Dragon Tamer

Chapter 319: The last 1 bad omen

   evolved from a small omen to a big omen!

   and one after another!

   There are some evil omens that have not happened yet, but according to this situation, the moment when the evil star dragon really appeared, this land was completely reduced to purgatory!

  All the signs came so suddenly that the prophet Li Xinghua couldn't stop things from getting worse.

   "We have to find the evil star dragon. After the seven omens, it will be the omen." Li Xing's voice was a little low.

   The omen is already a human tragedy, not to mention the omen, the annihilation it brings is unimaginable.

Judging from the signs obtained now, when the evil star dragon regains its aura and re-appears on this land, that is the beginning of the sky sign. It is not just the survival of Runyu City, but it is estimated that several nearby countries may suffer. To the disaster of extinction.

   "Are there any other bad omens?" Zhu Minglang asked.

"War, civil commotion, plague, ice disaster, monster plague, insect tide, meteor fire... The first six evil omens appeared at a very similar time, and the last one should be the meteor fire heralded by the evil star dragon. !" Li Xinghua said.

   Chao Ruijin of the Bronze Sword Army, Army Master Yao, and Yu Gaojie of the Blue Wolf Rider felt incredible when they heard these remarks.

   However, according to the accurate information they have inquired around, they already know six of the big evil omens Li Xinghua said!

   "Anyway, let's find the evil star dragon." Yao Junshi said.

   Li Xinghua nodded.

   The Orderer of Qingniu Mountain should also know some bad omens, so he wanted to hunt the evil star dragon in such anxiousness.

   It’s just that what I get now is just a sign, not a real clue.

   It is difficult to judge where the evil star dragon is and whether it is hiding among creatures that are very similar to livestock and poultry.


   Day by day, the evil omens are constantly worsening. Whether it is war, disaster or plague, it is like a flood pouring down in the mountains and forests, unstoppable, and the damage caused is also spreading wildly.

   It didn't take long for all the major countries in the brown land to be affected.

These days, Zhu Minglang is also looking for the sign beasts. Although he caught the ravenous beasts that led to the civil upheaval, and he also found the beasts that caused the tide of worms and rats, the disaster has already formed and has caused countless more unpredictable hidden dangers. And evil omen...

Due to the inconvenience of communication, if you don’t look at it from the perspective of rulers and interested people, these evil omens that occur in the tawny winter are nothing but natural and man-made disasters that are inevitable, but after listening to the seven evil omens painted by Li Xing , Coupled with the greedy beasts and Xi beasts he caught, only Zhu Minglang felt more and more terrible!

  Everything is developing in the worst direction!

   Zhu Minglang is trying his best to find the seven evil beasts.

   Li Xing painting can seal the magical powers of these evil omen beasts and turn their omen power into her own, so that she can see more things that will happen in the future...

   She is also using this method to find the evil star dragon.

   The evil star dragon has very few footprints. So far, they have only one feather scale, knowing that it had contact with the ravenous beast, and then it was the Order of Qingniu Mountain that it was injured.

   But fortunately, Hu Chongming finally got a very crucial message from his grandfather-level elder.

   "Your speculation is correct. The Lost Dragon is indeed from an ancient ruin. For so long, we have not been able to find any traces or clues of the evil star dragon. I am afraid it is indeed hidden in the unknown ruins!" Hu Chongming said.

   Li Xinghua nodded...

Her prophecy ability actually became stronger as she absorbed the magical powers of those omnipotent beasts, but she was still unable to see any images of the evil star dragon. The only thing that could make her predictions completely useless was the time disorder. The ancient ruins!

   "Is there another clue to the entrance of the ancient ruins?" Zhu Minglang asked.

  In Lihuagou, the corner of the valley of the ruins was sealed off by the floating mountains. If you want to enter the real brown land ruins, I'm afraid it is only from other cracks.

   "Yes, actually..." Hu Chongming hesitated for a while, his eyes swept across everyone.


   "Actually, the entrance to the ruins is probably in Runyu City." Hu Chongming said. In fact, he didn't believe it very much, but the old man in the Hu family told him that.

   Everyone listened, their expressions are very complicated!

   in Runyu City? ? ?

   Where does this Runyu City look like barren mountains and wild ridges, where it looks like deep mountains and old forests, where it looks like another world of relics lurks!

"My grandfathers and fathers destroyed the Sanglong. At that time, the final lair of the Sanglong was in Runyu City. To commemorate the victory of this great battle, they used the bones of the Sanglong as the cornerstone of the city to build Runyu City. "Hu Chongming said seriously.

   Upon hearing this fact, Hu Chongming couldn't believe it.

   It turns out that Runyu City was built with zombie bones!

"Sang dragons are bloodthirsty. They turn the killed creatures into bones, and then use their saliva to pile these bones into a mountain. At that time, thousands of sang dragons lived in this bone mountain nest. As the sang dragon was wiped out, The ancestors flattened the Bone Mountain and used the hard bones of the Dragon to build the unmovable Runyu City. Rat and insect plagues occurred in other places, but Runyu City has never seen a creature of this kind, other cities It will be shaken by the earthquake ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The building collapses, Runyu City is not affected, even here is like a basin of gathering spirits, well water, crops, and fruits will be more likely to appear spiritual seeds." Hu Chongming continued Said.

   Runyu City has been scrambled for many reasons, not just its location.

Because it was built, it has a magnificent meaning, and at the same time it has countless dragon bones nourishing. Lost dragons are the most evil things. Their bones are not evil, but all things are prosperous, which can hatch spiritual land. Aura.

   It's a pity that this city has not been treated well, the army of various countries has been rushing, and the seminary has invaded and occupied a piece of good land. If the cultivator never acts, it is impossible to produce high-quality rice by himself.

   "So the entrance to the ruins should also be somewhere in Runyu City?"

   "The Fiend Dragon that we have been searching for so hard, it is probably hidden under our feet??

   I wish Minglang did not expect this to be the case.

   The ruin crack is in the city.

   The evil star dragon is very close to them! !

   "It's not good, it's not good, Tu Guo's brown flag army is marching towards our Runyu City, they are going to attack the city!!" Yao Junshi suddenly ran in from the outside, pale and said to everyone in the pavilion.

   "Damn it, we finally found a clue to the evil star dragon!"


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