Dragon Tamer

Chapter 337: Familiar Act 1

"There are people from Di Shi. They took the initiative to hand over several gem mines to us, probably every year..." Hu Bailing held a long list in his hand and read it out to Zhu Minglang seriously. The details.

"You brothers and sisters can decide on these matters. You don't need to report all of them to me. I believe that you can manage the city in an orderly manner and the resources can be used where they should be used." Zhu Minglang said.

"Yes, Santo. By the way, there are three thousand-year-old Ganoderma lucidum in Ganoderma lucidum valley. Originally, they wanted to sell them in exchange for start-up funds. Make one up." Hu Bailing said.

"That's not bad." Zhu Minglang nodded, although he felt weird for the title of Madam.

Now, Zhu Minglang has four pieces of ancient lantern jade.

However, the energy contained in the two pieces of ancient divine lamp jade is lacking, and it needs to absorb some spiritual energy from heaven and earth to supplement it before it can nourish the soul.

But that is just a matter of time. The reason why the ancient lamp jade is special is that it will absorb the heaven and earth spirits and renew the soul for the wearer.

With four pieces of ancient lamp jade fragments, it can be regarded as a complete decoration of ancient lamp jade. As long as Li Xinghua wears it every day, Li Yunzi will not worry about his life and the soul trauma will be slow. Slow healing will even be stronger than before.

In the future, the time for Li Yunzi to wake up will gradually increase. It is not impossible to count the stars on the roof for a night. Time is for enjoying...


The faction is thriving, and Zhu Minglang is also very pleased.

There is a problem, which makes Zhu Minglang a little worried.

That is Tianshalong.

The Tianshalong deserves to have a rebellious history. After it successfully ascended to cross the Tribulation, it has been lying in the spiritual realm, maintaining a reborn sleep state.

But every time it wakes up here, Zhu Minglang can feel the restlessness in his spiritual realm!

The king-level dragon's thoughts are also very powerful and terrifying, Zhu Minglang found that his spiritual agreement could not completely suppress it!

Zhu Minglang was worried about this and hurriedly woke up Mr. Koi for advice.

"What are you talking about, Tianshalong signed a spiritual contract with you??" Mr. Koi exclaimed.

"Yes." Zhu Minglang smiled bitterly, and Mr. Koi lost his memory again.

"Said you want a purple dragon, you want a purple dragon, what the **** is this colorful and black dragon? You are not in the dragon list I made for you. Besides, the dragon is the dragon king. You are now At most, it is a dragon shepherd whose cultivation has reached the upper monarch level. How can he restrain a dragon king? Before he woke up, he quickly released it!" Mr. Jinli stared into the big fish eyes.

"The signing is signed, and it can become the dragon king, and I have a credit." Zhu Minglang said.

"Did you talk about gratitude to a dragon with a rebellious bloodline? Its greatest gratitude to you is to remind you to eat less garlic recently." Mr. Koi said.

"Why remind me to eat less garlic?" Zhu Minglang looked confused.

"The Sanglong race don't like the smell of garlic. When they chew your meat, they will spit you out when they taste the smell of garlic, and then stomped to death with an angry foot!" Mr. Koi said angrily.

After being said by Mr. Koi, Zhu Minglang felt really frustrated.

"Lingyue does have an inhibitory effect on dragons, but it does not mean that it can cross this big level, especially king-level creatures, far beyond all mortal dragons in the world. It is not a fool, and it does not have enough confidence to betray. Do you sign a spiritual contract?" Mr. Koi continued.

"I know the truth, what can Mr. Koi now do to suppress this dragon king and let it obediently listen to me?" Zhu Minglang asked.

Zhu Minglang is indeed the Dragon Shepherd who owns the Dragon King.

But this dragon king doesn't seem to listen to himself very much...

This was really embarrassing, and it was different from what I had expected, especially since the people from the forces of Tawny Earth heard about this incident, the face of the king-level venerable himself disappeared!

"Is it just not obedient?" Mr. Koi asked.

"Well, its age is much younger than I thought. Although there are grievances and some hostility, but there is no idea of ​​killing the master for the time being." Zhu Minglang said.

"The initial covenant was very strong. Like the covenant between you and the Tiansha dragon, it can be compared to a chain. The chain will not rust, wear, or break at the beginning. But it will last for a long time. After a while, this chain of spiritual covenant will become weaker and weaker as the Tianshalong dissatisfied with you, contempt for you, and resist your compulsory instructions, and will eventually be completely broken away by the Tianshalong... "Mr. Koi said seriously.

"What should I do then?" Zhu Minglang was also worried.

"Of course it is to improve your strength. If your strength is recognized by it, or if there are other dragons that are enough to deter it, it is naturally impossible for it to defect. The dragon pet defect is very terrible. The broken spiritual agreement is invalid and the new pet cannot be signed. It also caused great trauma to the soul of the Dragon Shepherd, and it will be very difficult to give birth to a new spiritual covenant depending on the cultivation level in the future." Mr. Koi said.

When it was still the evil star dragon, Zhu Minglang's sword awakening state could indeed stun it, but now that it has soared and become the Dragon King, its own strength is equivalent to lagging behind it by a large amount.

It is mainly the Tianshalong, with the blood of rebellion in its bones.

Zhu Minglang actually thought about this, but at that time Zhu Minglang still wanted to take a gamble. After all, he was a rare dragon king in this world. It was really a shame that he was really gone.

"It's body was severely damaged when it crossed the Tribulation, and now it is equivalent to training in my spiritual realm." Zhu Minglang said.

"It has to take one or two years. If it is not afraid of its own solid foundation, it should not betray within one or two years." Mr. Koi said.

"There is still time."

"Enhancing feelings is also a more effective way. There is a spiritual appointment. Many of your emotions are connected. You are well cultivated. You are a mortal, and it will not betray." Mr. Koi said.

Zhu Minglang nodded.

When Xiao Bai Qi followed himself before, he didn't even have a spiritual appointment.

The relationship between Dragon Mu and Dragon ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ is really important.

Tu Wenhe probably did not consider this aspect properly, which led to the complete rebellion of the Necro Female Dragon.

"It's just that, in the realm of the king level, it is not necessary to work hard. I am worried that you will not be able to be promoted to the king level within a year or two. It is very difficult to find an opportunity for it to break through to the king level on the continent where resources are scarce." Mr. Koi sighed, shaking his head.

"There will always be a way, speaking of it. In recent days, Xiao Bai has started to fall asleep again and can't wake up no matter how he calls." Zhu Minglang said.

"It's a good thing to sleep."


Zhu Minglang intends to take a look at Bai Qi's situation in Lingyue, after all, he was also injured.

But soon, Zhu Minglang saw a very special scene in Xiaobai Qi!

And this scene is familiar!

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