Dragon Tamer

Chapter 336: Venerable King

"So, we don't have to die?" Hao Ye said.

For the residents of Runyu City, this is the key!

Can survive this catastrophe!

Because someone tamed the dragon king who was about to ascend, even though Runyu City was burnt down by the meteor fire, which war baptism did not make Runyu City completely unrecognizable, and now it is the best result.

At least it can shelter from wind and rain, and at least one piece of land can be inhabited.

"Although Tianshalong made this place like this before surrendering to me, I still say sorry on behalf of the residents of Runyu City. From now on, Runyu City will definitely calm down and revive. Because I am your protector, I swear in the name of Zhu Minglang that I will never let any army trample on this pure land again. If there is an invader, I will let him bear the wrath of the Dragon King!" Zhu Minglang reported to those The group warmed up, said the people who survived.

When hunting the evil star dragon, most of the residents were driven out of the city.

But when the fire fell, they hid back into the city, because they didn't feel safe outside the city.

Looking around, Runyu City has indeed been reduced to ruins.

Kerunyu City has a perfect city foundation and a perfect geographical location. The climate and aura are beyond the capitals of some countries. As long as the solid foundation of the city standing on the bones of the Sangsang Dragon remains, there will soon be uncertain. All the people make their homes here.

It can always be recovered, no matter what it was destroyed last time, this is probably the vitality of Runyu City itself. Under the baptism of falling fire, it will become more fertile soil in the coming year.

Of course, the most important thing is that this city finally has a strong protector!

The orderer of the brown earth, the dragon shepherd who has the title of hunter of the country, and the dean of the Shenfan Academy, such characters are just the highest king, coveting the king...

The lord of their Runyu City is a king-level venerable.

Not to mention the four neighboring countries, I am afraid that these ten countries that lead to the Nihai Sea will not dare to provoke Runyu City easily!

This is the king level, and even the powerful nations must be in awe of three points!


It is already deep winter, but there is not much cold here, and the earth baptized by the meteoric fire has a few remaining warmth.

The army dispersed, and the people from the Shenfan Academy also left.

In order to pay tribute, the Academy of Divinity offered to build the ruined city walls and towers for Runyu City, which will surely make the new Runyu City look extremely magnificent.

Tu Wenhe also said that in the future, Tu Guo will be the most loyal friend of Runyu City, and it can even open a trade corridor leading to the Nihai Sea for Runyu City, bringing the glory of the past to Runyu City.

Some other local forces in Tawny Land came to congratulate them after hearing the story of Dragon King's Ascension.

Hongmei Village, Beishi Villa, Gushan City, Xiongyingfeng, Chenjiabao... the strengths of these tea-colored earths, large and small, all seem to realize that they may rely on the king-level existence of this tea-colored earth in the future. All kinds of heavy gifts can be said to contribute to Runyu City.

Hu's brothers and sisters have been so excited that they have insomnia these days.

In the past, these forces either blocked or created difficulties, and brought huge obstacles to the development of Runyu City. Now they are gathered together to help Runyu City rebuild.

The beasts of the Bei’s Mountain Villa brought the big street stones one after another, and even helped the craftsmen cut them and spread them on the severely damaged avenues.

The high-quality sand, bricks and tiles were delivered by some private mercenaries by carts and carts. Runyu City lacked craftsmen, so they invited the best team of craftsmen to build buildings for Runyu City.

Among the gods and mortals, there are also many who are proficient in this art of earth and wood. The construction of cities and buildings is very easy for them, far simpler than some remote small countries.

An endangered city, just because of the birth of the king class is completely full of vitality.

A chaotic and disorderly soil, and everything became so orderly because of the birth of the king class.

Perhaps this is why Tu Wenhe, Chang Hong, and Yan Guang are so obsessed with the king level. Once they reach this field, the once irritating, painful, entangled and struggling can be easily healed without even having to ask themselves. Do it, naturally someone will help them settle.

Is this the king class? ?

That's cool!

When I was a sword repairer before, although I also touched the threshold of the king level, my cultivation was not stable at all. I relied on my own sword realm to be tough with the real king level powerhouse. In the end, I was beaten to another place. Almost became an orphan.

Now it's different. You no longer need to rely on talent to support you. Hard power is a king. Don't let yourself encounter the dog near the Wudi vein, you must chop it and feed the wild dog!

"Blessings, do you think this tower is still satisfactory?" General Su Tai said to Zhu Minglang in a low voice, with the most respectful smile on his face.

“Repair some of the houses in the Houcheng City, and settle down those hunters and peasants who are in duty.” Zhu Minglang said.

"Small follow suit!" Su Tai laughed.

This Tuguo one hundred thousand brown flag army general was not making a fake laugh at this moment.

He came from the heart.

After all, he had his life back. Su Tai now respects Zhu Minglang more than the grandfather, and is willing to work as a foreman in Runyu City and devote his enthusiasm to the reconstruction of Runyu City!

Sutai’s giant spirit slaughter dragon is really a divine beast that moves bricks. Some giant beams that are too heavy don’t need folk machinery. If you hand it over to this giant spirit slaughter dragon, you can easily carry it to the designated place. There are frequent artistic buildings in Yucheng, allowing those craftsmen to give full play to their building talents!

There are city coolies like Sutai, so the efficiency should not be too high!

"The city lord~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Shenfan Academy said that they would take care of those spirit veins on our behalf. They only take 20% of the cost and maintenance costs, and the remaining 80% will be delivered to our house in person. "Hu Bailing happily ran over and said to Zhu Minglang.

"These spiritual resources will be used to expand your Hu Family Dragon Mast Division team." Zhu Minglang was also very generous.

After all, they are all low-level spiritual resources, which are suitable for children and generals. Zhu Minglang has no use to collect it.

Of course, the spirit veins will produce good things at the master level and the king level. These things will naturally be given to Zhu Minglang for viewing. Zhu Minglang will take it away if he needs it. If not, it will be distributed to other managers in the city.

There are six spiritual veins in Runyu City. Among them, the herb mound is the most valuable. You can get tens of kilograms of spiritual grass from them every year. It is said that high-quality spiritual grass is more valuable than gems!

"The North Mountain Villa gave us some eagle-claw pseudo-dragons, how to deal with it?" Hu Bailing then asked.

"Give it to the Blue Wolf Cavalier and the Bronze Sword Army, they will need to protect the city well in the future, and they must also become stronger." Zhu Minglang said.

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