Dragon Tamer

Chapter 450: Kotoro Oiran

Had a great dinner.

Zhu Minglang lives in an elegant courtyard, not too sleepy, so he can use the little black dragon to raise his level of cultivation and shape his blood.

The essence of the evil dragon blood obtained from that hunting event has not been used yet, but the shaping of the blood does not need to pay much attention to rituals, just come directly.

Prepared the essence of evil dragon blood.

To be honest, the evil blood in a small bottle is indeed a bit maddening.

This evil dragon seemed to have eaten thousands of people before being slaughtered, and its blood was contaminated with a bit of evil spirit because of this cruelty, as if the souls of those thousands of people were locked in. In the belly of its dragon, and its blood deteriorated, making the blood look black as ink.

Zhu Minglang opened the lid and began to guide the blood essence contained in the blood of the evil dragon essence. During the day today, Da Hei Fang was inexplicably stuffed with aura, but at night, he did not even say hello. To shape blood...


Hei Bao felt bitter, so he had to prepare a little bit for Hei Bao. He had to bear such a serious blood baptism without wiping the corner of his mouth!

The blood essence was introduced into the body of the black dragon, Zhu Minglang opened up the spiritual sense, and the blood vessels of the black dragon who merged with his soul for a while showed bright red and bright in front of his eyes, as if he could see the blood vessels flowing through its musculature. The blood circulation.

The blood essence of the evil dragon entered into its blood, just as ink dripped into a clear pool, and the bright red blood of the Cinder Black Dragon quickly turned into a black color.

As the blood circulation circulates in the black dragon, all the blood in the **** tooth has changed, and the blood circulation speed is obviously accelerated!

Scorching hot and scorching hot, the black dragon of refining embers itself belongs to the black dragon. When the dragon erupts, the whole body is more like a small black volcano erupting magma.

With the integration of the evil dragon blood essence, the whole body of the black dragon of refining is more vigorous and powerful, and the flames are surging like a furnace. Its twin dragon pupils are burning with black flames. If you stare carefully, it seems that you will fall into that mysterious Scary pupils in purgatory!


The Refining Black Dragon roared, its eyes seemed to have been tempered, and the billowing flames in the dragon pupils were even reflecting into this courtyard.

Zhu Minglang soon noticed that the flowers, pools, rockery, and stone statues in the courtyard were being enveloped by a strange flame. The flame did not burn any objects, but it gave people an extremely dangerous feeling.


A bat slid off the beam of the house inexplicably, it seemed that it couldn't feel the temperature of the dark fire in the courtyard.

When it flew over the courtyard, its whole body suddenly burned. The flame was fierce and intense. The little bat was instantly enveloped by the fire and turned into ashes in the blink of an eye! !

Zhu Minglang was stunned. At this moment, two or three footsteps came from outside the courtyard. They did not knock on the door, but directly pushed open the courtyard door.

"Don't come in!!" Zhu Minglang yelled.

The door was opened, and the two men saw the black dragon of refining embers standing in the courtyard at a glance. The black dragon’s body was covered with fire, and the eyes were more like ghosts in purgatory. They did not stare at them, but let them And fell into the abyss of demon fire, like a dead fire hell! !

The two of them backed back again and again, staggering.

Zhu Minglang hurriedly opened the spiritual realm and put away the black dragon.

The quiet fire lasted for a while in the courtyard before it slowly extinguished. The entire courtyard did not suffer any damage to flowers, grass, rubble or gravel. However, song insects, night flies, and the one that accidentally fell into the courtyard The bats were all turned into ashes by this purgatory pupil domain!


In the eyes of the little black dragon, a dead-fire purgatory appeared, and this dead-fire purgatory was reflected in the real world through the dragon pupil, and into this courtyard.

The flowers and trees may not be affected at all, but the living creatures will be fatally burned!

Fortunately, I wish Minglang to stop the men who visited those two nights in time, otherwise they would be burned to ashes just like those insects and bats after they stepped into this door for a half step! !

Zhu Huo and Wang Xiao were already soaked in cold sweat and almost thought that they had opened the door of hell. They stepped on the air and fell into the furnace of purgatory. The translucent flame burning field just now was too terrifying. Up.

"Sorry, I was training the dragon just now, I didn't expect the two to come late at night." Zhu Minglang arched his hands.

"Yes... it's our rudeness. We should report it first, son, I am Zhuhuo, the chief deacon of the small inner court, next to him is Wang Xiao, who is in charge of the outer court trade. I heard that the young master has traveled here, specially Come and visit." I wish Huo Gong said respectfully.

Zhu Minglang has such a slight impression of this great deacon, he should be his cousin Zhu Wangxing’s confidant, and he is also a key training person in the small inner courtyard. Some have been to the inner courtyard of Zhumen Waterdrop Lake in the imperial capital. Zhu Minglang has seen it. Once or twice.

"Young master, Wang Xiao has always been relying on you, and prepared some gifts specially for you. Please hope Brother Huo can recommend me." Wang Xiao said with a smile on his face.

"Since the son is practicing, we will come again tomorrow." Zhu Huo said.

"Is there anything?" Zhu Minglang didn't accept Wang Xiao's gift.

"I'm just worried that the elders said that we were not entertained well, and that it would be boring for the son to live alone here. We deliberately booked a banquet in the Yuelou, and invited the oiran of Qincheng to help the son. Huo slowly raised a smile that a man knew.

Drink flower wine!

Zhu Minglang shook his head, always clean and self-conscious, how could he follow these old coachmen to find flowers and ask Liu.

Reluctantly, I wish Huo and Wang Xiao were too enthusiastic. I wish Minglang could not save their face, so they changed their clothes and went out.

Qincheng Oiran?

Most of the oiran-level performers do not sell themselves. Zhu Minglang is purely going to drink and listen to songs, so as to relieve the tiredness of recent hard practice, and have no other ideas.


When you arrive at the Opposite Moon Tower, this pavilion stands tall, and you can have a panoramic view of the night lake-colored sea surface, and you can also look up at the bright moon, drink alcohol against the moon, and chant to the moon.

Zhu Minglang saw that oiran~www.wuxiaspot.com~ really has a moving look.

A table of wine and food, golden cup of good wine, unknowingly, Wang Xiao and Zhu Huo both disappeared, leaving only Zhu Minglang in this luxurious and soundproof solitary, dancing the waist oiran while singing a cappella. Approaching Zhu Minglang here.

Like a soft butterfly, dancing lightly, graceful and fragrant.

"Master Zhu, is Nu Jiamei?" asked Lu Mu, the oiran.


"It's okay?" Oiran Lu Mo laughed, her glamorous cheeks full of charm.

"If the xylophone is not directed at me, I will give you a more polite evaluation." Zhu Minglang also laughed, his eyes were clear and bright, and he was not fascinated by the oiran Lu Mo.


Suddenly, the smile of the oiran Lu Mo suddenly became cold, and she pressed her fingers on the xylophone, and the sound of the piano became extremely harsh!

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