Dragon Tamer

Chapter 315: Moral bankruptcy

   I wish Ming Lang could not help but excite.

   Girl, let you say something bluffing, it didn't make you creepy!

   In this broad daylight, there are three ghosts sitting on the threshold of the Xiangguo Mansion gate, or cooks who died within this month...

   Let's do it, it can indeed calm down the people in the Xiangguo Mansion.

Zhu Minglang cleared his throat and tidyed up his robes. It just so happened that today he was dressed a little bit into the style of being high in the dust, plus his refined temperament of not eating whole grains and only drinking fairy fruit pill. Most of these ordinary people would believe it.

   "Where are the poor scholars and little maids, don't dangle in front of the Xiangguo Mansion, get out!" At this time, the fully armed guard shouted loudly.

   I wish Minglang had just started a fairy step and almost stepped on the empty foot.

   is really a common man, and his eyesight is only worthy of being a gatekeeper!

Zhu Minglang cleared his throat once again, staring in all eyes, and said: "I am the Taoist slayer, and you can see the evil spirit in your mansion here. The door is open but closed like a ghost. The two guards are here. Here, can you notice that there is a gloomy cold at the door threshold, even in the middle of the night, you always feel that someone is entering and leaving the gate of the mansion, but you don't see anything."

   After hearing these words, the two guards looked at each other deeply.

   What the young man said, really made them both chill in their backs!

   In fact, these days, they did look at the door threshold intentionally or unintentionally. At first they thought it was the other's eyes, but after a few times, they realized that something was wrong.

   To be honest, for a few moments, they thought the other party was the best of Long Yang.

   Now, hearing this poor scholar say this, I feel even more terrifying!

   "A lot of people died in your mansion this month, especially the back kitchen." When Zhu Minglang said this, he stretched out three fingers intentionally or unintentionally.

   Experts, speaking should be paradoxical, can't speak too clearly, let them make their own associations.

   As soon as the two guards heard these words, they looked at Zhu Minglang's obvious gesture, and their expressions changed in surprise.

   "You go and tell the housekeeper?" said the guard on the left.

   The doorman on the right nodded, then looked at the threshold specially, and hurried to the house.


   Not long after, a young housekeeper strode out. He first looked at Zhu Minglang and Zhirou, his eyes rolled several times, but he came to welcome them respectfully.

   "Can you two say more things, after all, some courageous domestic slaves will still spread bad news." The young housekeeper was very cautious.

Zhu Minglang glanced at the Yin Ling Shi Shao Ling Shi, the young girl walked a few steps forward, looked around the hall, and then pointed to an old locust tree and said, "Under this tree are a group of young cats that have died. "

   The young housekeeper and the doorman on the right changed their eyes completely.

  This kind of thing, only the housekeeper and the doorman know about it, so how can those servants care about such things!

   "Master, sit inside the two masters, I'll go to invite the young lady." The young housekeeper hurriedly said.


   After passing through some promenades, after entering this mansion, obviously the housekeeper and the lady didn't want things to be placed in the lobby, after all, there were still many visitors in the gate of Xiangguo Mansion.

   After arriving at the mansion, Zhu Minglang and Zhirou quietly waited for the lady of the country.

   After the maid serving the tea had gone, the girl of the Underworld Master approached Zhu Minglang's ear and said in a very low voice: "Big Brother, there is a person buried under the locust tree."

   Zhu Minglang looked at her in surprise.

No wonder Li Xinghua asked herself to bring this Yin Ling master girl. She can see Yin Ling's eyes. It can be said that she can see clearly the darkest things in a famous family, and can easily calm everyone. , You can learn many ulterior secrets!

   "Do you know the identity of that person?" Zhu Minglang asked.

   "It's the housekeeper just now." The Yin Lingshi girl said.

   Zhu Minglang's eyes widened. He wanted to take a sip of tea, but he didn't dare to sip it for a long time.

   Do you want to be so evil! !

   I wish Ming Lang feel that the people in this state government are not scared, they are scared!

   "Could it be that there is a necromancer here, manipulating the butler's body?" Zhu Minglang asked.

   She shook her head.

   "Then someone killed the butler and pretended to be?" Zhu Minglang said.

   The Yin Lingshi girl nodded.

   Zhu Minglang rubbed his temples.

  I'm not here to be a slayer, but to be a detective for the gods?

  But what does this have to do with the evil star dragon? ?

   "Can the butler's ghost tell you the whole story?" Zhu Minglang asked next.

   "He doesn't seem to realize that he is dead, and is still repeating his housekeeping duties." Zhirou said.

   Not all Yinlings can communicate directly.

  Of course, not all the dead creatures will turn into yin spirits, some just disappear.


   Before the two of them waited long, Zhu Minglang saw a woman in a big red brocade coming by.

   There were two maids by her side, but she retired when she arrived in this hall. The pretending young housekeeper did not follow her. Only the lady from Xiangguo Mansion, Zhu Minglang and Zhirou were in the hall.

   It seems that this Miss Xiang Guo has some private things that are not convenient for others to know.

   "What I said to the two of you, please keep it secret. If it is spread outside, I will take the two back at all costs, cut off my tongue, and then chop my head." The red-robed lady said.

"Every earthly world, we forget after hearing it. We just don’t want to see some people suffer because of this before helping. This lady will tell the story. In fact, we already know the general idea, but we just need to know more details. It's good to cut off the bane." Zhu Minglang touched his chin and found that it was too smooth and without a beard, and realized that this action was a bit redundant.

"I had an affair with the butler brother, and the butler threatened me and tried to belittle me. So I thought of a way to make someone a poison to kill the greedy butler..." The lady of the country was calm The narrative said.

   I wish Minglang use tea as a cover-up~www.wuxiaspot.com~ On the surface, it is calm and accustomed, but the heart is turbulent.

   is such an explosive moral decay when it comes up!

   can't help but make people sit upright and listen.

Of course, in order to show his master's foresight, Zhu Minglang couldn't let the other party finish the matter, so he said: "So the poison was placed in the back kitchen, and was accidentally eaten by a group of kittens. At the same time, he scattered to other places and killed by mistake. Three chefs?"

   "Yes." The Miss Xiangguo nodded, a look of surprise flashed in her eyes.

   "In that case, how did the housekeeper die? Was it the hand of the housekeeper's brother?" Zhu Minglang asked.

   Ms. Xiangguo was taken aback, her eyebrows furrowed, she said with a puzzled expression: "Didn't you meet the housekeeper just now? He is still alive. My plan failed and was disrupted by the kitten."

"Miss, we don't have to fight with us. We know that the real butler is dead. The current butler should be your lover and the butler's younger brother. They are all similar in height, looks, and tone." Zhu He laughed brightly and unpredictably.

Miss    listened, her face was full of horror and confusion, and she did not speak for a long time.

   Zhu Minglang saw her expression, but was also confused.

   isn't it?

   Didn't this lady know? ? ?

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