Dragon Tamer

Chapter 333: The Art of Taming

"Enough distance!"

Zhu Minglang stepped on Bingchen Bailong's back, and his body shot toward the top of the sky like an arrow.

The cold frost was accompanied by the left and right. At the moment when he flew towards the Dragon Crossing the Tribulation Star Dragon, Bingchen Bailong also imposed an ice feather guard on himself. Those feathers with extreme cold power came from Bingchen. Bailong's aileron...

Zhu Minglang glanced at the falling Bingchen Bailong, but he didn't have too many distractions in his heart.

Such a height would be difficult to touch without a partner willing to let go of everything for himself.

After all, a person has his own limits.

"Sword Spirit Dragon, it's up to us."

Zhu Minglang is already very close to the Dragon Crossing the Fiendish Star Dragon.

I had to admire the perseverance of the evil star dragon, because of its height, it could almost burn its whole body without leaving a bone.

If it fails, the evil star dragon will be annihilated.

Even so, the evil star dragon crossing the robbery did not retreat half a step, it was climbing backwards, and for it, this was life toward death!

Zhu Minglang raised his sword.

At this moment, all you need to do is to slash the tail of the evil dragon with a sword, and cut down that piece of ancient lamp jade, and the evil dragon will surely turn to ashes.

It can be seen that in such a severely wounded situation, Cross Tribulation Fiend Star Dragon is likely to fail.


A large piece of terrifying fire rushed down, and the scene was horrifying. Zhu Minglang was originally going to cut off the tail of the Dragon Crossing Dragon, but seeing this scene, he immediately did not dare to do so, because if he did not try his best to resist, Will instantly turn into bone meal!

"Drawing swordsmanship, Moon Crown Sword!"

Zhu Minglang displayed his strongest defensive swordsmanship. He closed his sword at his left waist, and his left hand was held into a scabbard.

Accumulation, calmness, the reason for collecting the sword is because I must concentrate all the power of my body at one point, and at the same time, I must use the most perfect angle and the most perfect force to sweep the sword condensed from the blade to one. Direction, the sword light formed in that way can be like a vast full moon, building a shield of heaven and moon for oneself! !

The most important thing is that the Moon Crown Sword will only exist for a very short time. If you swing the sword too early, you will not be able to withstand the terrifying fire pouring down. If you swing the sword too slowly, your body has already turned to ashes...

The flames of extinguishment had already hit his face, and after the light, Zhu Minglang saw the evil star dragon bathing in the flames, as if there was only one poor bone left.


Draw the sword!

With his left hand like a sheath, right hand draws the sword, concentrates the power of the whole body on the arm, and then transfers from the arm to the elbow, and finally to the wrist. It must be done in one go without any pause or hesitation. The sword must be swayed like water. , Forming the most perfect lunar crown! ! !

With the red sword body, the sword that was drawn out was actually crimson!

Liekong was beautiful, like blood dripping. In such a sky, a scarlet moon suddenly appeared, magnificent and shocking. It stood in the sky. The most amazing thing is that under the scarlet moon, there was a person, as if it were one. The sword split the chaotic sky and made Chi Yue appear! ! !

The formed Chiyue Jianhong was gorgeous and tough, and the fiercest wave of heavenly calamity fire could not penetrate. It could be seen that the roaring sky fire met the rock like a torrent, and could only flow from both sides.

I wish Minglang's whole body trembled slightly...

Even the hand holding the sword was shaking.

Every move of sword drawing is a bet on life, because it is to take the sword and shoot in an instant, either to succeed or die, to bring the power of the sword to the extreme, and it may also be directly killed!

Zhu Minglang realized the hardships and difficulties of being a swordsman at this moment, and felt that the dragon shepherd was safer and more reliable.

Zhu Minglang resisted this wave of turbulent sky fire.

It's a pity that he hasn't cultivated enough, and he can't climb back up, otherwise, if he touches the other side of Dariekong, he might be the one who soared.

It's not like there have been cases in which someone else's calamity is used to ferry one's soul.


The Dragon Crossing the Tribulation made a long cry, and the strong sky fire rushed it down from a higher place, and its whole body, there was no complete skin, and its pair of wings was about to be burned.

Zhu Minglang's sword blocked a large amount of sky fire, but on the contrary, it managed to save the dragon's life.

It's just that, under this circumstance, the Dragon Crossing Tribulation Star Dragon is still flapping its wings, and is still trying to climb up. With his current situation, it will not fly up to the other shore, but the ghost gate!

Zhu Minglang sighed.

No need to do it yourself.

The evil star dragon did not choose to fly down, did not choose to live...

Zhu Minglang only needs to wait for it to fly up and turn into ashes, and catch the fallen ancient lantern jade.

The ancient lamp jade of the gods is worthy of being a god. Under such a tribulation, whether it was the piece in his hand or the piece inlaid on the tail of the evil star dragon, it was not burned by the sky fire.

Uh, this piece in my own hand, which is the seal of the city lord, seems to be a pair with the tail of the evil star dragon, or in other words, the same piece was split in half.

If this evil star dragon has this piece in its own hand, and once again inspires the guardian of the incandescent jade light, it should be hopeful to ascend successfully...

"Far Star Dragon!" Suddenly, Zhu Minglang yelled after thinking of something.

The evil star dragon actually has no hatred with Zhu Minglang at all. It wants to kill the two Orderers and Tu Wenhe because of the female star dragon.

"I will help you cross the catastrophe, and you will sign a spiritual agreement with me." Zhu Minglang said to the dragon of the cross catastrophe that was almost burned into bones.

"Hey~~~~~~~~" Du Jie Sha Xinglong roared, as if wishing Minglang would be a great shame to it.

"If you are really not afraid of death, there is no need to hide under my sword aura just now. Of course you can die bravely and fearlessly, turning into an indomitable dragon soul, and then completely disappear from this cruel world. Anyway, this world never There is no such thing as a dragon like you who deliberately covets the realm of heaven and god. In the future, when my friends and I set foot on a higher realm than this, when we travel with beautiful female dragons to famous mountains and rivers, we will probably mention today as a joke You, an omen-level evil star dragon, plunged into the flames like a small and humble moth, thinking that it is a phoenix that can Nirvana, but in fact it is ignorance and ignorance." Zhu Minglang said to the evil star dragon.

Zhu Minglang does not know the art of taming, but does he still know the art of language?

"Hey!!!" The evil star dragon roared even louder. Although it hadn't turned into a ghost, he didn't want to let this **** human being go.

"I can borrow this ancient lantern jade from you. It is up to you to choose whether to ascend to the Dragon King or die humble." Zhu Minglang said.

The evil star dragon looked at Zhu Minglang.

To humans ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Shastar Dragon is extremely disgusting.

Especially the female star dragon, her mother, who was obviously dead, was tempered into a bone dragon by humans, and her soul could not rest.

"Are you afraid of being enslaved?"

"You are the evil star dragon, the rebellious dragon, you must have confidence in yourself. In the future, if I hold you back and you don't break the shackles of the spiritual covenant by yourself, I am embarrassed to keep you."

Zhu Minglang continued to pour the decoction on the dragon.

With the lessons of the female star dragon, the star dragon seemed to have a hint of thought in his eyes.

The bloodline of the evil star dragon is inherently difficult to enslave and tame. As long as the strength is strong enough and the opportunity is right, you can definitely tear the covenant directly and restore your free body!

"Hey~~~~~~~~~~~" Sha Xinglong hesitated.

"Hurry up and sign it. I'll talk about the three chapters, preferences, and benefits. If the next wave of skyfire strikes down, you and I will all be ashes!" Zhu Minglang said.

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