Dragon Tamer

Chapter 316: Evil beast

   Who is the housekeeper now?

   Zhu Minglang feels puzzled.

   How can there be such a complicated thing in a small Xiangguo Mansion?

   "Then your lover, where is he now?" Zhu Minglang immediately turned away from the subject and asked.

   "Drowned." Miss Xiang Guo said calmly.

   "Drowning? An accident, or..." Zhu Minglang felt that things were getting more and more weird.

The young lady hesitated for a while, and finally said: "I sent someone to do it. I can't let my father and other people know about it, so I dealt with him... how to say it, he knew it result."

   I wish Ming Lang suddenly speechless!

   What a ruthless official lady, in order to preserve her reputation, she will not hesitate to poison insiders and murder lovers.

   But since she has done things so "cleanly", then ask the so-called expert to do something, there must be something bothering her.

   Zhu Minglang couldn't help looking at the Yin Ling master girl, wanting to hear her opinion, after all, she is the one who can communicate with Yin Ling, she can clearly know the darkest and terrifying truth in this Xiangguo Mansion.

   "Miss, I always hear kittens in my sleep lately, and I even feel light footsteps beside the bed from time to time, right?" Yin Lingshi Zhirou said.

   "Yes, when I wake up in the middle of the night, I will even see a pair of cyan cat eyes. I always feel that something is licking my cheeks and palms." Said the Miss Xiangguo.

   "Can you take us to your room to have a look?" asked Zhirou, the Yinling Master.

   "I always can't sleep these days." Miss Xiangguo said.

   Having done so many conscientious things, there are ghosts who can sleep peacefully. Zhu Minglang couldn't help but slander this sentence.


   In the young lady's room, Yin Lingshi Zhirou looked around, her light purple eyes had a strange luster, as if she could see another world.

   From time to time, her pupils focused on a place where there was nothing, under the bed, beside the window sill, and behind the bonsai.

   Zhu Minglang was on the side, just touching his chin, and acting as if he was looking for a ghost.

   However, Zhu Minglang noticed one detail, that is, there is a very weak evil spirit in this room.

   After being agile for a long time in the world, it is easy to become a demon. The Dragon Shepherd is very sensitive to this smell. Zhu Minglang observed it again and found that there was a pot of cat food in the corner of Miss Xiangguo's house.

   "Miss, don't you have a cat?" Zhu Minglang pointed to the bonsai, the scattered cat hairs, and then pointed to the cat food bowl.

   "Yes, but the cat I keep has black pupils, and it never barks." Miss Xiangguo said.

   "Your cat has become a fine." Zhu Minglang said with certainty.

   "How is it possible!" Miss Xiangguo said.

   "It knows that its children were poisoned by your poison, so it has been torturing you." Insect master Zhirou also said.

  Ms. Xiangguo's complexion also changed. She looked around, trying to find the tabby cat that she had raised for many years, but now the tabby cat didn't know where she was, as if she had smelled something dangerous and hid.

   "We will help you deal with this cat, and your problem should be solved." Zhu Minglang said.

   "No!" Miss Xiangguo said in a panic.


   "It has been with me for ten years. If it doesn't work, it doesn't work. I don't need you anymore. You can leave." Miss Xiangguo's tone changed.

   I wish Minglang more speechless.

   Miss Xiangguo, her heart is twisted too seriously.

   She even dared to kill her lover, but a cat that became a fine has mercy?


   The other party has already issued an order to chase away guests, Zhu Minglang and Zhirou can't stay.

   It's not a monster to become a spirit, Zhu Minglang is in charge, this kind of thing will probably kill many people.

   Besides, Zhu Minglang always feels that Miss Xiangguo's behavior is particularly weird, and she doesn't know if her nature is like that or is affected by something.

The evil spirit is weak, but Zhu Minglang can smell it. If nothing else, the cat should have hidden in the locust woods behind the Xiangguo Mansion. Following the evil spirit that has not dissipated, you can find its hiding place soon. The place.

Behind the grove of locust trees, there is a ruined temple. Zhu Minglang and Zhirou stepped into the ruined temple, and soon a sharp cry sounded. It was the beautiful cat, the pair of it at this time. The eyes are faintly blue, the hair on its body is horrified, and its claws are sharp, which is obviously very hostile to the intruder!

"Little cat demon, be a good pet. Probably no one will notice your specialness, but you have to use demon tricks and resentment, exposing your own nature." Zhu Minglang said to the cat demon. .

Cats become demon spirits, because they have lived with humans for a long time, their demon aura is actually very weak, but it has used sorcery on that lady Xiangguo, and the aura of sorcery will remain in the house, the keen shepherd The teacher can detect it.

   To put it bluntly, this tabby cat is not harmful. Even if it lives for thousands of years, no one will notice anything wrong with it.

   "Big brother, this cat is not quite right." At this moment, the Yin Lingshi girl Zhirou said.

I wish Minglang to look at ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and found that the breath of this cat is changing. The temple was originally gloomy and dim, but the whole body of this cat slowly revealed a gloomy light, especially the pair of quiet cyan His pupils give people a terrible feeling!

   "Bai Qi!"

   Zhu Minglang stretched out his palm and opened the spiritual realm.

In the print of   , the petite and exquisite Bingchen White Dragon jumped out. Its holy and shining feathers are like thin crystal leaves, luxurious and beautiful.


Xiao Bai looked at the ghost cat monster, with a bit of contempt at first like Zhu Minglang. After all, a cat monster, without a 10,000-year cultivation base, could not compete with a holy beast like Bailong, but soon Xiao Bai How can you also notice the weirdness of this cat monster!

   "It's an evil beast!" At this moment, Mr. Koi flew out from behind Zhu Minglang, let out a sound of exclamation, and then said, "This guy and Little Chang'e are of the same type!"

   Xiao Bai Qi has already taken a step, and the ruined temple is frozen on his body. The cat demon's aura is getting more and more weird and stronger. It suddenly took the initiative to attack, and the claws tore towards Xiao Bai Qi.

Xiao Bai greeted him and turned into a white flash, and the cat was as fast as a beam, showing a green color. For a while, the white dragon and the evil beast fought in the ruined temple, although they did not use the same destructive power. Amazing mystery and magic, but every move is a fatal attack, either attacking the eyes or claws to the throat...

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