Dragon Tamer

Chapter 443: Voodoo tide

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Humming a song, packing a large plate of fresh grapes, Zhu Minglang left from this grand gathering of the Yan clan.

As he walked out of the temple, Zhu Minglang noticed a huge hole that was smashed by the blood evil dragon.

Silver Flame King Wu Xiao.

This is a **** mortal with the ultimate strength, and he doesn't know what cultivation base this person is. Even if he is in the imperial capital, this guy should be a giant-level figure.

Leaving the territory of the Yan clan, Zhu Minglang returned to Mancheng.

I went to the auction to check the Phoenix Spiritual Relics provided by the major clans, and some of them have made Zhu Minglang very excited, but they are not enough to exchange the Soul Orb of the Sea Eagle Emperor from his own hands.

Anyway, there is still plenty of time, Zhu Minglang is not in a hurry, so he returned to How to Train the Dragon High Academy and continued his training as a Dragon Shepherd.


Following Mr. Koi’s request, Zhu Minglang decided to go to Qincheng, where he visited the small inner courtyard of Zhumen, and prepared dragon armor for Qingzhuo and Heiya in advance.

Qin City is a long distance away from the Man City. After a lot of coercion and temptation, Tiansha Dragon is still unwilling to serve as his mount. Zhu Minglang had to ride the wind dragons of various coastal cities and states along the coastline to Qin City.

Qin City is also one of the most famous independent cities in Nihai. It has no country, but its strength is not inferior to any state, and basically there are big forces in it.

It took four days and four nights before Zhu Minglang arrived in Qincheng.

Knowing that the distance is so far, Zhu Minglang simply nestled in How Long College.

Zhu Minglang did not sit idle along the way, but whenever he saw the swarms of wetland shoal monsters, Zhu Minglang would let Heifang and Qingzhuo get rid of it. This is what made Zhu Minglang appreciate the gratitude of many business travelers. .

Doing good and accumulating virtue is still a bit useful in this mysterious world, especially in an industry such as a foundry. You have to believe in these things.

Near Qincheng, it happened to be raining heavily, and the gusty dragon couldn't maintain balance in this raging storm.

Seeing that there were only a few hundred li left in Qincheng, Zhu Minglang had to let Haifeng Feilong find a place to avoid the violent wind swept over the sea.

From Mancheng to Qincheng, there are flying dragon concessions along the way. After paying a deposit, you can ride this very docile flying dragon, and these flying dragons know the way and can safely and effectively send people to their destinations.

As a king-level dragon shepherd, he still needs a concession flying dragon to travel. It is also a bit sad. Xiaoqingzhuo will have enough physical strength and endurance to fly by himself when he reaches adulthood.


Haifengfeilong landed in a hole in a sea cliff. This seemed to be the nest of the sea eagle monster beast, but now they are nowhere to be seen. It is possible to move to a more comfortable place.

Looking at the sea, the tide is rolling like a giant beast, which is constantly hitting the rock walls of the coast. The waves can instantly churn up to twenty or thirty meters, spectacular and terrifying!

Zhu Minglang made a lot of fire, and when the real violent wind passed, when he was bored, he took out the Zhenhai Bell.

"Is this stuff really amazing?" Zhu Minglang muttered to himself with some confusion.

It's better to try it out, just because the ocean storm is raging, even if the power is too exaggerated, it should be covered by this magnificent storm.

Zhu Minglang walked to the edge of the cliff cave, as long as he took a step outside, the sharp sea breeze would blow people away.

I tried to shake Zhenhai Bell. The bell fruit seemed to have a hard nucleus, which made a sound when it hit the surrounding iron-like peel.

But the bell core inside didn't move at all, and the shaking sound was extremely dull, not wanting to have any magical power at all.

"I have a problem with my usage?" Zhu Minglang thought for a moment.

He tried to inject his spiritual power into this Zhenhailing.

Soon, the crack of the tortoise on the skin of Zhenhailing became bright, and a little light leaked from Zhenhailing.

"Sure enough, spiritual power is needed to be able to use it. Let me see your power."

I wish Minglang a happy heart, began to inject more spiritual power, and began to shake this special bell fruit!

With this swing, the nucleus inside hit the surroundings, and it made a heavy copper bell sound. This sound was long and vigorous, not like a small bell at all, but more like a heavy bronze bell!

The sound of Zhenhai Bell spreads from this sea cliff. The sea cliff itself is arc-shaped. As Zhenhai Bell vibrates, the sound of the ancient bell swayed in this violent storm!


It's just a bell with a fist, but it resounds across the sea and the sky at this moment, like a strange tremor from another world.

The sound of the shocking bell is invisible, but at this time Zhu Minglang saw a vast wave, clearing everything here.

The gust of wind stopped because of the proliferation of the majestic bell sound, and the turbulent waves stopped because of the ancient bell sound. Even the 10,000-meter-thick storm cloud in the sky was dispelled!

In the dark, storms raged across the vast world, and the rain of chaos was endless, but just because of the ringing of the bell, it was all silent!

Zhu Minglang couldn't believe the picture before him.

But before he could react, a huge wave of horror suddenly surged on the tranquil sea level! !

This huge billow is completely like a deep-sea demon lurking under the sea, breaking through between the world without warning, and then the huge billow tumbling away in a direction across Zhu Minglang's vision!

The vast sea seemed to be overwhelmed, and there was a loud noise. Waves comparable to tsunamis collided irregularly, surging in all directions.

The huge black billows are still raging. Zhu Minglang saw it rush to the other direction, a more magnificent sea cliff. The continuous cliff is at least 30 miles~www.wuxiaspot.com~ It’s majestic and solid, and has not been given by the waves for hundreds of years Over half a minute.

But the black huge billows hit it, the continuous cliffs burst like a dyke, the high slopes of the sea cliffs suddenly sank, the cliffs were swallowed up by the huge billows, and even a forest further inland was torn apart! ! !

The vast cliff coastline needs hundreds of years to be eroded by the waves before a gap is eroded, but now because of this black huge billow, it has directly hit a depression!

Numerous landslides of huge rocks, cliff debris upside-down, and the towering cliffs on both sides of the crevice, although they did not continue to collapse, they were covered with shocking cracks. I felt that only a little more force was needed, and other places would continue to sink!

At the sea cliff cave, one person stood at the entrance of the cave, looking at the cliff on the opposite bank dozens of miles away, and was even more stunned! !

Is this the voodoo tide? It is simply a tsunami disaster. If this is run over the city, how many people can survive?

Zhu Minglang himself did not expect that the little Zhenhailing is a magic weapon with such a terrifying tide-calling power! !

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