Dragon Tamer

Chapter 320: Stone tablet crack

   "It should only take one day for Tu Guo's brown flag army to arrive at our Runyu City. What should we do at that time?" Yao Junshi said anxiously.

  The army presses in, even if they have more dragon shepherds and mortals here, it may be difficult to compete with this endless army of slaughter!

   Tuoguo's ambition is extremely huge. He just declared war on Yao Kingdom and invaded Yao Kingdom's territory. He immediately sent another army to Runyu City.

"They should have wanted to take action against Yao country. The Brown Spear army stationed here was originally deployed in advance to attack Yao country. Now that the national war is on, he must retake this place as a springboard for their expansion." Hu Chongming Shen Sheng said.

   After all, it is still impossible to prevent Runyu City from being devastated by war. This time the Brown Flag Army is probably a larger team, and the people here are afraid it will be difficult to support it.

"It's not that there is no hope at all. If we find the evil star dragon in the ancient ruins and inform the orderer in Qingniu Mountain in time, I believe that the orderer will not allow the Tuguo army to enter Runyu City." Hu Bailing said Said when.

   "One day should be enough. Let's find the Fiend Dragon. You stay in the city. If you can't find it, you can abandon Runyu City and keep the green mountains." Zhu Minglang said to the Hu family.

   The most persistent to Runyu City is naturally Hu Jiajun. They hope to rebuild their homeland.

I wish Minglang is okay here. It’s not something that can’t be parted. If the overall situation is determined, it’s okay to put it to Tu Guo. It’s really not possible. You can avoid the edge for the time being, and you can take this city down when you find the right time. .

   "Well, we understand, rest assured that we will not make meaningless sacrifices, but you, if you really want to go to the ruins, you must be careful." Hu Chongming said.


   According to some clues brought back by Hu Chongming, Li Xinghua began to look for the ancient ruins hidden in this Runyu City.

A prophet is not omnipotent. One thing you want to know is like a broken puzzle in the prophet’s divine consciousness. The more relevant pieces of clues are found, and the pieces are put together, the more accurate the information will be. .

   The news provided by Hu Chongming is particularly critical. It narrows the search scope of the prophet, and can also use some small summons to deduce the location of the ancient crack.

   "Are you sure it is here?" Zhu Minglang asked.

   Standing in the poplar forest of Runyu City, this warm winter did not destroy the forest scenery in the city, it was still green.

  The poplar forest is on the edge of the city, and many abandoned fruit trees are also here. At a glance, you can see many small wooden houses scattered among the forests, but unfortunately they are all covered with moss.

   In the past, there should be many tree farmers and fruit farmers living here. On the way, there was a fruit town, which was also dilapidated and uninhabited.

   "Star painting, there is a big stele there." Nan Lingsha pointed to Linbian Road.

   "Go and see."

The three of them walked to the big stone stele that was almost hidden by the lush vines. The stele was surrounded by weeds and grew to be taller than a human. The stele was even more covered with vines, like a monster wrapped in it. The tree stands in the middle of the dense forest.


   Suddenly, a chill came, as if blowing from a distant forest, mixed with a dark and decadent smell.

   Zhu Minglang walked forward, pushed aside the vines in front of him, and quickly determined that this special cold breath came from this abandoned stone monument!

   Space rift!

   This stele is where the crack is! !

   It turns out that the other entrance of the ancient ruins is really in Runyu City. Zhu Minglang turned his head with joy and said, "It's here."

Li Xinghua gently pressed her hand on the stone tablet. In fact, her palm did not touch the stone tablet, but a strange ripple appeared between the tablet and her palm, like an extremely peaceful lake. Reflecting a perfect scene, but the ripples blown by the wind distinguish the reality from the reflection.

   Behind the stele, there is another world.

   Ordinary people can't see or touch, and even if they walk straight forward, they can't completely open the cracked door.

   "Go in and take a look." Li Xing's painted face is a bit bright and cheerful. She has a special longing for old and unknown things.

   "Before I leave..."

   Zhu Minglang hasn’t finished speaking yet, Nan Lingsha has stepped into this ancient rift.

   I wish Minglang a bitter smile, why can Nan Lingsha have such an attitude of observing everything forever, as if the gods and demons in the world are not in the eyes.

   Nan Lingsha took the lead, and Zhu Minglang and Li Xinghua followed her into this ancient ruins.

   What the ancient ruins look like, they are not easy to estimate.

   may be a terrible dragon devil lair, after all, the dragon ran out of it, and quickly multiplied on this land, forming a group of dragons.

   "It's a bit dark," Li Xinghua whispered.

   She seems to be afraid of the dark, but in order to explore the ancient things, to find the law of the ancient and future, she goes forward step by step.

   Zhu Minglang helped her and walked deep into the crack.

   But the crack is deeper than the previous valley secret road, long and dark, and Nan Lingsha's figure is gone as she walks, and gradually Nan Lingsha's footsteps disappeared.

   "Lingsha?" Li Xing drew his voice.

no respond.

   Mingming was walking in front just now, but suddenly disappeared!

   I wish Minglang hurriedly sped up and wanted to stop Nan Lingsha who was walking too fast~www.wuxiaspot.com~, don’t chase! "Li Xinghua hurriedly took Zhu Minglang's hand.

"what happened?"

   "It may be a fork in space, and Lingsha went into another crack." Li Xinghua said.

   "If I take a few more steps, we will lose too?" Zhu Minglang said.

   Li Xinghua nodded.


   Walking in such a dark crack, it is easy to lose the concept of time. Zhu Minglang is not sure whether he stayed here for a few hours or days and nights.

   When there was finally a glimmer of light ahead, Zhu Minglang breathed a sigh of relief.

   "Lingsha may already be in the ruins." Li Xinghua said.

   "Well, I didn't expect this little crack to have this mystery." Zhu Minglang nodded.

   The light became brighter and brighter, as if passing through a narrow valley, and finally saw the extremely open flat ground.

   The huge woods unfolded in front of Zhu Minglang, the trees here are straight to the sky, and the canopy covers the sky. Walking in the huge woods, both Zhu Minglang and Li Xing painting feel that their bodies are shrinking.

   is similar to the scene they saw in the ruins valley before, everything here is very huge, including the flowers, birds, and insects...

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