Dragon Tamer

Chapter 314: Disaster warning

"Mr. Koi, don't make any assertions. The Order should indeed conceal some information, but it shouldn't be purely to let us go to death. This matter needs to be investigated more completely." At this time, Li Xinghua said. Said.

   She saw some scenes, which happened in the next few days. It was probably a certain village group. Countless rats emerged from the grain bins that stocked grains. The ice locusts in the sky were densely packed like dust storms...

   These visions are related to the evil star dragon mentioned by the Hu family brothers and sisters, and Li Xinghua feels that the two are very related.

As for the claim that the evil star dragon was wounded, Li Xing’s painting also felt it was true. She saw some blood-stained vegetation, saw the footprints of different shades, and also saw the scales Zhu Minglang was holding at this time. The feather fell off in the forest, and that piece of forest was enveloped by a cloud of black cold air.

   "Unless it is a juvenile evil star dragon." Mr. Koi snorted coldly.

   "Let's figure it out first. Anyway, this Qingniu Mountain Orderer is very sincere. He has bought us Runyu City for a month." Hu Bailing nodded.

   Mr. Koi is a bit shocking, but if you don't start with this evil star dragon, Runyu City will be completely destroyed.

  Hu Bailing and Hu Chongming have agreed to the Orderer to pursue and help hunt the Shaoxing Dragon. For this reason, the Order of Qingniu Mountain also gave Runyu City a month of grace.

   "That's what the female gentleman said, let's do a more detailed investigation first, and then we will talk about whether or not to hunt." Chao Ruijin of the Bronze Sword Army said.

   Chao Ruijin can’t distinguish between Li Yunzi and Li Xing’s paintings. In fact, Li Yunzi has been asleep for some days, and the time to wake up is very, very short. Zhu Minglang also knows that the number of ancient lantern jade is still not enough.

   requires four yuan, even if you get the seal of the city lord, it only takes three yuan to restore Li Yunzi to his previous state.

"By the way, since your Hu family has wiped out the Sanglong here, you should know some more ancient information about the Sanglong. We found a ruin in Lihuagou. Most of the weird abilities of the Sanglong come from the ruins. So we infer that the Sanglong might have come from ancient times...Unfortunately, that ruin is a sealed valley and cannot be entered anymore. There should be another ruin entrance in the tea-colored earth. No clue?" Zhu Minglang said to the Hu family.

Hu Bailing glanced at Hu Chongming. Hu Chongming thought about it carefully. After a while, he said, "We have to ask Grandpa about this matter. What you said, the lord, reminds me of Grandpa very early. A story I told us before, when we were still young, it was only a story to listen to."

   Zhu Minglang nodded. About the ancient lair of the Dragon, I am afraid that only the Hu family will know.

   If you can find another entrance to the ruins, it should be of great help to the improvement of your own dragons!

   "Commander of Chaos, you take some elites to go north. If you see a town suffering from ice, do some investigation, and then tell me the details." Li Xinghua said to Chao Ruijin of the Bronze Sword Army.

   "Lead!" Chao Ruijin didn't ask much, and bowed.

   "My son, I want to see the places where the rat and locust plagues are plagued. These two plagues shouldn't happen in winter. They will appear, mostly due to the influence of the evil star dragon." Li Xinghua said to Zhu Minglang.

   "Okay, I'll go with you..."

   "It's fine for me to go with Lingsha, son, you and Zhirou go to Yao country, there are some weird things there, I only saw some very vague pictures." Li Xinghua said.

   Zhu Minglang nodded.

   evil star dragon, is a rare sign of dragon in the world.

   The number of days, destiny, and providence have always existed. Some ancestors have suggested that the arrival of some special dragons is a sign, and God is warning the world about the coming disaster and turmoil.

   Li Xinghua is a prophet, so she can see these more clearly.

   But the information obtained by the prophet is fragmentary and requires observation, and needs to be deduced by some small things or some weird changes.

Li Xinghua had seen weird things all over the place for a long time, but could not understand why it was. It was not until Hu's brothers and sisters got the information of the evil star dragon from the Orderer in Qingniu Mountain that she suddenly realized it and took all the dream scenes. Linked together.

   "We Cang Wolf can also serve you, and we don't want to be sentenced to death just like this. There is only one day or one month left to live." Yu Gaojie, the Cang wolf rider, clasped his fists, expressing his willingness to call and find the Star-seeking Dragon.

"Leader Yu, you can look for the footprints of the ravenous dragon. This kind of dragon will take the opportunity to make trouble when disasters are everywhere. Their saliva is poisonous and will act on some crops, making the farmers who are safe and self-conscious will become restless and mindful. Greedy.” Li Xinghua thought for a while, and felt that the appearance of this greedy dragon was mostly related to the evil star dragon.

   "Okay, we must handle this matter properly." Yu Gaojie said.


   Yao country is a country of surnames, half of the people in this country are surnamed Yao, Yao Junshi also comes from this country.

   Zhu Minglang is actually a little confused. Why does the prophetist’s sister-in-law want the Yinlinger girl Zhirou to follow herself? Does this time I need to use the Yinlinger's ability to investigate this time?

Fly to the country of Yao~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and the journey is not particularly far away. After all, the country of Yao is one of the four great nations on this brown land. Their army was once stationed in Runyu City, but was later slaughtered. The brown flag army was expelled.

   It took about one day and one night to reach the country of Yao.

   Zhu Minglang, according to Li Xing’s painting, went straight to the capital of Yao State and found the Xiang Guo Mansion.

   Yao Guo is far from being as rich and prosperous as that of the country. The size of the capital is only the size of the Zulong city state. They pay too much attention to the army, so that the people's livelihood is very bad, and the people's living standard is far worse than that of Sichuan.

   Along the way, Zhu Minglang noticed this, feeling that this country is exhausted, it is nothing more than squeezing to maintain the army and maintain this devastated state.

   "Big Brother, this Xiangguo Mansion is so heavy." Yin Lingzhi Zhirou's light purple eyes stared at the mansion gate and whispered to Zhu Minglang.

   "We pretended to be an expert who casts demons and exterminates evil and went in to ask what happened. Tell me something that can bluff people." Zhu Minglang said.

   "The back kitchen in their mansion, three cooks died within a month." said the ghost master Zhi Rou.

   "We are standing at the gate, how do you know?" Zhu Minglang asked puzzled.

   "Their yin spirit is sitting in front of the door!" The yin spiritist pointed to the threshold. On both sides of the threshold there were fully armed guards!


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