Dragon Tamer

Chapter 339: Group change

From Wannian Holy Spirit, he is still the treasure of the Phoenix clan...

Zhu Minglang feels that Mr. Koi will really pose a problem for himself!

But for Xiao Baiqi's better development, Zhu Minglang would still find a way to get this extraordinary thing.

After all, Xiao Bai is a dear, he becomes the Dragon King, and he is the real wind and water.

What's more, Xiaobai Qi's future bloodline seems to be much superior to that of Tianshalong!

A little looking forward to it.

From the White Canglong to the Bingchen White Dragon.

What kind of dragon will he transform from the Bingchen White Dragon this time? ?

When Xiao Bai just turned into a young Bingchen White Dragon, Zhu Minglang actually had limited resources. The ingredients and spiritual resources he fed were not the most perfect, and he had no experience in raising dragons. It stings in reincarnation, which is equivalent to a more perfect shaping, making up for the lack of previous attributes.

For example, the Bingchen White Dragon originally had a strong star wind attribute, but as its resources became scarce, the materials were difficult to fill, resulting in a lot of weaker Bingchen White Dragon’s star wind ability. At the upper monarch level, it had wind attributes. I don't use it much...

The three attributes should all be used perfectly so that they can exert their ultimate strength!

Be sure to raise more comprehensively next time!

In fact, it's not just Xiao Bai Qi, Hei Ya and Qing Zhuo have some defects, and they didn't do well in the training process.

But now...

Zhu Minglang suddenly remembered something, and subconsciously went to the spiritual realm to take a look at his other dragons.

Tianshalong is still aloof and arrogant, lying in the most comfortable position, sleeping like a demon king.

Big Black Tooth was also sleeping, and the spiritual realm was exceptionally quiet, as if everyone was asleep.

Zhu Minglang discovered that, under the influence of Xiao Baiqi, there was some silk on Da Hei Ya's body, which almost wrapped the Thunder Tyrannosaurus in...

Huh, something is wrong.

Zhu Minglang frowned and checked the condition of Big Black Tooth carefully, and found that Big Black Tooth also looked so sleepy that he couldn't open his eyelids at all.

And the place where it lay was covered with silvery white frost silk from Bai Qi's body, but the thunder scales and crocodile skin on Lei Cang Tyrannosaurus also spewed some black golden silk!

At first, Zhu Minglang thought it was the big black-toothed black pork that had eaten too much and had black pig hair, so he took a closer look.


The **** tooth is also growing silk!

It's black silk! ! !

These black silks are growing more and more, and while clustering around Tyrannosaurus Lei Cang, they are depicting a very mysterious pattern of life, layer after layer, and finally form a huge black dragon silkworm cocoon. The **** teeth are also completely covered!

what's the situation! ! ! !

Lei Cang Tyrannosaurus also entered the reincarnation sting? ? ? ?

Degradation will not be contagious! !

The breath of life of Tyrannosaurus leucocephalus was declining, and its physique was slowly shrinking. When Zhu Minglang even saw it was completely wrapped, it had degenerated into a little black dragon with a cute alligator tail!

Obviously, this is definitely not its final degenerate form. In this huge black cocoon, it will continue to degenerate.

"Mr. Koi, Mr. Koi, something bad happened!" Zhu Minglang said in shock.

"Tianshalong is used to the smell of garlic?"

"It's the **** tooth, it has also entered the reincarnation sting and changed!!" Zhu Minglang said with a black face.

"Let's see!" Mr. Koi leaped onto Zhu Minglang's forehead, then closed his eyes, feeling like an expert in Zhu Minglang's spiritual world.

"What's the matter, why did the **** teeth also enter the cycle of reincarnation?" Zhu Minglang himself was a little dumbfounded.

Is it possible that Da Hei Fang and Xiao Bai are still related by blood?

"Ahem, Zhu Minglang, take a look at Shenmu Qingshenglong." Mr. Koi said.

Mr. Koi said, Zhu Minglang's face changed again.

Hurrying to check the Shenmu Qingshenglong, strands of extremely luxurious cyan silk, with a bit of sacred aura, were wrapping the body of Shenmu Qingshenglong bit by bit.

The cyan silk also drew a gorgeous and mysterious fate map. The silk, like blood vessels and tendons, shuttled through the body of the Shenmu Qingshenglong, as if it was undergoing a transformation ceremony for it! !

Xiao Qing Zhuo also...

It's really contagious! !

Shenmu Qingshenglong is also stinging in reincarnation! !

Its body degenerates, and it has wood attributes and insect attributes. It seems to fit this reincarnation sting quite well, and it degenerates faster than Big Black Teeth.

Before long, the Shenmu Qingshenglong was also enveloped by the green cocoon, and the blue wood silk was flying freely, turning the area where Shenmu Qingshenglong usually fell asleep into a blue silk wood forest, revealing a bit of peace and harmony. sacred!

"Make big, make big! Xiaobai signed a spiritual contract with you, and you also have soul bonds with other dragons, so its race reincarnation will affect all of your dragons, making them enter the reincarnation sting. Oh, my God, why didn't I think of this layer at the beginning! Zhu Minglang, we are going to be invincible!!" Mr. Koi suddenly slapped Zhu Minglang on the head, a little crazy with excitement.

"But they are all degraded. How can I fight in the future? I am the Dragon Shepherd!" Zhu Minglang said.

"Isn't there still a sword spirit dragon?"

"That's right, although it's a bit tricky, but at least..." Zhu Minglang didn't dare to spit out the words completely.

He glanced at the state of the sword spirit dragon first, lest that unclear premonition was completely fulfilled.

The sword spirit dragon flies around in the spirit realm on weekdays. Even when it is sleeping, it maintains the suspended state that a fairy sword should have.

But when Zhu Minglang was in a corner of the spiritual realm and saw the sword spirit dragon, Zhu Minglang was not good! !

The red metal wire blooms like a sacred lotus, and the sword spirit dragon is quietly floating on the lotus cocoon formed by the metal wire at this moment. The mysterious pattern of life can still be seen, precisely displayed in those On the interwoven metallic crimson silk.

Sword! !

You are a sword! !

Why do you grow silk! ! ! !

Although the sword spirit dragon does not show obvious signs of degradation, it is indeed wrapped in a huge metal lotus cocoon. It is not known whether it is silver, gold, copper or other rarer materials. The sword spirit dragon is very fast It became a suspended metal sword bud...

No matter how Zhu Minglang communicated with Sword Linglong, Sword Linglong did not respond, as if he had fallen asleep.

Reincarnation sting...

The sword spirit dragon has also entered the reincarnation sting! !

All the four dragons have entered the reincarnation sting! !

Looking at this metal sword bud, and then at the silver frost star cocoon, the black blood giant silkworm, and the blue silk holy cocoon, Zhu Minglang's mood has become extremely complicated.

The joys and sorrows are beyond words.

The good news is that the four dragons will all transform into dragons of higher bloodlines just like Xiaobai Qi.

The worry is that he seems to have become a polished commander again!

The Dragon...

Yes, there is also Tianshalong.

Zhu Minglang's eyes turned sharply, the Tianshalong has been sleeping, if the Tianshalong also enters the reincarnation sting...

No silk grows~www.wuxiaspot.com~ It seems that only it has not entered the cycle of reincarnation.

Is it because it is unstable with its own spiritual covenant?

Or is it because it just soared through the catastrophe?

Fortunately, the Dragon King did not degenerate.

One dragon left...

This is the dragon, not so obedient.

It's better than nothing.

It is better to be an orphaned dragon herder than if all five dragons are degraded!

No matter how disobedient Tianshalong is, it's okay to **** him at critical times.

And if you use the coercive command, it will still do it.

This will only make it dissatisfied and cause the spiritual covenant to become weak.

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