pity, if it weren't for the orderers to go their own way, we Runyu City would really hope to recover under the leadership of Zhu City Lord." Chao Ruijin of the Bronze Sword Army sighed.

   Two days and two nights, he swept dozens of forces on the brown earth, and punished those violent ones one by one, not to mention, let the Academy of Gods and Gods pay the price for this. With such courage, why can't you worry about reviving this city?

   "Yes, what a pity, what a pity." Yao Junshi also sighed.

   Their Hu Jiajun seems to be hugging a thigh, but this world...

  No day will let Runyu City recover.


   On the last day, Runyu City was in depression.

   Even some monks have begun to evacuate one after another. They don't want to be treated as villains and be surrounded by some so-called decent sects.

Of course, there are also a large number of people who did not leave, not because of their deep feelings for Runyu City, but because they had no other way to choose. To get out of Runyu City, they were tortured in the displacement and died in humiliation in the war. ...

  At noon, the Hu family brothers and sisters finally came back.

   They rushed to Qingniu Mountain. Although hope was a little bleak, they still did everything they could to find the Order.

   It can be seen that the brother and sister haven't closed their eyes in the past few days, and they are tired and haggard.

   drank a sip of water, Hu Bailing snatched up in front of his brother and said, "City Lord, there is still a chance!!"

   Everyone's eyes lit up. In fact, the moment they saw them, they saw a glimmer of hope in the eyes of their two brothers and sisters.

   That is a trace of joy that is hard to conceal even though weary and haggard, without closing my eyes for a few days!

   "City Lord, look at this." Hu Chongming handed Zhu Minglang a black feather scale.

Zhu Minglang took it. The moment Zhu Minglang touched the scales, Zhu Minglang felt a coldness. The coldness spread from the skin to every inch of his body, feeling like he was wrapped in something cold and dark. Breathing is a bit unsmooth.

   "This is?" Zhu Minglang was a little surprised.

   is just a piece of feather scale, it can bring people such oppressive force, you can imagine how powerful and terrifying the owner of this feather scale!

"Evil Star Dragon!! It is a different species of Sanglong. It is a lonely and haunted place where terrible disasters will occur. It is the most evil and evil dragon in the legend. It is said that the brown earth has been used for thousands of years. There have been constant wars, and the monarchs of various countries have been brutal and greedy, and they have a lot to do with this evil star dragon!" Hu Chongming said excitedly.

   Shastar Dragon? ?

   Unheard of.

   Zhu Minglang patted himself on the back, and wanted the knowledgeable Mr. Koi to come out and explain, but Mr. Koi did not know where he wandered.

"The Order of Qingniu Mountain has been chasing the Shastar Dragon for these years. Just half a month ago, he finally found the Shastar Dragon and killed it, wounding the Shasha Dragon, but unfortunately he was not able to kill it. Kill. The silver-tailed purple dragon of the Order of Qingniu Mountain is now seriously injured and is training in the Qingniu Mountain. The Order of the Order does not want to miss this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity..." Hu Bailing hurriedly added.

   Both brothers and sisters were very excited. On the one hand, the legend of the Fiend Star Dragon actually existed, and they were shocked. On the other hand, they saw the hope of Runyu City.

   "The Orderer said, if we can help him hunt the Fiend Dragon, Runyu City will be protected!" Hu Chongming said.

   After listening to everyone, the spirits are different!

   I did not expect that the Hu brothers and sisters would bring such good news on the last day!

   If there is another orderly supporter, then Runyu City can not only be excluded from the ranks of Sin City, but also can win over many surrounding forces. Even without the blessing of the Academy of Gods and Fans, these forces can be combined and can play a deterrent effect!

   "What a joke!!"

   Suddenly, an old-fashioned voice broke in.

   Mr. Koi came down from a big poplar tree and seemed to have been napping on it just now.

   "Mr. Koi, do you know the evil star dragon?" Zhu Minglang asked.

"Of course, I know that the evil star dragon is a disaster dragon, and plagues often occur where it haunts, and the earth where it inhabits is a dragon that will only bring disasters to the world, but no matter what the legend is, The evil star dragon is definitely more powerful and terrifying than you think. It is just a dream for you ordinary people to hunt it!" Mr. Koi said.

   "But it was injured, the Qingniu Mountain Orderer said personally, and the injury is still very serious, presumably its power has been greatly reduced!" Hu Chongming said.

   "I ask you, if a dragon king is injured, do you dare to hunt it?" Mr. Koi asked.

   "Dragon...Dragon King??" Hu Chongming could not help but stammered.

   Dragon King! !

   gave him a hundred thousand courage, he did not dare to trouble the Dragon King!

"Mr. Koi, this evil star dragon is at the level of the Dragon King?" Zhu Minglang asked ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ As long as he has lived for a thousand years, he must be the Dragon King. It is very possible to provoke him for this broken city. It is the legendary evil star dragon of the dragon king, you might as well go directly to make the orderer Yan Guang, I think this is a hundred times easier than hunting the evil star dragon. "Mr. Koi said.

   Mr. Koi’s words are undoubtedly a pot of cold water for everyone.

   Everyone couldn't help but fall back to the Hu family brothers and sisters, and the brothers and sisters looked at each other.

   "The Qingniu Mountain Orderer, did you say what strength the evil star dragon is?" Zhu Minglang asked.

   "I didn't say it explicitly, he only told us that the evil star dragon was injured." Hu Bailing said.

"Hmph, how could the little Orderer in a piece of land severely inflict damage to the Shastar Dragon with one person's power? The Shastar Dragon was probably injured for other reasons. In my opinion, the Orderer on Qingniu Mountain cannot be sure of the Shastar. Whether the dragon is really injured, let you go and die, so that he can tell the real situation of the evil star dragon!" Mr. Koi said.

   "It shouldn't be so." Hu Bailing said.

   "What can't it be, he didn't tell you that the evil star dragon is a dragon king-level creature, and it's trapping you!" Mr. Koi said angrily.

   "Indeed, if the evil star dragon is the dragon king, even if it is close to the dragon king, it is not something we can handle." Zhu Minglang nodded.


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