Dragon Tamer

Chapter 328: Dragon Tribulation


A mouthful of dragon's mouth, but it is a thick curse flame, the necro female star dragon sprayed this mouthful of flame at no one else, it was Tu Wenhe.

Kill the master! !

This necro female dragon is actually killing the master!

If it weren't for Tu Wenhe's side with an ancient bronze dragon guarding him, this terrible curse flame would probably burn Tu Wenhe directly to ashes!

Tu Wenhe couldn't believe it. He even felt a huge tearing pain in his chest. The bond of the soul covenant was being pulled and broken, and this process was more terrifying than cramping and peeling.

He resisted screaming, his eyes full of anger and humiliation.

The necro female dragon is not all of him. At this moment, he does not hesitate to pay the price of soul trauma, forcibly calling out the other three dragons, it seems that this rebellious dragon is going to be destroyed!

Tu Wenhe's strength is indeed terrifying. The three-headed dragon king he called out has reached the upper-ranking monarch level, and the bronze ancient dragon he guards by his side is even the highest-ranking bronze dragon...

"Crush it for me!!" Tu Wenhe looked a bit hideous.

After the Necro female dragon absorbed the Ancient Dragon Soul of Runyu City, its strength reached its peak. However, it did not fight with Tu Wenhe's three-headed dragon king. It waved the wings of the necromantic flame, Flew in the clouds and sky.

As it continuously lifted into the sky, the flames of the undead on it formed a scorching fireball, fighting against the sky!

Getting higher and higher, the Necro Female Dragon arrived at the tawny earth to the high-altitude realm. Suddenly the bones of the whole body began to disintegrate in all directions, and the shocking flames from the soul of the necromancer turned into many terrifying fires. To this vast land! !

Meteorite! ! !

The seventh worst omen! !

This meteor fire did not fly from outside the sky, but was transformed by a dead-spirit female dragon bombarding the sky. It seemed to burn all of its life, and finally brought down the terrifying sky fire with the flame of the soul, and brought this land to annihilation. disaster!

The meteor fire is extremely gorgeous, filling the dim world with a magnificent death. Every time a sky fire touches the ground, it sweeps a monstrous fire wave, sweeping the forest, mountains, and fertile soil!

As for the location of Runyu City, the meteor fire that fell more densely, there are ten deadly sky fires, let alone a city like Runyu City, even a prosperous country may be wiped out under the impact of the fire!

In Runyu City, there are countless soldiers from the Academy of Divinity and Ordinary Studies and State Slaughter. In the face of such a fire disaster, they are extremely small. Any little spark on them can melt them into a pool of blood...

Both Yan Guang and Chang Hong, who are in order, are avoiding, and they are also very embarrassed to deal with them, and they have no time to take care of the rune masters of Shenfan Academy.

The Tu Guo’s army suffered even more casualties. There were close to 100,000 Tu Guo elites, including spearmen, archers, weapon throwers, and throwers. These were all trained to deal with powerful dragons. As a result, they died in this Very few survived under the flames of the spirit.

I thought that the rebellion and self-destructive behavior of the Necro Female Dragon was just to clean up the enemy, but the Sharon Dragon suddenly soared to meet the necromantic meteor fire.

The scales on its body showed an incomparably bright dark gold color. As it rushed toward the fire, its whole body was more like a mysterious golden glow, sacred and noble, even the inherent evil spirits. It seems to be covered with a layer of auspicious color that dominates the king, unparalleled and unparalleled in the world!

The cheeks of the two Orderers were reddened by the flames of the dead souls. They raised their heads and looked at the evil star dragon transformed in the meteor fire with incredible expressions...

Tu Wenhe's eyes widened even more, the muscles on his face trembling slightly!

This evil star dragon...

It is flying through the catastrophe with a meteor! !

"Dragon Tribulation!!"

"This evil star dragon is fighting the dragon catastrophe!!"

The two Orderists were dumbfounded, how could they think of such a hunting operation, but it turned out to be an opportunity for the evil star dragon to soar through the catastrophe!

In other words, the behavior of the necrowoman dragon is to make wedding dresses for her offspring. It turns its soul into a sky flame, triggering a sky fire disaster, and then makes the evil star one step away from the dragon king. The dragon completes this catastrophe!

Sacrifice yourself and become a brand new dragon king!

In the dark...

The signs of heaven are coming!


Necrotic flames covered Runyu City, and the fire made the dim night brighter than the midsummer sun. Li Xinghua, Zhu Minglang, and Nan Lingsha stood at the city wall, watching the fire against the sky. The evil star dragon on top.

Watching its wings metamorphose, its scales metamorphose, its dragon horns metamorphose, and every piece of skin on its body is reshaped in the catastrophe. It's not an exaggeration to describe it as reborn!

The seven evil omens, all work!

And Tian Zhao...

It is not a disaster, nor a war, nor is it a terrible catastrophe. It is a dragon who has survived the mortal catastrophe and transformed into a dragon king!

"This is the sign of the sky. The brown land will give birth to a dragon king. It has a huge grudge against the people of this land, and it has a deep hatred against the rulers of this land. Its birth is an extinction to the brown land. !" Li Xinghua stared at the meteor fire sky blankly.

The prophet is also powerless in the face of such a sign. She has already done everything to reduce the harm of the big evil omen, but she can't predict all the evil omens. She is making sacrifices for this dragon king!

Even for a moment, Li Xinghua felt a little shuddering.

It seems that this hunt is definitely not the perfect plan of the brown giants, but the careful layout of this evil star dragon!

Human sins, human greed, and human ambition have all become the ladder for the evil star dragon to climb to a higher level!


"How could this be, how could this be!"

"It became the Dragon King~www.wuxiaspot.com~All of us have to die!!"

The two Orderers were already going crazy, deliberately hunting the evil star dragon, and personally pushed it to the Dragon King Supreme.

The Dragon King rank is a qualitative change. In the eyes of all practitioners on the Great Court Continent, stepping into the king rank is equivalent to a kind of ascension. It is very different from the spirits of this world. In the true sense, it possesses divinity and controls The supernatural powers of the king can't compete with them at all!

Tu Wenhe is the lord of a country and now has an army of hundreds of thousands, but he knows better than anyone else that once the Shaxing Dragon becomes the Dragon King, the army of a million will not bring him a sense of security, and the king can do it on his own. Destroy a nation, no matter how many elites there are, how many mortals, and how many dragon shepherds there are!

"Hurry and stop it, at all costs!" Yan Guang yelled close.

"Stop it, stop it, never let it soar, never!!" Chang Hong showed deep fear.

Even if the dead souls are filled with fire, they can't sit and wait like this. There is still a glimmer of hope, that is, when the evil star dragon soars, it will be hit hard!

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