Dragon Tamer

Chapter 334: Dark Star Dragon

Zhu Minglang still has a spirit agreement ring in his hand, which can just open a new spirit agreement seal for the evil star dragon.

The evil star dragon has approached. In this case, Zhu Minglang does not need to worry about whether the evil star dragon will cheat. It is a matter of life and death. Suddenly, it has nothing to do with it. significance.

In fact, Zhu Minglang didn't know that the evil star dragon did have the urge to kill this hateful human.

Was it all human words that he said just now!

However, the ascension of the tribulation is indeed more tempting to the evil star dragon. No life is willing to be a fish and shrimp in the water of that river. If it can climb upside down, it will pursue the heaven and the cloud at all costs and become Traveling everywhere, the invincible supreme ruler, not afraid of predators, not afraid of disasters of heaven and earth!

The mark of Lingyue was branded on the forehead of this evil star dragon.

Zhu Minglang sighed when he saw that the whole body of the evil star dragon was burned by the meteor fire, and saw many bones almost exposed.

Dragon Gate, Heavenly Tribulation, the long road to practice, and how many unknown catastrophes are waiting for every practitioner who yearns for the way of heaven, and how much hardship and pain he has to suffer, Zhu Minglang is indeed also the one of countless mortals who climb up against it. One, it's just that his approach is different from the vast majority of lonely and proud practitioners...

It is not suitable for oneself to follow the path of practice without concern.

The agreement was signed, and a special bond was formed between the soul and the soul. Zhu Minglang soon felt a special emotion with a bit of unwillingness, pain, anger and resentment.

This is the emotion of the evil star dragon, and Zhu Minglang can already feel the same.

Reaching out his hand, Zhu Minglang touched the evil star dragon's forehead, trying his best to use his gentleness and friendliness to soothe the irritability in the evil star dragon.

In fact, Zhu Minglang is very clear that its irritability does not stem from its cruelty, viciousness, and hatred, but from its lack of a sense of security.

Since the death of the female star dragon, it has been living alone in the cruel world, without a day of peace, let alone finding a real habitat.

Although it has been born for some years, the Fiend Dragon has a life span of a thousand years. If calculated according to the life span of human beings, it is only a seven or eight year old child.

This surprised Zhu Minglang.

This evil star dragon is actually quite young.

"From now on, we will see each other in life and death, and I will accompany you to cross this day."

Zhu Minglang turned over to the back of the evil star dragon, and gave it another piece of ancient lantern jade.

The two pieces of ancient lamp jade glowed with incandescent light at the same time, protecting the evil star dragon at the same time, repairing its muscle bones.

Ordinary lamp jade inherently contains a huge amount of life energy, and the ancient lamp jade of the gods can heal even wounded souls.

Some of the burned skin and flesh of the evil star dragon grew back, and its vitality was extremely tough, and it needed this kind of assistance!

The broken wings stretched out again, and the evil star dragon raised its head and let out a long roar, as if it was a challenge to this meteorite disaster!

Fluttering wings, climbing up against the sky, the sky is flowing fire, the red magnificence, but for most creatures, it is undoubtedly a terrifying fiery purgatory.

Accept the fire of the incinerator in the purgatory, reshape the soul in the tribulation realm, fearless to the sky, and reach the other side of the flames!

Zhu Minglang is holding the sword, he can feel the unyielding and refusing will of the Sha Xinglong at this moment, which also makes his chest a blazing flame! !

I don't believe I can't tear this day of fire disaster! !

Zhu Minglang held the sword high, if there is a dragon's shadow in the sword dance, he stood on the back of the evil star dragon and suddenly split into the fire sky courtyard, splitting the long stream of raging flames into the sky.

The evil star dragon saw the gap between the sword marks and suddenly burst out with extreme speed, passed through the endless sky fire, and soared to the other shore under the guardianship of the ancient lantern jade!

The other side of Liekong was a peaceful realm above the Falling Fire and Heavenly Tribulation. Below it was the bursting sky fire, which was the punishment of the gods and demons. But just a thin line apart, the other side was extremely clear and peaceful like another piece of divine land.

Zhu Minglang's body couldn't accept the burning of the last flames. When he swung the last sword for the evil star dragon, he fell back to the ground.

But the evil star dragon rushed up, and its body almost turned into dry bones. When passing through the "line of separation", its flesh quickly grew out, and its black corundum muscles covered its muscles again. The body is thicker, harder and smoother than before!

The dark golden feather scales are slowly growing from the skin of the black corundum. The delicate dragon scale patterns on the feather scales are more like carrying ancient heritage, containing mysterious power, luxurious and beautiful, just like a bright and bright The blazing starry night sky was tattooed on the scale feathers that the evil star dragon had just grown.

The wings are the most proud part of the evil star dragon. It swings gently, the radiance blooms, and the paintings of wings and feathers on the other side of the star dome are vividly combined with the scales and feathers on the body!

Such a dragon, like countless exquisite and beautiful stars arranged together, is dominated by a dark night galaxy composed of a clean and sunny night and a starry light weaving, and the power it controls is mysterious and powerful! !

Dragon of the Dark Star!

The signs of the sky are completely fulfilled.

But whether it was a bad omen or auspicious omen, Zhu Minglang finally decided, because the dragon of the sky omen had become the partner of the dragon shepherd.


As soon as the Dragon King appears, the starry night is more like a place where heaven and earth opened up, vast and magnificent.

The sky fire was also fading rapidly as the evil star dragon crossing the robbery was completed.

On the earth, people were shocked.

In the forest, the beasts fled in panic.

Even some of the forces stationed further away in the brown land, some old spiritual monsters seem to have sensed the birth of the evil dragon, standing on the top of the mountain and staring at this overly gorgeous starry night!

Everyone in Runyu City was ashamed.

Whether it is the soldiers of Tuoguo, or the mortals of the Academy of Gods and Ordinary.

They all know that once the evil star dragon succeeds in flying through the catastrophe ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ no one can leave alive.

Right now, the evil star dragon has crossed the calamity and has turned into the dragon king, and people are about to die! !


Zhu Minglang fell from a high altitude without any buffer. Falling from such a high place, his whole body was numb. Fortunately, the sword spirit dragon is a flying sword, which can buffer Zhu Minglang.

Falling into a scorched earth and ruined city, Zhu Minglang limped and hurried to check on Xiao Baiqi's situation.

Fortunately, didn't Xiao Bai just burn out his feathers and turned into a bald white dragon. His injuries were not serious, but his appearance was damaged.

Xiao Bai Qi's ears drooped, without beautiful and bright feathers, it hurts his self-esteem more than killing it, so it became a petite and exquisite appearance, hidden in the rubble, afraid to come out to see people.

Zhu Minglang took it out of the ruins and watched the black little white dragon become a gray carbon dragon. He did not laugh at it, but stroked its little head with his hand.

"We have one more partner."

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