Dragon Tamer

Chapter 444: Little cousin

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It's comparable to the Dragon King's full blow!

And it feels even more powerful!

Zhu Minglang glanced at the baby in this hand and hurriedly put him away.

As a dragon animal husbandry, some powerful magical weapons still need to be equipped, after all, it is impossible for a dragon pet to be by his side all the time.

Although the storm phantom feather is very useful, it has little effect on the powerhouses above the Jun level.

This Zhenhailing is just to make up for Zhu Minglang’s vacancy in this regard. At a critical time, he can definitely hit the other side by surprise. Even the king-level powerhouse did not notice that he shook the bell. I am afraid that he would be bombarded by this voodoo tide. !

Zhenhailing not only evokes the tide of destruction, but also calms the storm. Zhu Minglang found that the weather has gradually cleared up, but the huge shocking gap in the continuous sea cliff has become more conspicuous.

Zhu Minglang didn't dare to stay for a long time. At any rate, it was not far from Qincheng. It seemed that the cliff was still a very famous scenic spot for spring outing in Qincheng. I tried Zhenhailing to destroy it. It is estimated that it will arouse public anger.


Riding the gusty flying dragon to Qincheng, some strong Qincheng appeared one after another at Zhu Minglang's crime scene.

Zhu Minglang looked around and found that two of them were still riding Dragon King.

I was in big trouble, but fortunately I slipped fast.

Has Han Wan ever used Zhenhailing? How might he be so powerful that he didn't remind herself.

Pretending to be just a passerby, Zhu Minglang drifted past the strong men who had come from Qincheng.

"I'm afraid that a certain holy beast in the storm is venting its dissatisfaction with our Qincheng. You have to check if some big people have done something to annoy the beast of the storm." said a woman wearing a light crystal armor. .

"Why are there no footprints left, and I can't feel the breath of a holy beast." said a man in a fire-red long coat.

"Let's be on guard here first. It's best to ask people nearby if you see the figure of the sacred storm beast, which can smash the cliffs over a dozen miles at a time. The strength is extremely terrifying. Don't take it lightly!"

Zhu Minglang felt a little bit ashamed when he heard the dialogue between these few Qincheng experts vaguely.

Sorry, I'm sorry, the big guys of Qincheng, I wish you unnecessary trouble!

How should I put it, it is ruined if it is ruined, it is not a bad thing, isn’t the field of vision wider...


Before arousing suspicion, Zhu Minglang hurriedly left.

When he arrived at Qincheng, he handed back the Flying Dragon and returned the deposit. Zhu Minglang discovered that Qincheng had actually entered a state of alert. Teams of white armored guards were patrolling dozens of miles outside the city, and there was also a king-level powerhouse. Sitting at the highest point of Qin City, he stared at the ocean dignifiedly, fearing that the terrifying storm holy beast would give Qin City just now.

Zhu Minglang felt even more ashamed, and hurriedly found his own branch in this piano city.

There are three inner courtyards in Zhumen. The main inner courtyard is naturally the place where the imperial city drips water. The other two are the small inner courtyards in Qincheng, and there is a large inner courtyard in a place that Zhu Minglang does not know.

Zhu Minglang seldom cared about the clan affairs, and Zhu Tianguan didn't seem to want to participate in the disputes within the clan.

Probably because the position of the head of the clan is not stable, it is easy to make enemies everywhere, and he is also constrained by the major forces. Instead of intrigue with those old foxes, it is indeed better to travel around by yourself to improve your strength as much as possible.

"Are you wishing Minglang, Lord Zhu?" A man in charge of the door of Zhu, with a fat head and big ears, looked carefully at Zhu Minglang.

Everyone in Zhumen knows Zhu Minglang, but few people have seen him. Even some of the children of the clan in the inner court of the imperial capital do not necessarily recognize the young master of Zhumen who has practiced in the Sword Sect of Yaoshan since childhood, let alone Said this remote little inner courtyard.

"Yes, is my uncle wishing to go?" Zhu Minglang asked.

"The little master has gone to the imperial capital." The steward didn't know how to receive it for a while, but respectfully please wish Minglang to sit in the inner courtyard.

As soon as she walked inside, a beautiful woman walked towards her face, with a delicate braid on her chest. She looked young, but she had a very good figure. She walked lightly and seemed to be going out on the street. She was in a very good mood. , The corners of the mouth raised slightly.

"Miss." The steward immediately saluted, but stopped the braided woman.

"Well, I'm going out to meet some friends." The voice of the woman Shui Lingling was also very clear and pleasant.

"That..." The butler hesitated for a while, and finally said, "This one is from the imperial capital. We wish the young master of the door."

"Well, please receive..." The Shui Lingling nodded subconsciously, showing a fairly polite smile, but soon she noticed something wrong again and said, "Young master?"

"I wish Minglang." Zhu Minglang smiled.

"I wish Minglang, I wish Minglang, ah, you are that peerless genius sword repairer and then accidentally become a mundane cousin Zhu Minglang?" The braided woman screamed, her bright eyes staring. I wish Minglang watched it for a long time.

Just hear the name, but not see the person.

Since childhood, Zhu Rongrong has heard of this legendary figure mentioned by the elders of the clan. She remembers that when she was thirteen years old, she went to the imperial capital once and met Zhu Minglang who was young and handsome at the time and swept all the masters in the imperial capital.

But at that time Zhu Minglang was basically surrounded by a group of big sisters in the clan, her little cousin never had the opportunity to say a few words to him.

"Yes, I am that peerless genius sword repairer and then accidentally become a mundane Zhu Minglang...but not very mundane, I am now a glorious dragon shepherd." Zhu Minglang said.

"Master Mu Long? Really, so am I!" Zhu Rongrong said.

"Well, miss...little eyes, I have never seen the young master." There was something in the old tube.

"He's a cousin, I remember, I used to think my brother was so handsome when I looked at it from a distance... Well, um~www.wuxiaspot.com~ is this face." Zhu Rongrong actually can't remember what Zhu Minglang looks like Yes, but no one in this world would come to their clan to impersonate the young master!

Zhu Minglang has no impression of his cousins ​​around him.

But since people’s mouths are so sweet, even if they are not cousins, they can be considered younger sisters.

"I traveled to Nihai, so I stopped by to visit." Zhu Minglang said.

"I'm planning to meet the little princess of a nearby country. My brother will go with me. What a beauty!" Zhu Rongrong didn't feel that Zhu Minglang was a stranger.

"Miss, the young master has travelled a long distance, and it is estimated that he has not rested yet." The old housekeeper reminded aloud.

"It's okay, just a cousin Lao took me around. I haven't been to Qincheng, and Qincheng is more elegant and elegant than I thought." Zhu Minglang said.

Many little beauties? ?

Zhu Minglang doesn't believe it, unless you see it with your own eyes.

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