Dragon Tamer

Chapter 322: Deng Yuhuiying

Unlike the mourning dragons I saw before, the evil star dragon does not look particularly hideous, not to mention the creepy ugliness. It is as cold as a king in the dark, crawling on the top of the mountain, lazy and noble. Combing his hair.

There is a majestic evil spirit on its body, as if all creatures related to darkness in the world will surrender to it.

Its wings are too splendid, unfolding, like an extremely bright starry night, the most luxurious and beautiful diamond in the world is far inferior to the small scales on its wings! !

Zhu Minglang looked at this evil star dragon, but the atmosphere did not dare to breathe.

Even if this dragon is not the dragon king, it is not far from the realm of the dragon king!

Such creatures have already stood at the top of the Great Court Continent. How can they, ordinary people, contend with it? ?

"Is it hurt?" Zhu Minglang asked in a low voice.

Li Xinghua and Nan Lingsha shook their heads at the same time.

It is hard to tell that the evil star dragon was injured, and even as long as they showed a little hostility, they might be instantly killed by the evil star dragon!

The orderists in Qingniu Mountain are really entrapping them.

"Xinghua, why is there any light on your body?" Nan Lingsha noticed that there was a faint radiance between Li Xinghua's neck and chest, which was slowly lighting up and slowly dimming, and so on repeatedly.

Li Xinghua didn't notice it himself. When he looked down, he really saw the light passing through its clothes.

Zhu Minglang looked around and felt that this rhythm of light and darkness seemed to have been seen somewhere...

The tail of the evil star dragon!

The end of the slender and soft tail of the evil star dragon, at this time, was also emitting such a light, slowly lit up, and slowly dimmed, since they arrived here, staring at the evil star dragon, the end of its tail remained Such a rhythm of light and darkness.

Li Xinghua stretched his hand into his arms and took out the jade ornament tied with a soft silver cord.

This is the ancient lamp jade of the gods. The piece from the ancient pagoda of Mianshan Jianzong is combined with the two lamp jade decorated by Princess Luoshui. It is about the size of a pinky finger, and it is very thin.

On weekdays, Li Xing's paintings are worn. This is a divine object that can slowly nourish the soul. Without this ancient lamp jade, Li Yunzi would probably not wake up even once.

"It's Deng Yuhuiying. Even if the same ancient lamp jade is broken into countless pieces, once it gets close, Deng Yuhuiying will appear. On the tail of the evil star dragon, there is ancient lamp jade!" Li Xing painted a full face. Surprised, there was a bit of joy in his eyes.

It turns out that there is also a piece of ancient lamp jade in this ancient relic, and it is on the tail of this evil star dragon!

Zhu Minglang also showed a smile.

With the addition of the seal of the city lord and the evil star dragon, they would have a complete clue of the four pieces of ancient lamp jade!

Collecting four pieces, you can wake up Li Yunzi...

However, it didn't take long to be happy, and Zhu Minglang's thoughts slowly returned to reality.

Fiend Dragon...

One head is most likely a dragon king level creature.

It does not seem to be an easy task to remove that piece of ancient lamp jade from its tail! !

This is how to do!

The ancient lamp jade of the gods was right in front of him, but he could not get it.

Zhu Minglang rubbed his temples.

If you are too hard, you can only outsmart.

But since the Shastar Dragon is a variant of the Sanglong, its wisdom should not be low. Without a perfect plan, it is basically tantamount to death.


The evil star dragon was combing the dark star grass-like fluff. When he lowered his head, he happened to see his tail entwined with the rocks, and there was a light shining at the end.

At this moment, Fiend Dragon's twin eyes like vast star domes suddenly became awe-inspiring. It scanned these floating cliffs as if searching for something.

Zhu Minglang's heart thumped.

The evil star dragon also noticed the light and jade! !

It knows that the person harboring Dengyu is nearby!


The starry sky long wings of the evil star dragon suddenly opened. When fully stretched, its wings were even more stunning, as if it could be inserted into the deep sky, and its lengthy body also escaped from the top of the floating mountain...

It skyrocketed instantly, and its dragon body was as long as a snake in the night. Its chest was strong and thick. When it came to the waist, it became slender and graceful, and its tail became slender and soft!

It has no claws, neither front claws nor hind limbs. Its appearance is somewhat similar to that of Nan Yusuo's Chiron, except that its scales and feathers show dark crystals, its wings are more brilliant and dreamy, and its straight and majestic dragon horns More like a small crystal tower of perfect proportions.

The evil star dragon was soaring in the air, obviously looking for someone who was shining in the lamp.

Zhu Minglang, Li Xinghua, and Nan Lingsha didn't even dare to breathe. They waited until the evil star dragon flew to another high cliff, the three of them breathed a sigh of relief.

"Let's leave here first." Zhu Minglang said.

Not daring to stay here anymore, the three hurried away from the evil star dragon.

If the evil star dragon also knows how to use Huiying to lock the range, they will be quite dangerous.


Taking into account the problem of Deng Yuhuiying, they did not continue to stay in this ancient ruins.

After leaving the ruins, Zhu Minglang discovered that there was just light on the horizon...

Is it the next day?

I remember the last time I entered the ruins, the time outside hardly passed by.

And this time, I don't know if it was too much time spent in the long cracks, or it was indeed that time passed faster this time!

"Oops, the brown flag army of Tu Guo is coming soon," Zhu Minglang said.

"I can only give up." Li Xinghua said decisively.

"Well, consider the long-term plan." Zhu Minglang nodded.

This Runyu City was much more complicated than I thought. Now that the massacre army wants to forcefully occupy it, it should be given to them first.


When he arrived at the Parliament Pavilion, Zhu Minglang immediately felt something was wrong.

"It seems that there are outsiders, I'll go take a look first." Zhu Minglang said to the sister behind him.

"Well~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Li Xinghua nodded, then pulled Nan Lingsha aside and hid first.

Zhu Minglang walked into the pavilion, and when he stepped inside, he saw Hu family brothers and sisters, Haoye, Fang Niannian, Zhirou, Chao Ruijin, Yao Junshi, Yu Gaojie and others sitting at the long table. All seemed too solemn.

The atmosphere was a bit depressing and weird. Zhu Minglang glanced away and saw that there was one more person in the pavilion. This person was wearing a very ordinary cloth robe. He was sitting in the seat of the city lord. A pair of tripods were placed on the table, and his mouth was more Holding a dog's tail grass is a bit cynical, but it also gives people a strong sense of oppression.

The atmosphere in the pavilion is so depressed, I am afraid it is because of this person!

"Your Excellency?" Zhu Minglang asked.

"Changhong Qingniu Mountain, the orderly man in this brown land." The man smiled, showing a row of untidy teeth.

"Long Yang, Long Yang." Zhu Minglang said.

"Have you seen the Fiend Dragon?" Chang Hong the Orderer asked.

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