Dragon Tamer

Chapter 338: Reincarnation sting

In the spiritual realm, Bingchen Bailong was sleeping.

On its body, some silver-white frost threads even appeared. These little frost threads are crystal clear and delicate, and they seem to form a very ancient and life-rich life pattern, bit by bit. Wrap Bingchen Bailong inside.

Frost threads are flying around, surrounded by the quietly sleeping Xiao Bai Qi. At this moment, the ice and white dragon is lying quietly in the eternal glacier world like an ice phoenix and divine phoenix, waiting for the passage of long years, waiting for a thousand years The opportunity to re-Nirvana!

There are more and more silver threads, milky white, silvery white, and frosty white. My own spiritual realm is so vast, but these cold silks gradually cover the entire spiritual realm, just like the white snow all over the city, the scene is strange...

How familiar with this scene!

Soon after he signed a spiritual contract with Xiao Bai Qi, Xiao Bai entered this state, degenerating from a white dragon into a small ice silkworm. The frost at that time almost covered most of the city until the second God, all the frost of transformation has completely melted!

That is the beginning of my own wandering!

I wish Minglang have not forgotten now! !

Now, how can Xiaobai have this situation again!

Although Mr. Koi had already told himself that it would degenerate, but when this day really came, Zhu Minglang was caught off guard! !

"Bai Qi??" Zhu Minglang called it.

Xiao Bai opened those smart eyes, but his eyelids were unconvincingly covered.

It looked so sleepy that it couldn't even make a soft cry. In fact, it didn't know what was happening to it.

It just saw the evil star dragon broke through the tribulation and turned into the dragon king, with some envy and unwillingness in its heart.

It only saw that the sword spirit dragon could bring greater power to Zhu Minglang, and as the chief culprit in pulling Zhu Minglang back from the heavenly realm to the mortal, he felt guilty and guilty for not being Zhu Minglang’s strongest support. Sad.

Crossing the robbery soars...

When Zhu Minglang signed a spiritual agreement with himself, Zhu Minglang was actually about to step into this state.

What was placed in front of him was a gate of ascension, because he was defeating a king-level powerhouse with his cultivation base at the monarch level.

But he finally gave up, signed a spiritual contract with himself, abandoned the reincarnation that all creatures dreamed of, and chose to start with the most ordinary dragon shepherd...

How can Bai desire to be stronger than usual!

I thought it was just an ordinary slumber, letting the feathers on my body grow again.

But when he fell asleep with this obsession, Bai Qi realized that what he grew out of was not silver-white feathers, but life-saving silks, which covered his body bit by bit. , And its body also became tired, slowly degrading...


Xiao Baiqi worked hard to cheer up and whimpered towards Zhu Minglang.

Reincarnation sting!

Bingchen Bailong has entered the next life cycle! !

How could Zhu Minglang not feel the emotions in Xiaobai Qi's heart, but the phenomenon of this reincarnation sting was unexpected.

Zhu Minglang thought that at least it would take a few more years. How could I think that everything would come so suddenly!

"It's okay, it's okay, you can sleep at ease. When you wake up, you will be prepared with enough mulberry leaves, and you will be full." Zhu Minglang knew how guilty Xiaobai was, and hurriedly comforted it.

Was it the Dragon King-level Heavenly Fiend Dragon that irritated Xiao Bai?

According to Mr. Koi's estimation, the reincarnation sting should not be so fast.

Zhu Minglang's mood is still very complicated, especially when he sees Xiaobai Qi beginning to degenerate again.

There will be a long time, I can't see it, and after so many years of being with it, it's really a bit unaccustomed to act like a baby without it being intimate.

But in general, Xiaobai thought for himself.

It yearns for a powerful force, it hopes to be its strongest help, and believes that it will be more brilliant the next time it wakes up.

"Go to sleep, don't worry about me, don't you still have Heifang, Qingzhuo, and Moxie with me? The Tianshalong will not rebel in a year or two. By then, it will really rebel. Maybe you still need to suppress it. "Zhu Minglang continued to comfort Bingchen and Bailong.

Xiao Bai closed his eyes slowly, even though he was very unwilling to give up, it still could not resist the drowsiness that struck, and the ice silk that bloomed like ice flowers and snow silk was spreading wantonly, almost occupying the entire spiritual realm. Let the spiritual realm become a shocking and gorgeous white.

Zhu Minglang stared at Xiao Bai Qi, and was secretly wondering in his heart. What kind of creature Xiao Bai Qi is and why is it different from an ordinary dragon? This time its degradation should not be as long as last time. After all, his current The spiritual realm is of the spiritual spring level. Sleeping inside for one day is equivalent to one hundred days outside.

Maybe it doesn't take half a year, how did Xiao Bai pass the degeneration period, and then began to constantly transform!

Fortunately, the realm of the dragon shepherd has also been improved, and it can speed up the practice. When it re-staging and rebirth, the four stages of infancy, growth, maturity, and completion are also passed through at a hundred times the speed of the past!

One or two years later, it is possible that Xiao Bai's cultivation base will surpass the Tianshalong!

"Mr. Koi, how can Xiaobai degenerate into reincarnation." Zhu Minglang said to Mr. Koi.

"Really?" Mr. Koi's eyes shone.

"Well, I can feel its vitality is fading." Zhu Minglang nodded seriously.

"This kind of degradation is actually very dangerous. It's easy to be like some mayfly, with a life span of only a few days, but because of your spiritual covenant, its life has a guarantee, and it will not directly degenerate to destruction. Very good, very good, It is the upper monarch level cultivation base entering the next reincarnation sting~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Then the next time it wakes up, it may be the blood of the Dragon King level, just like the Shastar Dragon, it will even surpass the Sharon Dragon! !" Mr. Koi was very excited and excited.

Just now, I was still worried about Zhu Minglang, how to train a dragon king in one or two years, so as to suppress the rebellious evil star dragon, now there is no need to worry about this, Bai Qi enters the next cycle, and will surpass the sky evil dragon ! !

"I can increase my practice nearly a hundred times faster in Lingquan Spirit Realm now, this time it will not degenerate for too long, right?" Zhu Minglang said.

"Don't worry, it won't take too long, ah, I remembered that there is a way to shorten the degradation time, do you know the bird's nest?" Mr. Koi said.

"I know."

"Phoenix nest, yes, you can call it like that, it is a young phoenix nest built by mixing the saliva secreted by the holy spirit of the phoenix for more than ten thousand years with other substances. If you get this thing, you can definitely shorten the degradation time, and maybe The level that can promote transformation." Mr. Koi said.

Bird's nest,


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