Dragon Tamer

Chapter 329: How sad to be an ant

The flames burned the sky, and the calamity of the sky fire was triggered by the necrowoman dragon burning soul, one after another, from the beginning of the falling fire, it turned into a huge flame sphere, when the sky appeared, it looked like Dazzling stars are like stars, and when they are close to the earth, these flame spheres are as terrifying as a mountain! !

Such a flaming meteor mountain was originally filled with huge bursting energy, and the process of falling from the sky was accelerating continuously. When it impacted this land, the wave of destruction that churned up was simply an extinction of all souls.

On the plains of Runyu City, there are flocks of cattle and sheep, and millions of birds and beasts in the forest. In such a disaster, they are the most humble. As long as the flame meteor hits there, there will be tens of thousands of miles. The life of Ji died tragically.

Everything is gone, even Runyu City is no exception!

The price of this catastrophe seems to be the annihilation of all lives on this land!

The two Orderists have already flown into the sky full of dead souls, and they are doing all they can to prevent the evil star dragon from crossing the catastrophe.

The evil star dragon has been climbing against the meteor fire, as if to ride the meteor fire waterfall to reach the other side of the heaven.

Although Tu Wenhe was wounded, he also knew that these people had brought a catastrophe to this land. If they could not be stopped, they would be slaughtered by the evil star dragon incarnate as the Dragon King, let alone the people of Runyu City. I am afraid that several neighboring countries will not be spared.

He stepped on the bronze bone dragon and brought his three dragons into the meteor shower. He can only let it go now.

They have to let the evil star dragon cross the catastrophe fail, if it fails, they will have a chance!

The death of the undead brought a terrible tragedy. Some weak people were directly burned to death in the seventh sign of the female star dragon’s sacrifice. The powerful, they stood in the infinite tumbling flames, but There is no courage to challenge the dragon that crosses the catastrophe and ascends in the sky.

Knowing that the evil star dragon has become the dragon king, no one can leave here alive, but still with a bit of luck, wanting to escape this blazing purgatory as quickly as possible!

Those who have a little bit of courage, those who have not reached the upper monarch level in strength, can't even rush into the meteoric explosion.

The evil star dragon has reached the height of the sky at this moment, and it seems that as long as it climbs to the top of the rain, it will complete this ascent, conform to the signs of the sky, and become the dragon king.

The strong ones who can also fall against this meteorite fall are only those few people.

The first to rush to the headspace to fight against the evil star dragon was Yan Guang the Order.

As a talisman, he almost gave up his life to inspire the sacred amulet of Ten Thousand Thunders, summoned ten thousand sacred thunders from the sky, and bombarded the body of the evil dragon.

These sacred thunders smashed the dark golden new scales of the evil star dragon, letting its skin and flesh exposed, but its skin and flesh were like black jade, shiny and hard, and not all power could hurt it.

A breath of dragon, like a rainbow pouring down, if it sweeps towards the mountains, the mountains will instantly turn into dust, and this kind of power blasts on the body of a mortal talisman, no matter how high Yan Guangxiu is, no matter how thick the talisman of the holy shield is Resist the dragon's breath of destruction.

Although the new dark gold scales of the evil star dragon were shattered, Yan Guang the Order was still severely injured, like a grain of gravel, falling to the ground.

The sacred talisman, such as a helmet, wrapped his whole body, and Yan Guang almost broke his bones when he fell to Runyu City.

The people in the city who hugged themselves to save themselves look terrified, are even the orderly vulnerable? ?

That evil star dragon, but has not yet completed the Tribulation!

If it really becomes the Dragon King, how strong it will be!


Zhu Minglang walked over quickly and glanced at Yan Guang, the Orderer who was paralyzed on the ground.

Yan Guang was not dead. He looked up at the firmament that was still falling into the sky and the majestic Sky Transmitting Vortex. There was a trace of pain in his eyes and a trace of envy.

Why is it not Yan Guang who crossed the robbery soaring!

So many people in the world are looking for their own door of ascension. Whether it is humans, demon spirits or dragons, they can feel their own insignificance in the cruel laws of nature, and they can clearly recognize that their life is How fragile.

That's why I practiced, that's why I looked for the Dragon Gate, and that's why I longed to cross the catastrophe and soar...

In the end, how many of them are flying through the robbery? ?

"Cough cough, do you think I am ridiculous, seeing someone like me end up... end up like this." Yan Guang Yuguang said when he saw Zhu Minglang walking towards him, coughing up blood.

"It's nothing ridiculous to go upstream and chase the way of heaven. You, Chang Hong, Tu Wenhe, and the evil star dragon are all the most promising existences in this land, but there is only one king tonight, and the others will all be buried. On the contrary, those of us are somewhat innocent. If the evil star dragon becomes the king, we have to pay the price for your failure." Zhu Minglang walked to Yan Guang's side.

"Take it, I know you want this thing." Yan Guang coughed up blood more seriously, and he handed out the seal of the city lord.

Zhu Minglang is also welcome, accepting the seal of the city lord.

"You have committed sins and you cannot live. You have harmed all of us!" Hu Bailing ran over and angrily accused.

"I don't feel the slightest guilt for involving innocent people in this catastrophe, on the contrary, I feel that you are even more pathetic... At least I can fight against the evil star dragon in the air, and I can take the ascension from it, and You can only tremble on the ground, and you can't even control your own life and death. It's sad to be ants." Yan Guang laughed.

How sad to be an ant...

He laughed at everyone who couldn't struggle on this land.

He is the master here. If he is defeated, everyone else must be buried with him!

"You are hopeless!!" Hu Bailing said angrily.

"You don't know anything at all. The lives that have not ascended depend on the charity of the benefactors. If I ascend and protect the brown earth and avoid catastrophe for a hundred years, whether I am guilty of sins or benefiting all souls is nothing but a matter of success or failure." More and more blood spilled from Yan Guang's mouth. It seemed that the closer he was to death, the more unwilling he was, and the more he confided in his truest thoughts.

Zhu Minglang is too lazy to have such a meaningless argument with a dying person.

One thing he needs to consider now is how to make everyone survive this dragon catastrophe.

Yan Guang has been defeated, and only Chang Hong and Tu Wenhe are the only two dragon shepherds who have been struggling to support. But looking at this situation, they may not be able to severely damage the Shadu Tribulation Star Dragon...

"My son, I'm sorry, I should have seen this scene, I'm still too weak..." Li Xinghua's eyes drooped, but he felt extremely guilty.

As a predictor, even the signs of the sky cannot be predicted in advance, which is a complete failure.

Yan Guang has no guilt or self-blame as the orderer of this land, but Li Xinghua feels that he is deeply sinful.

So much enlightenment, why can't I deduce this result? In fact, as long as Tu Wenhe is prevented from summoning the Necro Female Dragon, all this will not happen.

"Everyone is going to die?" Fang Niannian asked seriously. Although Nan Lingsha was protecting everyone at this time, looking at the world like purgatory, I was afraid that it would be useless to escape anywhere.

"Shenyu, give it to me." At this moment, Nan Lingsha stretched out her hand and said to Zhu Minglang.

Zhu Minglang didn't give it to her.

"There is only one way, I will use the power of burning soul..." Nan Lingsha said seriously.

"You will be the same as Yun Zi." Zhu Minglang said.

"Give it to me!" Nan Lingsha increased her tone.

Zhu Minglang stared at the sky and saw Tu Wenhe’s Dragon Lord being torn to pieces by the evil star dragon, but that dragon also bit a piece of the evil star dragon before he died...

How could it be possible for Nan Lingsha to use the soul-burning power to find the ancient lantern jade to wake up Li Yunzi. It is not easy to wake up Li Yunzi. The artist's sister-in-law wants to fall asleep again. How can I live this day?

Of course, Zhu Minglang will shoot.

But first, let the Orderers and the Hunters be cannon fodder.

The evil star dragon is too strong now, without Yan Guang, Tu Wenhe, and Chang Hong, the three strong human beings first fight with them, weaken the evil star dragon's strength, and rush to death by himself.

Moreover, the fire-scarred inscription pattern is still drinking the flames of this world, and the inscription pattern needs to be refined and sublimated.

Only then can the firescarred sword be played to its extreme! !

"We work together." Seeing Zhu Minglang's bright pupils, Nan Lingsha knew that he was unlocking the power of sword awakening.

"You protect the star painting and Yunzi, and protect Niannian, Haoye, and Zhirou. This meteor will be stronger." Zhu Minglang's pupils are already abnormal, the majestic sword power is sweeping, and the city can be seen The flames of the necromantic in the scene were mostly extinguished because of the sword wishing to wake up!

"You will be dead alone, if I burn my soul to help, at least..." Nan Lingsha said.

"You have no experience in dealing with the king class."

"Do you have it!" Nan Lingsha said slightly angrily.

"Well, although the cost is heavy... but I have the honor to meet you." Zhu Minglang nodded seriously.

Nan Lingsha was stunned, her beautiful eyes, which were reflected in the flames, stared at Zhu Minglang.

When did he deal with the ascension to the king?

Is it the last battle before Jianxiu's fall?

Take a deep breath~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Zhu Minglang knows how terrifying the power of the king is.

At the beginning, he even cut off the ground veins, but only cut off the man's arm. That battle not only caused Wutu to fall to the land of Lichuan in advance, but also fell into the vortex of the virtual sea.

That was the first time I felt the suffocation of being crushed since I stepped out of the Sword Sect of Remote Mountain. So Zhu Minglang can also understand why people like Yan Guang are so enthusiastic about Wang-level!

Fortunately, this time the evil star dragon was still flying through the catastrophe.

The supreme monarch can barely fight against one.

This time the sword awakening power is even greater than before. The sky is full of flames, wave after wave of fall, while shaping the soul for the evil star Longdu, it also bestows the infinite energy of the fire scar inscription!

Perhaps, I can really slay this tribulation star dragon...

Relying on his own sword realm, there should be a glimmer of hope for the three powerhouses Yan Guang, Tu Wenhe, and Chang Hong.

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