Dragon Tamer

Chapter 442: People have fallen


This person's arms have silver flames, and his eyes are like torches. He is domineering to a certain point, as if the existence of Tyrant Blood Dragon is just an ordinary beast in front of this silver flame arm man!

"Silver Flame King, Wu Xiao!" In the event, someone recognized the man who threw the Dragon King out of the temple with his bare hands and exclaimed.

Yan Zhen turned around and saw Wu Xiao with flames in his pupils. Cold sweat slipped from his forehead. It seemed that he had dealt with this extremely powerful Nihai before, and there was still fear in his heart.

However, how could Yan Zhen not be afraid of someone who can throw his Dragon King out with one hand!

Most importantly, once Wu Xiao appeared in front of him, it meant that something was completely exposed.

"Uncle Wu!" The little queen Jingyu's face suddenly became happy. If it weren't for the extremely powerful silver flame aura on her body, the little queen Jingyu could not help stepping forward.

Wu Xiao just nodded slightly at the little queen Jingyu, and he stared at Yan Zhen sharply, with a cold expression.

This momentum is so powerful that the people in the entire event showed awe. As for the black-clothed masters of the Yan clan, they were suppressed in this powerful silver flame aura.

"Are you okay." At this moment, a woman came over from behind. She stopped in front of Zhu Minglang and asked with concern.

Zhu Minglang shook his head.

Yan Zhen's strength was not as strong as he thought, and Lin Zhaoda's teachings were also secretly calculated.

However, there is no need to do it yourself, Yan Zhen is already dead.

"He is the elder Wu Xiao, the orderer of our Nihai Sea. Thanks to your Zhenhailing, I have collected the iron evidence that Yanzhen slaughtered the people of an island." Han Wan said to Zhu Minglang.

After obtaining all the evidence, Han Wan immediately presented it to Wu Xiao, the Orderer.

Han Wan also told Zhu Minglang that Yan Zhen has been in hiding recently and it is difficult to carry out arrest operations. Once they take action, they may start to stun the snake and make Yan Zhen give up everything and escape...

Zhu Minglang also felt that if he didn't do anything for Lin Zhao's great teaching, he felt a little guilty in his heart, so after knowing that Yan Xu would participate in this hunting event, he decided on Yan Xu's idea!

As long as Yan Xu is killed, Yan Zhen, the father, can no longer hide!

It can be regarded as one time to lead the snake out of the hole.

From the very beginning, Zhu Minglang had no interest in this inhumane hunting game. The person he wanted to hunt was Yan Xu. Even if Yan Xu didn’t bother himself because of the little queen, Zhu Minglang would take the initiative to provoke him and make sure This mad dog will definitely come and bite himself during the hunt.

In fact, Zhu Minglang did a rough job when destroying the corpses. He even worried that the people of the Yan clan had a bad brain, and left some obvious clues.

Otherwise, Yan Zhen would not be able to find out that her son was dead.

"If the son is dead, the father will show up no matter what." Zhu Minglang smiled and looked at Yan Zhen.

Yan Zhen's face was full of astonishment.

This guy did it deliberately, just to draw himself out and let himself fall into the act? ?

"Who are you?" Yan Zhen roared angrily.

"You have blocked the island for so long, but you don't know who you are going to deal with?" Zhu Minglang said.

Only then did Yan Zhen wake up!

This guy turned out to be the helper invited by Lin Zhaoda to go. For him, he spent more than half a month outside the Devil Island, and almost became a savage!

Thinking of her son being tortured by the other party in this way, and thinking of her current situation, Yan Zhen is even more upset and regretful, why didn't he risk rushing to the island and slaughter him and Han Wan!

Once they die, there will be nothing more to do!


King Yinyan pushed Yan Zhen's head to the ground with one hand.

Yan Zhen fell on her knees, and her head hit the ground.

"Murder the teaching of Dragon Trainer High Court, slaughter more than 8,000 innocent witches, Yan Zhen, do you really think that Nihai is yours to cover the sky!" said Silver Flame King Wu Xiao.

Yan Zhen struggled desperately, but without the dragon, Yan Zhen was as weak as a child in front of the Silver Flame King.

In the event, everyone saw that Yan Zhen was captured by Wu Xiao, the orderer. If it weren't for the Yan clan's territory, everyone would have applauded.

There are also some other elders of the Yan clan in the temple, all of them panicked, not knowing whether they should protect Yan Zhen.

The Yan clan is very large, and Yan Zhen is one of the heads of the clan. Without him, the Yan clan will indeed be greatly injured, but if they act now, they are equal to being open and orderly, against the dynasty, and the entire Nihai law. If they want to If you protect yourself and let others in the clan be safe, you have to abandon Yan Zhen.

Several Yan clan elders exchanged glances, and finally all chose to be silent.

This time, it was Wu Xiao, the Silver Flame King himself. It is estimated that the combination of the top figures of the entire Yan clan would not be enough for this Silver Flame King Wu Xiao.

"It turned out that he killed Lin Zhaoda's teachings. It's more than deadly!!"

"His crimes have long been known to everyone in Nihai, but there has been no iron evidence, and there are other forces who are protecting him, this kind of scum should be executed long ago!"

Down the stairs, an obese man who had been beaten all over climbed up, and saw Yan Zhen being pressed on the ground, his head covered in blood, no different from the death row prisoners thrown into the hunting ground, and he burst into laughter.

This fat man was the countryman who was tortured by Yan Zhen. Seeing Yan Zhen's end, he felt that his wounds no longer hurt.

"Scum, go to die early. Your son Yan Xu and you are both scumbags. I really should be grateful to the strong man who killed your son. He is really doing harm to the people!!" Yan Zhen's body.

"People are already dead, everyone is gone, I will take him to the dean of How to Train the Dragon High Academy, Lin Zhaoda should also have an explanation." Silver Flame King Wu Xiao said.

Lifting Yan Zhen up, Wu Xiao personally escorted this heinous guy.

But just as he was about to leave, Silver Flame King Wu Xiao remembered something, turned around and handed Zhen Hailing back to Zhu Minglang and said, "This is your thing."

Zhu Minglang took over Zhenhailing.

"The people of Wudao have no survivors. This Zhenhailing bell is the only thing they have left in this world. Use it well and it will be of great help to you. You can also avenge them." Silver Flame King Wu Xiao said.

After dragging Yan Zhen away, Yan Zhen's face was already earthy. The previous arrogance and arrogance had long since vanished in front of the Silver Flame King. It was indeed not much different from a death row who was about to be thrown into this hunting ground.

Those who were captured by the Silver Flame King basically had no chance to turn over.

The Silver Flame King himself was also ruthless, and the Yan family's wealth might not be exchanged for his own life, not to mention that Yan Zhen had already seen the faces of the elders in the family.

As he was being dragged outwards ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ raised a godless gaze, and took a look at Zhu Minglang.

Recalling Zhu Minglang's description of **** her son, Yan Zhen suddenly went mad, twisting his body like a wild boar with his throat cut and bloodletted.

It doesn't matter if he is dead, he Yan Zhen now doesn't even have a queen!

Just because of this kid, just because he didn't venture into the island at the beginning, so he could avoid future troubles! !

The silver flame king's arm did not move, and he still dragged Yan Zhen to the outside world, letting him go crazy...


"So you planned to kill Yan Xu from the beginning?" Jing Yu asked in a low voice.

Listening to the words of Han Wan and Wu Xiao, Zhu Minglang came here not just to hunt death row prisoners, but to let the father and son Yan Xu Yanzhen break the law!

Zhu Minglang nodded, and said no more.

When the two dogs lived **** the island, Zhu Minglang did not intend to let them go!

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