Dragon Tamer

Chapter 332: Beyond fire

The sky is vast and the flames are endless.

A mysterious blue and red appeared on the top of the sky, and the sword marks that Zhu Minglang wielded to the sky could be seen, like the most gorgeous constellations, forming a sacred Suzaku!

The sound of the sword is also like a long cry of a Vermillion Bird, countless fallen flames seem to be extinguished at this moment, followed by a more powerful green-red flame, emerging from the blazing fire waterfall that is constantly pouring down! !

The fifteenth sword of Sword Falling Sword Technique!

Looking at the vast and deadly magnificent sky, countless people on the ground were shocked.

People saw Zhu Minglang swinging his sword, and the sword fire momentum that fell was not inferior to the tribulation of the sky. It is hard to imagine that a person can burst out such a terrifying power, and it feels that the fairy gods in ancient legends are nothing more than that!

Lying on the ground, Yan Guang the Orderer's eyes went straight.

In his opinion, Zhu Minglang is also a sad ant, a person who cannot step into the realm of kings.

But seeing the sword he wielded this time, Yan Guang realized how ignorant he was. With such a sword technique, he was afraid that even a king-level creature could shake it.

It turned out that I was the saddest one, making wedding dresses for others.

This wish is clear and hidden too deeply.

"Is this little uncle still a human? This is the sword that was used in the King's Palace at the beginning..." Hao Ye stared at the god-like figure blankly, and couldn't help but exclaimed.

There are so many outstanding wizards in the entire Sword Sect of the remote mountain, so many sword masters of asceticism, and very few people have comprehended the Sword Falling Sword Technique and ten swords. Out of reach!

With this fifteenth sword, at least a swordsman's cultivation base can improve two or three realms. If Zhu Minglang's cultivation base is deeper, it is estimated that even the king can be cut under the sword!

The Suzaku sword covered up the disaster that day.

The Dragon Crossing Tribulation also showed a bit of panic. It was like a water snake that was washed down the cliff by the rapids. It was struggling desperately, trying to use some objects to stabilize its body, but it was constantly being given the flames of the Vermillion Bird When it was shot down, its Shenhui that was about to step into the realm of the Dragon King was also suppressed by that huge sword fire of the Suzaku!

If the evil star dragon is a snake god, the vermilion bird is like an eagle king, and the evil star dragon will almost be knocked down to the ground.


Suddenly, the evil star dragon overturned its body under heavy pressure, its tail accumulated a force, and then violently threw it out, and saw the ancient **** lamp jade inlaid at the end of its tail suddenly shining, a group of incandescent light shining everywhere!

The incandescent brilliance rushed through the strong flames of the Vermillion Bird, giving the evil star dragon a breath of breath, and with the incandescent guardian of the **** ancient lamp jade, the evil star dragon rushed into the air for thousands of meters, from almost touching The height of the earth is flying upwards suddenly!

Zhu Minglang thought that the evil star dragon was going to return the color, but the evil star dragon passed by his side, and then plunged into the higher sky!

Cross the robbery? ?

Is this guy trying to forcefully overcome the robbery? ? ?

Zhu Minglang was a little stunned. He was obviously injured, and Suzaku's flame burned its body beyond recognition. It was actually going to rush to the other side of the flames without a piece of scale feathers and jade muscle protection? ?

I wish Minglang naturally cannot let it successfully reach the other side of the fire.

However, as a sword repairman, his flying ability is very limited. It is impossible for Zhu Minglang to be like these ancient dragons, with powerful wings, capable of flying straight into the sky.

At high altitudes, there is a bitter wind, more powerful air pressure, and a strange frost that most lives cannot resist. Zhu Minglang, a sword master who can jump up to hundreds of meters in a single jump, is already the limit...

Walk on the sword?

Yujian flying is more inclined to fly in the air, rather than flying against the sky like the evil star dragon!


Bingchen Bailong flew towards Zhu Minglang, his white feathers had already been scalded by this ruthless sky fire in many places.

Bai Qi is now at a higher level. Without the Fei Yu little saint armor that Zhu Minglang had built for it, it would be difficult for Bingchen Bailong's frost attributes to stay in this skyfire vortex for too long.

"You want to drive me up?" Zhu Minglang said.

"You~~~~~~" Bingchen Bailong didn't get entangled, and immediately arrived under Zhu Minglang, and then all the white wings were opened, and at the same time they waved, curling up a strong spiral of air current, and rushing towards The fire sky patio!

At the highest point, there seems to be a huge patio, with endless rain of flames pouring down, a huge flame meteor mountain falling, and a terrible catastrophe surrounding it, which is pulling everything to the earth. .

Since it is called Feishengdujie, then this is a cruel test for the life that is about to be king. The evil star dragon is full of black blood, relying on the ancient lamp jade on the tail to barely gain a larger The life force and soul realm.

But its tribulation is still not very smooth. Its bright star wings are now riddled with holes. The flames on its body are scorching its bones. It is obviously a weird dragon of dark stars, but now it is like a head. The dying dragon...

The Bingchen White Dragon is a kilometer below, and it carries Zhu Minglang up against it.

This patio is a test for the creature that is about to become the Dragon King. Bingchen Bailong uses his current cultivation base to climb up against it, which is undoubtedly a kind of destruction.

But Bingchen Bailong didn't mean to give up at all.

It doesn't seem to be willing to be crushed by this little catastrophe. If the evil star dragon can rush to that height, it can do it!

The ice velvet began to split, and the feathers were burning. A star dragon and a white dragon seemed to be going through this fate, as if they were unwilling to become a mortal in this vast world...

Zhu Minglang and Bingchen Bailong had the same mind. He knew there was no point in trying to dissuade Bai at this moment.

Cultivation is to break through his limits time and time again, Bingchen Bailong will never give up so easily without even trying.

Dragon King!

The evil star dragon in the state of transcendence is already invincible~www.wuxiaspot.com~ is unstoppable. If it becomes the dragon king, all the lives on the earth will become sacrifices.

For Bai Qi, his persistence at the moment is also protecting Zhu Minglang.

It was it that made Zhu Minglang lose an extraordinary cultivation base.

Never leave, and fight together!

Do everything you can, no matter what, you must cut down this tribulation star dragon!


The dragon chant sounded, and the Bingchen White Dragon suddenly dispersed the frost that protected him, and concentrated all the mana and profound energy on the wings.

Without the Frost Protection Body, its body immediately burned violently, but the pain did not feel to the Bingchen White Dragon. The evil star dragon had no feathers and muscles, and even dared to bear the baptism of the fire, and it was not afraid!

With its wings spread vibrating heavily, the Bingchen White Dragon turned into a white light and pointed directly at the other side of the fire sky. It endured the test of purgatory, and at the same time it smashed the fire curtain fiercely!

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