Dragon Tamer

Chapter 321: Sense of God

   "Go here, Lingsha should be in this direction." Li Xinghua's eyes shone with a strange luster, like a beautiful gem.

   She pointed to the direction of the dim light of the giant forest, Zhu Minglang summoned the Shenmu Qingshenglong, and it carried them forward.

   The trees are tall and the canopy is dense. The Shenmu Qingshenglong flies between the huge trunks. Its cyan vertical pupils glance at the canopy of the sky from time to time, as if there is something inside peeping at them.

   After flying a distance of about ten miles, Zhu Minglang saw a river of nothingness, and it slammed down from the tree canopy, and hit the hard ground fiercely.

   There is a dragon in the big place.

This mourning dragon is very special. Its head is semi-transparent. You can see the crystal clear brain through its skull. The whole body of this mourning dragon is also burning with black fire. Its claws, tail, neck, etc. With inflammation scales attached, it appears blue!

  The River of Nothingness irrigated it and rushed the black fire funeral dragon to a giant tree in the middle of the mountain. The giant tree in the middle of the mountain did not move, but the black fire funeral dragon was almost broken to pieces!

   Not long after, a graceful woman floated down from the canopy of the tree. Her skirts danced lightly, her skin was white, and her lips were red like flames, just like a fairy who didn't want any profanity in her heart.

   "Lingsha." A smile appeared on Li Xinghua's face.

   "Girl Lingsha, we are still worried about whether you will be in danger... It seems that worrying is a bit redundant." Zhu Minglang glanced at the dying black fire dragon and said.

   The creatures of this ancient relic should be careful of this female painter.

   "I found this." Nan Lingsha stretched out her white and tender palm, with a very short feather scale on it.

   Zhu Minglang carefully identified it, it seems that this is very similar to the scale feathers of the evil star dragon!

   Zhu Minglang deliberately touched it with his hand, and found that Nan Lingsha's palm was very soft... Uh, I found that the coolness brought by this scaly feather was quickly spreading throughout my body, and made myself shiver involuntarily!

   "It is the scale feathers of the evil star dragon, the evil star dragon really hides in this ruin!" Zhu Minglang said with joy.

   "This dragon is very strong." Nan Lingsha said.

With a quick raise, Nan Lingsha threw an ink pen, which was like a sharp black sword, pierced the dying black fire dragon's head, and the crystal-clear skull was killed on the spot. , And the semi-liquid brain matter in the head overflowed.

"This is the Starlight Marrow, which absorbs the power of the stars and turns it into the magic of some special creatures... Collect more of this thing." Mr. Koi floated out without warning, and studied this black fire dragon seriously. Brains.

   "What do you collect this for?" Zhu Minglang said.

   "Of course it is for Bai Qi's reinforcement. You can't find such a good thing outside." Mr. Koi said angrily.

   "Above the half-mountain tree, there is a small lair of the black fire dragon, and these black fire dragons are picking up this scale feather..." Nan Lingsha pointed to the top of the tree crown.

   "Then I will deal with it now." Zhu Minglang eagerly said.

   Since it's a good thing, you're welcome.

   "This is the last one." Nan Lingsha pointed to the black fire dragon who had just died, and said lightly.

   Zhu Minglang jumped to the canopy, passed through the thick branches, and saw a dragon's nest made up of black trunks...

   It's just that, around the dragon's nest, there are many corpses of the black fire dragon lying all over the place, and the state of death can be regarded as miserable.

   Why are these black fire dragons going to provoke Nan Lingsha?

   Zhu Minglang collected these starlight marrows according to Mr. Koi's instructions. Although there is a taste for nothing, Zhu Minglang didn't mind being a little Mengxin who followed the boss to pick up treasures.

   When dealing with it, Zhu Minglang indeed found a few pieces of evil star dragon feather scales.

  It is also strange to say that why these black fire funeral dragons should hold the scales of the evil star dragon, is it that funeral dragons are also popular in worship culture, and the scales dropped by the strong dragon can bring good luck to them?

   brought these feather scales to Li Xinghua. Li Xinghua held each feather scale in his hand for a while, closed his eyes, and displayed the divine knowledge of the prophet.

   With these feather scales, Li Xinghua can see the blurry picture when they fall.

   So the newer the scales dropped, the more valuable it is for reference!

   "Dark star grass, mountain tops, waterfalls, moonlight..." Li Xinghua muttered to himself.

   She saw a footprint and stepped heavily on a piece of dark star grass growing on the mountain wall, while a piece of broken scale feathers hung on the dark star grass.

   Then she saw a mountain top, followed by a waterfall, and finally a missing moon in the dim sky, this missing moon...

   Li Xinghua opened her eyes suddenly, and the radiance of the starry sea was gradually fading from the depths of her eyes, and she raised her head and stared at the extremely dim sky at this moment.

   Missing moon!

   is missing the moon right now!

   Li Xinghua released his hand and handed the scale feather back to Zhu Minglang, saying: "This is the scale feather that it just dropped. I think I know where it is hiding."

   Zhu Minglang couldn't help but exclaimed in his heart the prophet sister-in-law.

   can still search for ancient dragons like this, I feel that the so-called rich experience and excellent tracking ability of those dragon hunters are not worth mentioning in front of the Li Xing screen!


   After passing through the giant forest, one after another scattered huge cliffs appeared in front of them.

These huge cliffs are basically separated from the earth~www.wuxiaspot.com~ They are lifted into the air by the extremely tough sky-supporting vines, as if they are castles standing on the edge of the cliff, giving people a kind of power under the dim sky The oppressive force of, as if every giant floating mountain cliff is inhabited by ancient tyrannical monsters!

   "It's dark star grass." Li Xinghua pointed to one side of the cliff, and saw the special turf glowing with dark light.

   "We are getting closer and closer to the evil star dragon, girl Lingsha, don't rush to shoot for a while, we can't estimate the strength of the evil star dragon," Zhu Minglang said.

   "Yeah." Nan Lingsha answered, somewhat casually.


   She really can't raise her interest.

   If it was Nan Yusuo, it should not be this expression.


   jumped over several large floating cliffs, Zhu Minglang saw a waterfall floating cliff!

   is still the sky vine, which lifted the huge mountain into the dark sky, but above the big mountain cliff, there are many streams flowing down, forming a very beautiful waterfall skirt at the bottom of the cliff!

   "Evil Star Dragon..." Zhu Minglang saw a figure, not as huge and burly as he thought, but the slender and slender Canglong!

   Its dragon body is on the top of the mountain, lazy and noble, a pair of starry sky wings are slowly stretching and swinging, the brilliance on the dragon wings is better than the real night sky! ! !

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