Dragon Tamer

Chapter 445: The little prince

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Riding in an exquisite small carriage, there are many cute dolls in the carriage, and there are many fragrant purses. I wish Minglang open the curtains and look at the streets of Qincheng.

Qincheng is not as prosperous and congested as Mancheng. Everything here looks orderly, but the people coming and going are more leisurely and comfortable. From time to time, there will be a few melodious flute sounds and piano rhythms at the corner of the street, and occasionally a few people drift by. The fragrance of the girl who sells flowers also diffuses with them.

No wonder it is called the City of Flower Songs.

"It was a stormy weather not long ago. Everyone planned to cancel it. Unexpectedly, the wind stopped, the rain stopped, and the sun was still coming down. It was comfortable!" Zhu Rongrong smiled.

This little cousin loves to laugh very much. It seems that very small things can make her very satisfied, including being able to see her cousin from afar, and she was delighted to introduce Zhu Minglang to Qincheng along the way.

It's already warm in spring, the sun is shining, and the soft sea breeze is blowing. It is indeed a bit refreshing, but I have to thank myself for such bright weather.

Na Zhen Hailing dispelled the storm that swept across Qin City and allowed it to enter in advance to a clear day.


When you arrive at a stacked garden, you can see layer after layer of flower bushes resembling flower walls of different colors, decorating the buildings on this beautifully and noblely, and some small waterfalls have been built from time to time with a few colorful koi. Full of the vitality of nature.

There are many light blue palace buildings on the Die Zhang Garden. Zhu Minglang asked Zhu Rongrong curiously, who is the owner of the house and why he can renovate his residence like a sky garden.

"This is the manor of the master of Qincheng. My good sister Li Caimo is the eldest lady of this city. She invited me to enjoy the warmth of spring. She also said that there are very important guests today. Be sure to let me meet. "Zhu Rongrong said.

The first flowers in the warmth of spring are the first batch of holy stamens that bloom after winter. Every lady likes them. Drink tea, admire flowers, read poetry...

It should be called the Camellia Party.

Entering the manor in Qincheng, Zhu Minglang couldn't help but admire the gardeners and builders here. They are extremely luxurious and full of amazing style. I don't know how much maintenance such a manor costs every year.

There are local customs in different places. Nihai is a place that pays attention to artistic conception and romance. Unlike the people in the imperial capital, they always think about how to strengthen their forces, how to win alliances, and how to overthrow hostility.

Passing through the outer courtyard and walking across the small wooden bridge, the maids Yingying and Yanyan, all dressed in very special dresses, with soft skirts fluttering like clouds, Zhu Minglang began to believe what Zhu Rongrong had said before.

Before seeing the princesses of the Camellia Party, the scenery along the way is already very moving.

Arriving at the Huahui platform, those beautiful bonsais are even more dazzling. It doesn't seem to be in other people's homes at all, but it is more like stepping into the back garden of a certain fairy house.

Zhu Minglang has seen some stunning women in their dresses. They are sitting elegantly and dignifiedly at the long laurel tea table. They are whispering, and there are a few reserved laughs from time to time. People are a little drunk.

"Sisters, Rongrong is here. I will introduce you to everyone. This handsome man is my cousin. He traveled from the imperial capital to Nihai. I specially brought you princesses and sisters to meet." Zhu Rongrong is obviously with you. All the women in here are very familiar.

There are many Nihai kingdoms near Qincheng, which are small in size, but they are all very rich and strong.

And princesses from various countries often gather in this independent city of Qin City, and there is no need to worry about some intrigue. The strength of Qin City is enough to deter all these countries.

"It's a coincidence, the distinguished guest I invited is also from the imperial capital, and is from the imperial dynasty..." The woman wearing the orchid hairpin stood up and said with a smile.

After speaking, she took a special look at the few noble young men who were enjoying the pastry next to her.

Zhu Minglang looked at it, and the men at the table looked up at the same time. One of the men who was eating the sweet-scented osmanthus cake didn't seem to swallow it. He choked himself and almost coughed up the sweet-scented osmanthus cake. Embarrassed.

His face was flushed, but he still used his fingers to wish Minglang, his eyes immediately showed irritation, and said: "It's you!"

Zhu Minglang is also extremely surprised!

It's really a narrow road.

I'm already a thousand miles away from the imperial capital, and I will encounter Zhao Yinge this bastard!

"It turned out to be the youngest son of Zhao Yinge. It's really bad luck." Zhu Minglang was also not polite at all, and said directly.

Zhao Yinge coughed fiercely again, probably angry.

And beside Zhao Yinge, there was an extravagant man in a yellow robes. He was handsome and tall. As a young son, Zhao Yinge sat with him, and they all looked a bit petty.

Zhu Minglang was even more surprised to see this person.

Zhao Yinge was just a little imperial bully in the capital city. Zhu Minglang didn't put him in his eyes at all, but there was one Zhu Minglang who was still a little jealous, and it was this young man in a yellow gown.

He was the little prince of the Great Court mainland dynasty, and even the leader of the younger generation in the big empire. The narrow-minded and self-proclaimed genius Pu Shiming was simply a retarded man compared to this guy.

The reason Zhu Minglang was jealous was not only because this guy had enough strength to rival him, but also because he was a resourceful person, and sometimes it was impossible to tell whether he was a friendly person or a person. Vicious and selfish.

The color of surprise on the face of the little prince Zhao Yu is not inferior to Zhu Minglang~www.wuxiaspot.com~Zhao Yu naturally did not expect to run into it here.

For a while, the little prince of the extremely court dynasty smiled gently, and said, "May the eldest son also come here to smell the fragrance and meet beautiful women?"

"Unfortunately passing by." Zhu Minglang responded.

"It turns out that the little prince also knows this young talent." Li Caimo said.

"How can I not recognize it? I remember that someone once wanted to break into our royal family’s sacred land, the Dragon Kingdom of the Cloud, and I wore him upright and put a few dragons to chase him all the way. But this person is also very good at his cultivation. I escaped while chasing the dragon I raised. Later I found out that this little thief was Grand Master Zhumenzhu, a swordsman genius who was rare in a thousand years, and he didn’t know why he did such a sneaky thing.” Little Prince Zhao Yu was not polite at all, and brought up the matter of chasing and killing Zhu Minglang.

"Little prince, I also drank with your sister until late at night, and lost my way in the palace, so I flew into the air to see the direction. You insisted that I went to the Dragon Kingdom of the Cloud. What can I do? For the sake of having a deep friendship with your sister, don't care about it with you, otherwise I have chopped your dragons to marinate cured dragon meat." Zhu Minglang replied without changing his face.

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