Dragon Tamer

Chapter 331: Battle of Liekong


The Tai Chi sword picture was directly smashed into pieces, and Zhu Minglang himself was taken aback. The evil star dragon was already in front of him, and his fangs were clearly visible.

Zhu Minglang's body sank down, and the Dragon Crossing the Tribulation Star Dragon also bit in the direction that Zhu Minglang was avoiding. This mouth became extremely huge in its light-devouring horn, and it felt that the entire night sky had become the Dragon Crossing the Tribulation. Dragon's esophagus.

Zhu Minglang flipped his wrist and slashed out towards the mouth of the Dragon Crossing Tribulation Star Dragon. The flames poured out wantonly, and the sword blade erupted with the might of volcanic eruption. Zhu Minglang didn't want to evade, just take a look. Its own sword is sharp, or its tooth front!


A moment of numbness in his arms, Zhu Minglang's sword was really slashed on the fangs of the Dragon Crossing Tribulation Star Dragon, and a white tooth could be seen flying out, and the sword in Zhu Minglang's hand was also shot off. Got out.

Fortunately, Zhu Minglang is now also proficient in flying sword swordsmanship. With a movement of his mind, the fire-scarred sword jumped into the air, and the flames of the sword formed many fiery sword shadows.

Before long, the sword shadow was already over the sky, and formed a circling sword violent, as Zhu Minglang swiped his finger downward, the fireflies sword fell densely!

Firefly sword, Panlong!

The flame of the sword fire was still being swallowed by the horns of the evil star dragon, and this area was pitch black. Zhu Minglang could only attack by feeling.

Fortunately, the Firefly Sword Panlong has a huge range and is moving slowly. The Fiendish Dragon must be around itself, directly sweeping such a large area, do not believe that this Fiendish Dragon will not show up!

Sure enough, the evil star dragon appeared, it did not want to force Zhu Minglang's horrible flying sword swordsmanship.

It waved its wings and raised a high air current.

The force it wields is so great that the air flow it drives even changes the trajectory of the surrounding necromantic meteorites, and all smashes towards Zhu Minglang, while the evil star dragon itself floats to the rear, and the majestic Zhu Minglang Firefly Flying Sword opened a safe enough distance.

Zhu Minglang was helpless, he could only control the firefly flying sword to collide with the meteorite airflow, and at the same time, with the impact of the collision, escaped the strange light-devouring realm of the evil star dragon.

"It should be its horns, it will swallow all the light, making the area around it as dark as a cave." Zhu Minglang paid attention to the dark crystal horn of the Dragon Crossing Fiend.


It seems that knowing that Zhu Minglang is facing a strong enemy, how can Xiaobai in the spiritual realm apply to play.

Zhu Minglang hesitated for a while.

With Xiao Baiqi's current cultivation base, dealing with the evil star dragon is actually very dangerous, and the top dragons like the silver tail purple dragon almost died miserably.


How could Xiao Bai insist that it felt that as a dragon, it would be a shame to hide in the spiritual realm when the owner encountered such an enemy.

"Don't confront it head-on, try to suppress it with Azure Dragon Profound Technique and Ice Magic, understand?" Zhu Minglang called out Bingchen White Dragon.

Without the assistance of the Bingchen White Dragon, it would be difficult for him to control this invincible Star Crossing Dragon.

Bai Qi nodded. After it flew out of the spiritual realm, it immediately moved further away. Zhu Minglang was worried about its life, and it naturally couldn't become Zhu Minglang's burden.

The meteoric fire filled the sky, and the flames and high temperatures were not very beneficial to Bai Qi, who was wearing a frosty holy feather.

But one thing is the advantage of the Bingchen White Dragon, that is, this meteor fire also belongs to the power of the stars, and the Blue Dragon Profound Technique of the Bingchen White Dragon is the power to control the stars and the moon!

The sky is sinking!

Under the Holy Moon Yinhui, Bingchen Bailong let out a long cry, and a terrible collapse suddenly appeared in the high-altitude area that the dragon's eyes looked at.

The space sank suddenly, like a fault in the earth, and the evil star dragon flicked its wings vigorously, but its body seemed to be sucked by some spatial quicksand.


The Dragon Crossing the Tribulation Fierce Star Long howled, it didn't use any spells, and with the power of its wings, it escaped from the Bingchen White Dragon's Canglong Heaven trap technique.

Crossing the evil star dragon is full of resentment, as if all the lives that provoke it will not be let go.

It flew towards the Bingchen White Dragon, and had to destroy this white dragon first.

Bingchen Bailong naturally knew that the opponent was fierce, and evoked a burst of high-altitude star wind, and he did not hesitate to fly far away, without giving the Dragon Crossing the Tribulation a chance.

And the Dragon of the Dragon of Tribulation held a light in its mouth, spitting out towards the Bingchen White Dragon, and saw that light ball flew near the Bingchen White Dragon, and then violently burst Kai, the rays of light pierced the surrounding like a spear. Huoyunyanchen is extremely terrifying.

Fortunately, Bingchen Bailong kept enough distance and had time to react and dodge...

"The sword runs through the sky!"

At this moment, Zhu Minglang swung a sword, and the power was so powerful that it shook the rain of flames all over the sky!

The sword edge broke through the air, and the evil star dragon was torn a long wound by this sword, and the thick black blood spilled out again.

The Dragon Crossing the Tribulation was roaring, and found that the Bingchen White Dragon had already flown away, so it had to turn around and attack Zhu Minglang.

Its tail was bent, like a dark moon magic bow, and suddenly its wings closed, and the evil star dragon turned into a divine arrow from the sky, and flew towards Zhu Minglang with terrifying horror.

Zhu Minglang fought with strength, but the whole person was shaken out.

In the midst of the fire, Zhu Minglang felt dizzy and his chest bones ached.

A dazzling light shone, and Zhu Minglang suffered a short-term blindness.

At this time, the evil star dragon was already above Zhu Minglang, with its head facing down, its wings half-relaxed, and its tail hanging upside down, like a black magic anchor, sinking to the ground!

Zhu Minglang couldn't see this scene, but Jian Linglong felt it.

The sword spirit dragon flew out of Zhu Minglang's hand, and his whole body was wrapped in a raging flame, turning into a huge flame sword, colliding with the dragon of the evil star dragon falling down!

The energy rushed wildly, like a stormy sea in the sky, the fire and rain of the sky was washed away by a huge void. In this void, there was only a sword and a dragon, and the dark golden divine glory of the evil star dragon was washed away. The flames of the sword spirit dragon also extinguished briefly.

"come back!"

Zhu Minglang recovered his vision at this time~www.wuxiaspot.com~ He recalled the sword spirit dragon.

"Bai Qi, freeze it!"

Zhu Minglang knows that this moment is an excellent opportunity, so he said with his heart and mind.

In the distance, the Bingchen White Dragon raised the countless gorgeous wings, and the frost of the silver moon was forcibly condensed in this burning sky. Not long after, a shocking glacier mountain range emerged and stopped at the location of the Fiend Dragon.

The mountains of glaciers are endless, these glaciers are made up of frosty sky, they will not melt so easily in the face of flames, and they are enough to trap this horror dragon for a short time.

"Sword Falling Sword Technique!"

"Suzaku Sword!!"

The fire-scarred sword and the Suzaku sword are in perfect harmony. The Suzaku represents the sacred flame of the sacred fire. At this moment, the fire-stained inscription has given the endless flames of the bright. The power of the Suzaku sword on display at this moment is far better than that of the King's Palace at that time. That deterrent sword! !

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